Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Shift Towards Digital Volunteering

Reshma Aur SheraImage via Wikipedia
I knocked on doors, I made phone calls, and you can never really do enough of either, but I dropped by the Reshma 2010 headquarters earlier in the evening for about an hour - felt like in and out - and it felt like what I needed to do was make a shift in where I spend my volunteer hours.

I should make a shift towards digital volunteering. I have been doing some of it already. But what if I were to focus on digital volunteering as my primary thing for the campaign. I am going to work out the details over the next few days. I have a few ideas to start with. I hope to come up with a few more. I intend to flesh out the details. And I want to share with some of the staffers and interns and other volunteers to see if they want to do some of what I want to do.

This was 7:30 PM and the office was abuzz with all the phone calls being made.
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Carolyn Maloney's Six Sins

WASHINGTON - APRIL 03:  Committee Chair Rep. C...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Carolyn Maloney needs to take responsibility for:
Wall Street has now been reformed. But what about Congress? Has work on Congress reform started yet? You can argue it was the Republicans running the show until 2006 November when finally the tide turned. But Maloney had been riding the tide even before that. Before that she had been a Bush Democrat. She voted for the Iraq War - a trillion dollar mistake; now you know why there is a big hole in the budget - and she voted for the Patriot Act that resulted in much racial harassment across the country. And you thought Arizona was bad. The Patriot Act turned the entire country into one big Arizona and Maloney signed up for it, big time. 

Congress made BP bad behavior possible. Congress made Wall Street bad behavior possible. 

Carolyn Maloney has been in Congress 18 years. She gets to take her share of responsibility. If she owns BP stocks and she voted the way BP wanted her to vote in the early 2000s, she gets to take responsibility for the Oil Spill. She passed the deregulation that we all paid for a decade later. 2009 started happening in 1999. 

Carolyn Maloney gets to take responsibility.  
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Monday, July 19, 2010

Reshma 2010: Firing Up All Cylinders

Reshma's Momentum: Line Graph Or Curve Graph
Reshma's Momentum: Line Graph Or Curve Graph
  • Keep bugging Carolyn to engage in weekly debates. Every time she says no, cash that for media attention. In NYC, local and national media are not two things. Make it lose lose for Carolyn.
  • Don't concede Labor to Carolyn. Maloney lives in a mansion, a-l-l labor issues are abstract to her.
    • One politician more than any other in this town is on excellent terms with Labor: John Liu. We need to go talk to John. I will come along if I have to. "John, you are going to be Mayor, sooner than most people realize. Reshma is going to be president. Right now she needs your help. She attended public schools all her life. Labor issues are not abstract to her like they are for Maloney. You were on Wall Street before you were in politics. Help now and we will remember when it is time for you to run for Mayor."
  • Landlines are only one part of the pie. Then there are cellphones, largely out of reach. And there is social media. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.
  • Raise as much money possible from the workers of Wall Street. Workers of Wall Street, unite! Unite behind Reshma. You need someone on the Hill who actually understands how Wall Street works. I happen to think Reshma's leadership - she is the national leader to the tech sector - to the tech sector and her leadership to Wall Street go hand in hand. You are trying to build a meritocracy in both those sectors.
  • Field Work! Face Time! Old Media! New Media!
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Reshma's Momentum: Line Graph Or Curve Graph

Reshma's momentum from mid May to mid July has been that she has moved her numbers from a 10:1 ratio to a 3:1, possibly a 2:1 ratio. (Reshma's Momentum: 70% Vs. 7%, 24,000 Vs. 8,000 Signatures, $2 Vs. $1.2 Million) That is tremendous momentum, and it has not been acquired by outspending Maloney or any such trick in the hat. Reshma 2010 has been bootstrapping, if anything. To be able to push the needle like that when Carolyn Maloney has the name recognition she has is remarkable, but then I have always felt Reshma is a remarkable candidate.

The question you have to ask now is this, does this momentum look like a line graph or a curve graph? If it looks like a line graph Reshma is still leading by September 14, if it is a curve graph, she is leading by a healthy margin.

This has not been a line graph. This has been a curve graph. Carolyn Maloney can not do any better in the name recognition department than she was doing two or four or six years ago. But Reshma Saujani's name recognition has no way to go but up.

Maloney is in a no win situation right now. If she refuses to engage in twice a month debates with Reshma, that is going to drive the local and the national - same thing if you are in New York - media curious about Reshma. They are going to talk about her more and more, which is the result we expect if we do debates. If Maloney does do debates, we are going to see a deer in the headlights in Maloney. Maloney is going to not only lose the debates, she is going to be forced to share the limelights with Reshma.

All that literature you mail, all those phone calls you make, all the doors you knock on, they take time to sink in. I am seeing a curve graph ahead for Reshma 2010. What about you?

And noone is even talking about all those voters Reshma is bonding with one on one on a daily basis while Carolyn is busy "creating jobs" in Washington DC. This video below is a graphic illustration of Carolyn "creating jobs" in DC. Unemployment is still around 10%. The unemployment number is going up by one on September 14, because Carolyn is losing her job that day. If sitting on an obscure congressional committee could create jobs, why do we even bother with the entrepreneurs of the world?

And did Obama really kiss Carolyn like she never tires of claiming? I can't imagine that. She voted for the Iraq War. When I was volunteering for Obama, that was a big no no. You don't kiss people who voted for the Iraq War. Obama needs to stay true to his roots.
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400 Phone Calls In 5 Hours For Reshma 2010

Yesterday I showed up at the Reshma 2010 headquarters and made phone calls from 12:30 PM to 5:30 PM. I did not make the 1,000 phone calls for the day, but then I started a little late and ended the exercise earlier than planned. And the next time my push is no longer going to be on the total number of calls made. Now I am going to measure success in terms of how much time I actually spend talking to voters, next time I do it, which might be as early as Tuesday 7 PM. I want to maximize my chances of actually being able to talk to someone.

It was a nice day out on a Sunday afternoon. A lot of people were not at home. 35 of the 400 calls went through. That compares to my first day making calls: around 10%. But this last Tuesday the rate was 20%. It went back down to 10%.

Although I must say one good supporter to talk to makes up for a lot of calls that did not go through. Next time I try it I am going to focus more on the conversation. Deviating from the script is okay, but I was also skipping big chunks in my race for numbers.

Have you heard of Reshma? Do you plan to vote for her on September 14? And next. That was my attitude. I got talking about issues with only a few voters. And that was a big thing to miss. I learned the campaign likes to send out mailers to those voters based on what issues they might be interested in. My calls yesterday did not help out in a big way in that department. But I got rid of a lot of wrong numbers though.

Some people said they had not heard of Reshma, and I said, well she is running for Congress, and I need you to vote for her on September 14. That's not in the script. None of them said no. Have you ever come across an ad for Coke that says, please drink Coke? There is no please.

I had it down like an industrial process. Do you let the phone ring four times or five times before you end the call and call the next person? I was thinking seconds, cutting corners here and there.

After I was done, I walked over to Union Square. I kept thinking, I hope people are looking at me, because I am wearing a Reshma 2010 shirt. Once at Union Square, I decided, what the heck, I am just going to walk home, it is a nice day out. While I was crossing the Williamsburg Bridge the thought crossed my mind that I had just left Reshma's district.

The 400 phone calls exercise made me think in terms of making better calls next time I do it, it also got me thinking of all those people who only have cellphones, no landlines, and who can best be reached through social media.

The most heart warming thing to learn while at the office though was not tech. It was the immense push for field work that the campaign is undertaking. The best part of Obama 08 was not that it used social media profusely, the best part was that it got people to meet each other in person in large numbers. Reshma 2010 is focused on that face time element in a big way.

70 phone calls to 100 phone calls to 400 phone calls is progress. But the best part is when you actually get to talk to someone.

My preferred method of involvement continues to be digital, but you need to balance that out with conversations. I have a blog post in mind that will probably be next.

And, by the way, at the office I saw Reshma's face splashed across the front page of a major Indian newspaper. On page two was an article written by Vinod Khosla, the biggest Indian in America. That is how you know the paper is big.

A lot of Indians are going to end up in Congress next year, but Reshma is going to be First In The Class. Her run is the most audacious of all Indian runs this year.

Vinod Khosla is a billionaire. Last year he raised half of all money all VCs raised in America. Tony Blair works for him. Reshma is on her way to becoming a political billionaire.

The political billionaire concept is this. In the 1990s Bill Clinton was a political billionaire, and Bill Gates was the money billionaire as Microsoft Chairman ("Chairman Mao"). After one event in Silicon Valley Bill Clinton invited Larry Ellison to come over to his limo to talk some more. When Larry showed up, he said, "The limo I came in is bigger." To that Bill Clinton said, "That might be true but this is much safer." That is political billionaire talk. Money can't buy the secret service that a POTUS has.

Larry Ellison's Personal Life
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Immigration Now?

The corner of Wall Street and Broadway, showin...Image via Wikipedia
I blogged a while back suggesting immigration overhaul has to be saved for 2011, (Save Immigration For 2011) but that was when I was thinking Wall Street reform is going to take much of this year. It has taken much less time than I thought it would.

Now it has become wise to tackle immigration with the same swiftness. Get it done and over with. Immigration is an issue that can only be tackled at the federal level. If you let the states take a crack at it one after the other, you end up with the monkey business like in Arizona.

Obama's spectacular success with health care reform is what made swift work on Wall Street reform possible.

Now he gets to work the same magic on immigration. This has been the president's intent from the outset. He has wanted to do immigration overhaul this year. I stand with him now. His leadership on health care reform and Wall Street reform has convinced me he has the right schedule in mind for immigration.

Tackling immigration right away is also the right thing to do politically for the elections due in November. It will prevent some of the president's opponents from trying to cash on the irrational fears of some of his constituents.

New York Times: Financial Oversight Bill Signals Shift on Deregulation
.... a renewed mistrust of financial markets after decades .... cleared the Senate by a vote of 60 to 39, largely along party lines, after weeks of wrangling that allowed Democrats to pick up the three Republican votes to ensure passage ..... the culmination of nearly two years of fierce lobbying and intense debate ...... a catalog of repairs and additions to the rusted infrastructure of a regulatory system that has failed to keep pace with the expanding scope and complexity of modern finance. ...... a bill that reasserts the importance of federal supervision of financial transactions. ...... “The financial industry is central to our nation’s ability to grow, to prosper, to compete and to innovate. This reform will foster that innovation, not hamper it,” Mr. Obama said Thursday. “Unless your business model depends on cutting corners or bilking your customers, you have nothing to fear.” ..... Despite public anger at Wall Street, the vast majority of Republicans opposed the bill with loud confidence, betting ahead of hotly contested midterm elections that the public dislikes government even more. .......subjecting a wider range of financial companies to government oversight, and imposing regulation for the first time on “black markets” like the enormous trade in credit derivatives. ....... new powers to constrain and even dismantle troubled companies. ...... a simplified disclosure form for mortgage loans. ...... “You have to have rules that allow you to continue to get the benefit of the innovation but curtail abuses.” ...... The administration’s approach, which prevailed, instead is focused on giving existing regulators additional powers in the hope that they will produce better results. ........ “We can’t legislate wisdom or passion. We can’t legislate competency. All we can do is create the structures and hope that good people will be appointed who will attract other good people,” Mr. Dodd said.
(Via Reshma Saujani)
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I Am Angry At Chris Matthews

Chris Matthews at presidential debate in Dearb...Image via Wikipedia
Chris Matthews Repeated The Lie That Reshma Is Wall Street's Candidate
Reshma Saujani And The Chris Matthews Band

The rage I have been feeling at Chris Matthews is the same rage I felt at Tim Russert - Rest In Peace - back in Fall 2007.

Tim Russert: Bill O'Reilly's Lower Case Cousin
Tim Russert Measures Up

People like Chris Matthews don't make history. These talking mouths on TV are only a little different from the weathermen on TV. If they are lucky, they get to report on history in the making. People like Reshma Saujani make history.

Chris Matthews had an opportunity to witness history a few days back, and he blew it.

Bloomberg Video: Saujani Sees Private Sector Jobs Crucial To Recovery

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Joke Of The Day: Carolyn Maloney

I asked Carolyn Maloney
What is Wall Street
She said
Let me look that up
In the Dictionary

I asked Carolyn Maloney
What is Main Street
She said
Let me look that up
In the Dictionary

YouTube: Reshma For Congress

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Reshma For Congress YouTube Channel

YouTube: Reshma For Congress

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DNAinfo.com: Reshma Saujani

Reshma Saujani Breakfast Fundraiser Brings Out Big Female Backers
Mar 8, 2010 ..... Saujani may be new to the politics game, but the fundraising star power she displayed at a breakfast for supporters Monday morning showed some savvy....... a virtual who's who of New York's most powerful women in business and politics..... her financial co-chairs Maureen White, former national finance chair for the Democratic Party and wife of former car czar Steve Rattner, and Cathy Lasry, Democratic super-fundraiser and wife of hedge fund manager Marc Lasry ..... Alexis Maybank, co-founder of online powerhouse retailer Gilt Groupe and Marie Wilson, former Ms. Foundation president ...... She'll definitely be the best dressed person in Congress," Maybank said to laughter. ........Wilson, who served as president of the Ms. Foundation for 20 years and founded the White House Project to elect more women, said it was time for the next generation of women to take the reins.
Reshma Saujani Fight for Friends on Twitter and in High Places
Mar 4, 2010 ..... Before she officially announced her candidacy, Saujani cultivated an online presence through Facebook, a Huffington Post Op-Ed and a regularly updated Twitter feed. ...... a generational divide in campaign styles .... "We're like the start up candidate." ..... Young, tech entrepreneurs have flocked to her campaign ...... Maloney has turned to the bedrock alliance of women's groups and unions that she's built during her 17 years in office....... "It's not enough to have a seat on a key committee, you have to do something," Rubin said. "There are times when you have to bring in some new blood with some new ideas and let those people start to build seniority."
East Side Candidates Carolyn Maloney, Reshma Saujani Can't Even Agree on Whether They Will Debate
Jul 8, 2010 ..... Saujani's campaign said Thursday that rival Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney agreed to debate her when the two met at a Queens community event .... But Maloney's camp responded that while the women exchanged pleasantries, the two did not make any agreement to debate. ......"A series of debates will help voters reclaim the broken and dysfunctional system of politics in New York, which has prevented them from having a real choice in the 14th district for nearly two decades," Saujani said in a statement Thursday, taking a dig at Maloney's 18 years in office.
Reshma Saujani Courts South Asian Voters in Upper East Side...
Apr 8, 2010 ..... More than half of the Indian Americans who live in the city — more than 100,000 — reside in the 14th congressional district Saujani hopes to take ..... There are a total of 249,463 registered Democrats in the district ........ South Asians made up the fastest growing Asian ethnic group in New York City ...... Registering South Asians eligible to vote in the district has beome a main focus of the campaign ..... "We have an aggressive operation in every neighborhood and we're going to be fighting for every vote" ...... Saujani has appealed to fellow South Asians with backgrounds in finance and tech firms....... Early supporters included S.P. Wijegoonaratna, managing director of Fortress Investment Group and President of the Sri Lanka Care Foundation, and Harjiv Singh, co-founder and CEO of International Gutenberg Communications....... Speaking at a March 23 meeting of the Downtown Independent Democrats, Saujani frankly stated that she did not expect the club's endorsement after engaging in a terse exchange with a club member over charter schools.
Reshma Saujani Raised More Money for Primary Race than Carolyn Maloney in Last Two Quarters
Apr 12, 2010 ....... Saujani banked a total of $401,830 in the last quarter, of which $393,330 of the donations was given to her to specifically help with the primary race ..... was the second quarter in a row that Saujani had raised more than $400,000...... The $400,000 were donated by just over 800 constituents, signalling Saujani's widespread support among regular voters ..... Maloney's campaign estimates there are 52,000 AFL-CIO members in the district.
Reshma Saujani Ditches the Pearls, Wins Over Fashionistas on Campaign Trail
Mar 16, 2010 ..... Saujani's supporters were confident their candidate would not only win the seat, but that she'd do it in style...... "She understands how finance works, not just policy," said Alexis Maybank, co-founder of Gilt Groupe, a company that made more than $100 million last year ..... Saujani is also a fan of bold colors, like .. red ......."You look at men's fashion and it hasn't changed for years, women can bring flare," Evans said. "I don't think one excludes the other — liking fashion doesn't make you less serious." ......
Reshma Saujani Announces that Less than a Quarter of Fundraising Came From Wall Street
Jul 15, 2010 ..... Following weeks of national news coverage of the East Side congressional race painting her as a Wall Street candidate, congressional contender Reshma Saujani announced Wednesday she had raised nearly $400,000 in the second quarter from small donors. ....... Less than 25 percent of Saujani's second quarter fundraising drive came from Wall Street donors .......
Reshma Saujani Goes on the Attack Against Carolyn Maloney in Upper East Side Congressional Race
May 21, 2010 ..... Maloney ripped off her ideas on immigration and entrepreneurial innovation. ...... Maloney introduced the bill, which calls for granting two-year visas to immigrants who begin start-ups with qualified investors, on the House floor on April 29, eight days after a Saujani Op-Ed piece proposing a similar idea
Support for Reshma Saujani Splits a Women's Fundraising Club on the Upper East Side
Mar 1, 2010 ..... split the board of the Eleanor Roosevelt Committee, a group that provides grants to female candidates ..... "Our president, Cathy Lasry, is supporting Reshma. It's created some controversy." ..... Saujani is also a member of the Eleanor Roosevelt Committee, which helped raise funds for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
John Legend Will Headline Reshma Saujani Fundraiser For East Side Congressional Seat
May 24, 2010 ..... Legend performed at President Barack Obama's inauguration in 2009. ..... Six-time Grammy-winner John Legend ..... Legend, who campaigned extensively for President Barack Obama .... Supporters who give $14, an amount chosen to reflect District 14, will be entered into a drawing for the tickets..... Legend, 31, became a star with his 2004 album, "Get Lifted" and performed at Obama's inauguration. He attended Saujani's campaign announcement in January.
Search: Reshma
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Maloney Wrote A Book Saying Her Best Is Not Good Enough

"You may have heard the rumors: The glass ceiling has been shattered. Gender discrimination has gone the way of the woolly mammoth. Violence against women is under control....."

Carolyn Maloney can not do better than she has already done. She has had 18 years in Congress. That was enough time to do what she needed to do, for herself and for others. There is a reason presidents get limited to eight years. Eight years are enough. If you can not do in eight years, you can not do in more than eight years. But 18? That is way more than enough.

Carolyn Maloney's time is up. It is time for fresh perspectives, a new leadership. The torch needs to be passed to a new generation.

Carolyn Maloney has been piloting the Apollo 13. Mission Not Accomplished.

It is time for a new pilot, it is time for a new mission. It is time to go to the moon.

Carolyn Maloney Recycles Hillary Clinton "Endorsement" On Campaign Website
The Upper East Side congresswoman's website shows an apparent endorsement from the former senator..... Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney has proposed a spate of immigration and economic development bills that challenger Reshma Saujani said borrow from her own ideas. ........ As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton can't endorse political candidates. But that hasn't stopped Carolyn Maloney from recycling an old quote and using an image of Clinton to make it look like the former senator is backing the Upper East Side congresswoman's reelection bid.

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