Showing posts with label wealth tax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wealth tax. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Yang Warren 2020

Hong Kong Should Inspire America?

Yang In The Top Five
Andrew Yang: Suave Politician?
Andrew Yang: Chicken?
Climate Talk And The Dems
2020: Current Lineup
Andrew Yang And Media Bias

Bernie Picked The Wrong Fight With Andrew Yang
Electoral College Idiocy
Andrew Yang: A Contender
Andrew Yang's Eureka Moment And The Political Work That Remains Doing
Andrew-Pete Ticket
Biden's Resilience: Health Care?
Blatant Racial Bias Against Andrew Yang In The Mainstream Media
Andrew Yang Clocking At 4% And Fifth Position
Could Andrew Yang Become President?
Bernie And Andrew
America's Insane Gun Laws, Hate Ideologies, Mass Shootings: Recipe For Domestic Terrorism
The US Health Care Mess
Bernie: Reagan Or McCain?
The Third Democratic Debate

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Andrew Yang: Suave Politician?

Andrew Yang: Chicken?

At this stage in the campaign, it makes sense to do what Andrew Yang is doing. At this stage, it is about getting the idea across. Now is not the time to implement. The idea of a Universal Basic Income is utterly new to the US political system. And so, at this stage, the idea has to be peddled as simply as possible. No new taxes. Not too much money per month. Two-thirds of it paid for by existing programs reorganized and made paperless.

The current package can go all the way to November 2020. When the work begins, and details are fleshed out, or, say, if Elizabeth Warren ends up being Yang's running mate (he has said he would like someone with legislative experience), the UBI idea might wed the wealth tax idea during the party convention summer of 2020.

When it is time to implement in January 2021, the work can begin in earnest. It might take a year or two to put it into action. I am for the VAT that Yang is proposing. I am also for the wealth tax that Warren is proposing. A YW ticket?

Sometime before 2035 it is possible that the US economy might see a growth rate of 50% some year. The Freedom Dividend will need to correspondingly go up. It can't stay stuck at 1K a month. It needs to be indexed to something. There needs to be an anchor, so it automatically goes up when conditions change. In short, when the economy gets bigger.

Climate Talk And The Dems
2020: Current Lineup
Andrew Yang And Media Bias
Bernie Picked The Wrong Fight With Andrew Yang

 UBI Is The Minimum Wage Of The Knowledge Economy

Data is the new oil. Proof? Look at the companies with the largest market caps. Used to be Big Oil. Now it is all Big Tech.

UBI: Universal Basic Income.

The minimum wage idea was pretty offensive when it was first talked about? You mean YOU are going to tell me how much I pay my workers!? There is similar antagonism around the UBI concept. It is a sound concept. It just needs to be sold.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Andrew Yang: Universal Basic Income, Elizabeth Warren: Wealth Tax

Andrew Yang is not a one trick pony, although he almost exclusively talks about the Universal Basic Income. His website has the richest policy proposals of any candidate with the possible exception of Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth Warren's central idea is the idea of the wealth tax. I fully support. These are two ideas that can not lose, no matter if Andrew Yang and Elizabeth Warren win or not.

That is why the presidential campaign is so important. That is why the debates are so important. These two ideas have to be hammered into the political discourse.

Bernie Sanders, similarly, talks about Medicare For All. Many candidates do. But Bernie has been the most vocal. He was talking about it also in 2016. This is also an idea I like. Obviously, three people are not going to win. There will eventually be only one winner.

But all three of these ideas must win.

And there is the Green New Deal. It is not a specific idea right now. It is more of a conversation. It is more the outlines of a paradigm. And the face associated with it is not even running, can't run. But it is the biggest idea of all. And it also must win. All four ideas must win.

The one who will win will win. But the campaign has to be conducted in such a respectful way that all the candidates together build a platform that includes these wonderful ideas.