Showing posts with label Muslim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslim. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

2016: Open Racism, Open Sexism Season? In The Age Of Global, Social Media

There's the issue of the Democratic front runner being pilloried for a dead ambassador. Strictly speaking, it is sexist because it was the job of the Department Of Defense to protect, not the Secretary of State. No one is arguing the death was not tragic, it was gruesome, beyond the pale of imagination. I for one sure had not imagined an American ambassador could be killed.

And then there are all these stupid, racist comments Donald Trump has been making at the rate of one per week, which are very harmful. I believe his opening remark the day he announced he was running was a racist remark. Racist comments are his platform. I am not aware of any other aspect of his platform.

What do you think of this open racism and sexism? Used to be racism was insinuated. When Bush I ran the famed ads in 1988, there was this insinuation. But this election season is different. How does this all play out?

I believe at some point women across party lines are going to start connecting the dots. For the first time they might feel day to day sexism they might experience maybe is connected to a presidential campaign after all. And the right to vote picks up from there. And we all go home happy.

Donald Trump is on no one's radar in Mexico right now. Except maybe a billionaire or two, and that dude slapped The Donald hard and fast. Where it hurts: in the money department. But ordinary Mexicans still don't know Trump exists. Social media does not change human psychology. When people don't care, they don't care. But should he become the nominee, maybe he will get on the radar. And my bet is on the Mexicans when it comes to colorful language. The puss comes out and the wound heals. If you feel it, Donald, you might as well say it, but be prepared for the counter hashtags on Twitter. At some point even The Anonymous might decide to come after him. I mean, at this rate.

What happens in America does not stay in America, not in this age of social media.

When the Internet dawned upon Julia Roberts, she very quickly realized she is not that universally loved. There were all these trolls that came out of the wood works, best left ignored.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Donald's Blind Spots

Jesse Helms. Copy from: http://en.wikipedia.or...
Jesse Helms. Copy from: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on Februar...
speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on February 10, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have not been following the presidential election closely. At all. I have yet to watch a debate. And Trump gets very boring very fast. But I was just thinking, should Trump end up the Republican nominee, Hillary is going to make mincemeat out of him. The reason is the guy has these massive blind spots on policy issues. Not only are you supposed to have stated positions, they are also supposed to be well thought out. The presidential campaign is designed to expose you if you don't have the stuff. And Trump clearly doesn't.

The guy has been making racist comments left and right. One, it is designed to cover up his policy shortcomings. It is too late for him to start. It takes a lifetime. Two, he thinks he is appealing to people in places like Iowa. This is a snobbish New Yorker who thinks he needs to talk severely racist, that is the only way to reach to the people back there. And people in Iowa sense that. That is part of the reason they are giving such a thumbs up to Ben Carson. They are like, let me show you Donald.

When you say you want a database of Muslims, you are exposing the fact that you don't understand (a) databases and (b) Muslims. That's a double whammy. There's a limit to how many racist comments you make before you start looking like an out and out buffoon. When someone like Jesse Helms would make his racist comment, it was different. You could feel the guy is laying out his deeply held worldview. With The Donald, it does not come across that way. It comes across as pandering. Only this pandering is coming to backfire fast and furious. Iowans, for one, are offended. They are not offended with the racist remarks. They are offended he thinks that is how he needs to appeal to them. If there is one thing white folks in this country hate more than other, it is being called a racist. And The Donald is calling Iowans racist. They are not liking it one bit.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

ब्रिटेन का Cyber Colonization संभव है

शशी ठरूर जी के भाषण के बाद तो मेरा तो खुन खौल रहा है। मेरे को तो ये famine deaths के बारे में मालुम ही  नहीं था। मेरे को तो मालुम था अंग्रेजो ने और तो और खुद गांधी जी को फर्स्ट क्लास ट्रेन के डिब्बे से उतार दिया, बेइज्जती की, गांधी जी को बहुत बुरा लगा, और उन्होंने आजादी की ठान ली। ये चर्चिल तो हिटलर स्टालिन का बाप निकला। It is unconscionable.

ब्रिटेन का Cyber Colonization संभव है। सिर्फ प्रश्न ये उठता है कि किया जाए या नहीं किया जाए। ईमानदारी से पुछो तो I am very tempted. लेकिन temptation एक चीज होती है, करना ना करना अलग।

लेकिन भारत को २०५० तक में २४० ट्रिलियन डॉलर वाली अर्थतंत्र बन जानी चाहिए, इसमें तो कोइ confusion नहीं है। सब लोकतंत्र एक जैसे नहीं होते। लोकतंत्र के जो basic values होते हैं जैसे कि free speech और diversity. बेलायत तो बेलायत खुद अमरिका से प्रतिस्प्रधा करना है भारत को तो प्रतिस्प्रधा वहाँ पर है। भारत को अमरिका को surpass करना है तो अमरिका में कालों के साथ जो सुलुक होता है वैसा भारत में मुसलमान के साथ नहीं होनी चाहिए। मुसलमान को प्रत्येक तह पर involve करो। Housing से ले के सब जगह पर। विश्व शक्ति बनाएगा भारत का मुसलमान। Per capita income में  जिस दिन भारत के हिन्दु और मुसलमान एक से हो गए उस दिन भारत नंबर एक विश्व शक्ति बन गया।

Monday, July 20, 2015

पीके और अब बजरंगी भाईजान

पीके और अब बजरंगी भाईजान के जबरजस्त हिट होने से मेसेज मिल रहा है ----- भारत और पाकिस्तान की जनता शान्ति के लिए तैयार है, मौसी तैयार है। भारत सरकार और पाकिस्तान सरकार तैयार है कि नहीं वो सरकार वाले जानें।

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Terrorists Among Us: Jihad in America
Terrorists Among Us: Jihad in America (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
ढाका में मोदी ने कहा, हमें traditional युद्ध करना आता है, सैनिक भेजो, टैंक भेजो, फाइटर प्लेन भेजो, लेकिन दुनिया को terrorism से कैसे सामना किया जाता है वो नहीं आता। True, it is a new strain of virus.

कुछ solutions हैं।

  • State building ---- जिस तरह मच्छर पानी न बहने वाली तालाब ढूँढती, उसी तरह आतंकवादी ऐसे देश ढूँढ़ते हैं जहाँ failed state हो। 
  • Cooperation between States ---- दुनिया के देशों को information sharing करनी होगी। Otherwise if each country is a silo of its own, you give the terrorists a lot of room to play. 
  • Information Technology ------ The leaders like Bin Laden might choose to go "dark." But generally speaking terrorist cells rely a lot on electronic communication. There has been much contention on this. Even in countries like America there has been a lot of talk about how civil liberties are being curtailed and citizens are being spied upon. Perhaps there is a happy medium somewhere where you rely mostly on machine reading until you have something substantial and only then you get humans involved. Like with Gmail, the email service serves you ads. But it is machine reading, and you don't feel violated. 
  • Social network mapping ------ All terrorist groups rely on social networks. Smaller and tighter the group, more reliant they are on their social networks. So when you nab a few, they lead you to others. 
  • Political grievances have to be proactively addressed. Not because terrorism is and should work. But if there are legitimate concerns, they are legitimate. And they should be addressed. Not as a matter of negotiation with the terrorists or as a step in being blackmailed, but independent of all that. 
  • The "frontline" is where you have small, agile, well trained operatives who engage in direct action. Mistakes have been made in drone attacks, but they are also one of the tools on the frontlines. 
  • Ideological fights on social media. 
  • Larger debates in society, at universities, in old media, on TV, in newspapers. Point by point rebuttals. 
Terrorists rely on the war of asymmetry because they know that is the only way they have any chance. आमने सामने आएंगे तो asymmetry गायब हो जाएगी। 

That is why you have to fear the ISIS more, because they are breaking many of the rules of the traditional terrorists. Terrorists prefer not to hold territory. 

Terrorists rely a lot on out of the box thinking. That goes along the lines of asymmetry. So you have to keep on your toes and constantly be trying to figure out what their next moves might be. It is a game of chess. 

Ultimately you just have to drown them out with plentiful information. Wireless broadband and cheap Android phones for the masses ----- I think that is the number one thing. Hundreds of millions of Muslims sharing cat videos makes ISIS irrelevant. You drown out the terrorists with everyday boring stuff. I happen to think that is the most potent weapon. 

I have said this many times. I think of the War On Terror as being on par with the Cold War. It will conclude after there is a total spread of democracy across the Arab/Muslim world.

India is the new Britain, because ultimately this is about the ideology of democracy. The oldest and the largest democracies belong together. America and India need each other.

Terrorism is "cutting edge" like Climate Change ---- they both require global coordination. No one country can tackle either. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

आल इंडिया मजलिस मुसलमान

आल इंडिया मजलिस मुसलमान नामकी कोइ पार्टी है हैदराबाद से। मैंने YouTube पर भाषण सुना दोनों भाइयों का। वे भी भारतीय लोकतंत्र के उपहार हैं। मजलिस शब्द का अर्थ क्या है? मंजिल का मतलब destination. मेरे को कोइ मंच पर से राज ठाकरे की धुलाई करे तो बहुत अच्छा लगता है। उस आदमी ने बैठे बैठे अमिताभ को खरी खोटी सुना दी। अमिताभ अपना फिल्मों में काम कर रहे हैं। इस बात का उस आदमी को ऐतराज है?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The International Importance Of Owaisi

Taj Mahal, Agra, India. Français : Taj Mahal, ...
Taj Mahal, Agra, India. Français : Taj Mahal, Agra, Inde. हिन्दी: ताज महल, आगरा, भारत. پښتو: تاج محل, اګره, هند. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The goal is a total spread of democracy across the Muslim world and there the Owaisi brothers are uniquely positioned. They are a parliamentary force, they are a democratic force, they are an electoral force.

To the Hindus I say, take pride in your religion. But also, take pride in your citizenship. Your citizenship requires that you do right by Muslims.

Muslim marginalization in India has to end. Democracy has to be seen working for India's Muslims before it can be sold across the Muslim world.

Akbar was a great king. अब तो राजाओं का जमाना रहा नहीं --- I hope some day India sees a duly elected Muslim Prime Minister. That is what India has to do if it aspires to become a global power like America.

अमरिका का राष्ट्रपति काला आदमी बन सकता है तो कोइ मुसलमान भारतका प्रधान मंत्री क्यों नहीं बन सकता?

दलितों को, मुसलमानों को बराबरी नहीं मिलती तो उस भारत पे मुझे गर्व नहीं हो सकता।

दलित, महिला, मुसलमान
सबकी एक ही चाहत
बराबरी बराबरी

Sunday, May 24, 2015

ये राजा सिंह कौन?

इसका मैंने पहले कभी न नाम सुना न ही भविष्य में इसका मैं नाम सुनना चाहता हुँ। चेहरा मोहरा से ये राजा तो लगता नहीं। और न इसके शर पे कोई सिंग है। तो फिर ये राजा सिंह क्यों कहता है अपने आपको? ये राजा सिंह कौन? ये कहता है अकबर ओऐसी के दादा हिन्दु थे। अरे राजा सिंह, सोंचो, अकबर ओऐसी के दादा अगर हिन्दु थे और वो मुसलमान बन गए तो सोंचो, उसके दादा को अकल आ गयी, तेरे दादा को अकल क्यों नहीं आयी?

ये राजा सिंह जैसे लोगों को बीजेपी sideline नहीं करती तो भारत विश्व शक्ति नहीं बन सकता। भारत में मुसलमानों को बराबरी देनी होगी। तब ही भारत विश्व शक्ति बन सकता है। किसी मुसलमान को उप प्रधान मंत्री बनाओ, किसीको गृह मंत्री बनाओ।

मैं तो चाहुँगा १५ साल में केंद्र में बीजेपी और मजलिस का कोएलिशन गवर्नमेंट बने। Majlis is best positioned for the idea that democracy is the best form of government, and democracy needs to spread into every Muslim country on earth. जो काम अमरिका नहीं कर सका वो काम भारत करे। Make democracy an export item.

मजलिस का मेसेज सिंपल है ---- (१) अपने मुसलमान होने का गर्व करो (२) संगठित हो जाओ (३) वोट दो। लेकिन सिर्फ opposition mindset से काम नहीं चलना है। राज कर के दिखाओ। २-४ बड़े शहरों से शुरू करो। बाद में कहीं state government बनाओ

हिन्दुवों को कहुँगा, हिन्दु होने का गर्व करो, मगर दंगा फसाद मत करो। Live and let live. Enjoy your religion, but also your citizenship. Your citizenship requires that you treat Muslims right.

Friday, May 22, 2015

दलितों के पास दो रास्ता

दलितों के पास दो रास्ता है मेरे नजर में।

(१) हिन्दु लोग caste system को बिलकुल ख़तम करने का अभियान चलायें
(२) अगर हिन्दु लोग उस रास्ते पर नहीं जाते हैं दलितों के पास दुसरा रास्ता वो है तो अकबर वैसी ने दिखाया है: धर्म परिवर्तन करो और मुसलमान बन जाओ।

मुसलमान का मसीहा जो लालु मुलायम जैसे लोग बनते थे वो जमाना गया। अब मुसलामन का मसीहा खुद मुसलमान बनेगा। दलित १६% हैं। १७ करोड़। मुसलमान हैं १८ करोड़। दोनों मिल जाते हैं तो सत्ता हाथ में ले लेंगे। शांतिपूर्वक राजनीति करो। जाओ वोट माँगो। काम करो। विकास करो।

Indians Muslims should use democracy as a tool to empower the Muslim community in India on social, economic indicators across the board, and they should work to spread democracy across the Muslim world. They should take the lead on that. They are in the best position to do that.

अकबर के पार्टी का नाम मेरे मुँह से लेकिन निकलता नहीं है --- कैसा कठिन नाम है। खैर जो है सो है -- उनकी मर्जी।

Friday, January 30, 2015

India Is The New Britain: Thanks To Muslims And China

The oldest democracy of modern times (the first republic was in the time of Buddha) has the historic burden to see through a total spread of democracy as it works its own way to a more perfect union. I hope for peaceful methods and ways, but violence was a part of World War II, the Cold War, and now is a part of the (for lack of a better phrase) War On Terror. When you do the math, China glares you in the face. Should the War on Terror - and the only way it can conclude is after a total spread of democracy has been achieved across the Muslim world - conclude, what is next? China?

When the tussle between capitalism and communism first began, capitalism/democracy first responded by creating an elaborate welfare state. Was that communism's victory? I don't know. But that sure made the case of democracy much stronger. Similarly China makes a clear case for campaign finance reform in political systems like America, even as it fights the losing battle of keeping the lid on political reform.

But if democracy is to be spread across the Muslim/Arab world and democracy is to be spread across China, India finds itself at the center of the universe. India has a huge Muslim population. Not only that, India needs to prove democracy works for Muslims and is right by the Muslims. India also is one of the countries (like Japan, the Phillippines, Vietnam, and others, you could argue Taiwan) with which China likes to pick small fights on border issues. That is little to do with unsettled borders and much to do with the tussle between fundamentally different political systems that can not co-exist forever. In a democracy, the system is designed such that the people get to blame the politicians in power and kick them out. But autocracies are designed in ways that the system necessarily needs to create and sustain external enemies to rally the people behind, kind of like a safety valve. And so China needs to keep picking small fights with Japan and India, and it needs to keep threatening Taiwan. It is the nature of the beast. Curiously the same China seems to have no border problems with Russia, another land starving for democracy.

India has to have one uniform civil code for all its citizens, Hindus, Muslims and everyone else. The Sharia law has no place in a democracy. The separation between church/temple/mosque and the state is fundamental to how a modern democracy works. On the other hand, there is a need for some soul searching as to why Muslims in India lag on all socio-economic indicators. The Indian democracy does not seem to be working for Indian Muslims. That Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh have it rougher is no excuse.

An America-India-Japan-Australia alliance, not to contain or counter China, but to keep the Indian and Pacific oceans open for commerce and rules based order is a welcome step. China's saber rattling has been unnerving too many across too many countries over the years.

The oldest and the largest democracies are but natural partners. India is the new Britain. Two dudes who look like MLK and Gandhi rule the two largest democracies on the planet. We must be living in a post-colonial world.