Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Obama Was In Town And I Missed It

How could I forgive myself?

I opened up the DFNYC mail on time. But the format was unusual. I just skimmed through it a second time a little while ago, and there was Obama with Ferrer. All the work that I have put into the Ferrer campaign would have been worth it just to be able to spend a little time with Obama. I am sure he got mobbed. And I might only have been able to steal a glance. But, uh. I feel so stupid.

This is not fair. Somebody do something about it.

If I had met Obama today, I only needed to meet Hillary and Amitabh Bachchan, and I would have been content.

What just happened? I am dumbfounded.

It is going to be a long time before an opportunity like this one surfaces again.


This is not good. How could I have? This was the one time when I did not skim through all the topics of the newsletter. The DFNYC newsletter, you are not supposed to read everything. The topics are listed at the top. You skim though the topics, and you click on those of interest.

Ugh. This did not just happen.

Opportunity knocked. And I did not listen.

This was the sweetest thing to have come my way through the DFNYC newsletter and I missed it. I can't freaking believe it.

I own the guy's autobiography.

Obama symbolizes hope itself.

Suddenly everything I did today feels like was a total waste of time. Or rather yesterday. This is past midnight.

Looks like both Amitabh Bachchan and Barack Obama are going to be tough nuts to crack.

What do you say during moments like this? Do you call yourself names? I am at a loss of words.

This is not good. Whatever happened to my email reading skills?

(I hear Bono's voice in the background. Usually that is a consolation, but this is not one of those times.)
*(3) Campaign for Freddy with Sen. Barack Obama, this afternoon at 8th Ave & 19th St*

Join U.S. Senator Barack Obama, Democratic Mayoral Candidate Fernando
Ferrer and supporters today in Chelsea

When: Today (Monday, November 7th) 2:15-3:15pm

Where: S.E. corner of 8th Ave. and 19th Street in Manhattan

The group will be walking up 8th Ave to 23rd Street.

Contact: Dorcas Castro (646) 839-4947

Dean-Hillary-Obama Ticket
DFNYC Research And Advocacy Group

French Society: No Easy Solutions

Sick Sarkozy
Riots In France

Opinion: Europe's Lost Future Deutsche Welle, Germany ..... The previous socialist cabinet set up neighborhood police departments focused on dialogue, but was unable to take back lawless enclaves. ........ Current Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy tried the law-and-order approach, but after 11 nights of police crackdown more and more cars are burning in more and more regions of the republic. ........ Sarkozy said these things even though he has realized that "liberty, equality, fraternity" has lost its luster. He's been fighting for affirmative action against the president's resistance. He wants to give Muslim immigrants preferential treatment in the hiring process for the civil service and do away with the principle of equality.

Dialogue alone will not do. A single-minded emphasis on law enforcement alone will not do. A few social and economic programs thrown like bird feed alone will not do.

These young people are destroying the very infrastructure that is their limited ladder to upward mobility. Most of the cars they are burning are cars of their neighbors. Muslim clerics are not in any position to mediate. Muslim groups with reputations of being extremist are actually busy calming things down, with little success. There is no Al Qaeda grand design. This is alienation, disaffection, poverty, racism saying enough is enough.

Citizenship papers alone don't solve problems. Ultimately it is about societal attitudes. The socio-psychological reality itself has to change and become more accepting of people of "other" backgrounds. The social space has to expand or there is implosion.

Ultimately it is an issue of addressing multiculturalism. Institutional racism can feel like a glasshouse of mirrors.

"We are not looking for minorities. We are looking for the best officers."

Does that explain why the French police are not ethnically diverse?

That reflects a society in denial. That is a police department that is ethnocentric in its basic orientation, and that can not continue on.

France as a society has failed these young people. France has to reimagine itself as a society and a country.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Sick Sarkozy

Sarkozy Is Sick, He Needs To Resign, Never Run For President

Riots In France

I wish the riots in France would calm down, but they sure have helped me learn things about the French society I did not know. Peaceful channels for protests and empowerment have to be created. So violence is not the effective option. And obviously the French police are not ethnically diverse.

Europe needed immigrants for cheap labor, said another contributor to the BBC forum, Housam of Swindon, who was offended by French interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy's description of the rioters as "rabble."

This Interior Minister guy Sarkozy who is one of the two people who might become president of France in two short years is a nutcase. If the social alienation of these young Muslims, born and bred in France, was the gasoline, Sarkozy has been the spark to the riots. This is an irresponsible person. He is sick in his mind. He is racist. He is a panderer.

Mr. Ajir, a 29-year-old social worker, lives in La Courneuve, a suburb north of Paris where an 11-year-old boy was killed by a stray bullet earlier this year. During a visit to the projects where the boy was shot, Mr. Sarkozy vowed to clean them with "a Karcher," the brand of a German-made high-powered hose. Some observers say that comment, which got widespread coverage in the French media, planted the seeds of the current violence.

I just did a search on him on Google Images Search, and the guy also looks predictably dumb. He might give Dan Quayle a scare. How did this person end up in the cabinet in the first place? This does not reflect well on the French.

"The indigenous Europeans always want it all: they want the immigrants to do the menial jobs they hate but they are not ready to deal with them on equal grounds as human beings. Indigenous Europeans still live with the colonial mentality of superiority. When the French revolution started against inequality, rioters were also accused of being "scum".

Chirac has talked of restoring law and order, and that is acceptable and desirable language but incomplete, as it does not give a sign that he intends to tackle the riots from many different angles. In a private meeting with the Latvian prime minister Chirac did discuss the alienation theme, but he should be doing it on national television, if only to counter the incendiary, racist remarks by Sarko.

The deaths proved a flashpoint for the frustration and fury of second- and third-generation north and black African immigrants, and spread nationwide, fuelled by the hardline interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, calling the rioters "yobs" and "scum".

To the politicians, the political solution should be the weapon of first choice, but so far that has not been the case.

"Put this in your notebook ... ," said a third, rattling off a string of obscenities about France's tough-talking interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy...... The target of their rage is Sarkozy, who angered many in the suburbs by calling neighborhood toughs "scum." ..... "If they fire Sarkozy, we'll head straight to the police station and pop champagne with them," said Bidou, 22, his baseball cap cocked to the side.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Free Trade: Got To Walk and Chew Gum At The Same Time

I have struggled to recoincile three issues: education, health and free trade. (Takes Two Arms And Two Legs To Swim)
Reminds me of 1999 and Seattle. I followed the protests closely, and I agreed with most of the criticisms of those who protested. The number one criticism was that the WTO functions in a highly undemocratic way. I could not agree more.

Free trade is sound economic theory. But its political application has been failing. In the American context, the Republicans push for free trade and vigorously work against both education and health. The Democrats are not creative and bold enough on education and health.

The diagram above is my way of saying the economy, be it micro, macro, or globo, has three broad components. Financial capital, physical capital, and human capital. So far the free traders have only been concerned about the financial capital part. The most ignored has been the human capital part. That fundamental imbalance hurts the cause of free trade.

There are several aspects to the human capital part. Education and health are the obvious ones. But there should also be talk of migration. The rich countries should be more welcoming of immigrants. Labor mobility has to be better channelled.

Another is the politics of farm subsidies. Free trade asks for those to be reduced and finally ended in the rich countries. But so far the rich countries have been resisting for political reasons.

So I don't think if the question is if free trade is good or bad. The question is are the political aspects of free trade being handled well. Short answer: no.

And when you expand free trade onto countries that have autocratic, unresponsive governments, you end up with multi-nationals looting the local resources and giving back little in return. Spread of democracy is key to the future of free trade.

Riots In France

These riots have been burning like one of those West Coast forest fires, on and on and on, seemingly beyond control.

I wish it were not so, but it is. And a major speech by the French President like the JFK speech in response to the major civil unrests in the American South might be warranted. This is not strictly a law and order problem.

France has been exposed. I am learning things about Europe I did not know before. Obviously France has been doing a very poor job of integrating its Muslim immigrants into its mainstream.

The riots have to be contained many different ways. The French President has to give a televised speech. He ought to invite community leaders for a broad talk on a larger number of issues. A political solution has to be sought. Law enforcement also has to do its very best. But if a political solution not be forthcoming, I can't see how law enforcement on its own can do a whole lot.

The French Interior Minister calling the Muslim immigrants "scum" is the exact opposite of what the authorities should be saying and doing. The Minister's open hatred of members of that community tells us about the major racial profiling, police harassments, and brutality that the Muslims have been subjected to, apparently.

The rich countries at the forefront of the globalization crusade will simply have to own up to the fact that all countries are headed to being multi-racial and multi-cultural. People will move around. There will be migrations. The notion of racial purity has to be abandoned. And those who migrate can not be treated like second class citizens. Free trade touches more than finance and technology, it also touches human capital. And it ought to.

Whatever is happening is spectacular in an unwelcome way. This is so large scale and so ongoing, it is mind-boggling.

Chirac, go on TV. Address your nation. Exhibit that you understand what's going on.
American Rhetoric: John F. Kennedy -- Civil Rights Addess This Nation was founded by men of many nations and backgrounds. It was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and that the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened...... And when Americans are sent to Vietnam or West Berlin, we do not ask for whites only. It oughta be possible, therefore, for American students of any color to attend any public institution they select without having to be backed up by troops. It oughta to be possible for American consumers of any color to receive equal service in places of public accommodation, such as hotels and restaurants and theaters and retail stores, without being forced to resort to demonstrations in the street, and it oughta be possible for American citizens of any color to register and to vote in a free election without interference or fear of reprisal....... The Negro baby born in America today, regardless of the section of the State in which he is born, has about one-half as much chance of completing a high school as a white baby born in the same place on the same day, one-third as much chance of completing college, one-third as much chance of becoming a professional man, twice as much chance of becoming unemployed, about one-seventh as much chance of earning $10,000 a year, a life expectancy which is 7 years shorter, and the prospects of earning only half as much.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Dick Cheney, Nelson Mandela, Howard Dean

"I think Howard Dean's over the top. Maybe his mother loved him, but I've never met anybody who does. He's never won anything. He ran for president and lost all the primaries. And now the Democrats have seen fit to make him their national chairman. I think he's probably helped us more than he has them. That's not the kind of individual you want to have representing your political party."

- Dick Cheney
To me this is about connecting the dots.

Nelson Mandela is compared to the likes of Mahatma Gandhi. But Cheney is not from that school of thought. Apartheid was the most virulent form of racism one could imagine during the modern times. Mandela took a stand against it, and made huge personal sacrifices in the process. Mandela is not a politician, not a statesman, not a freedom fighter, not a hero: he is beyond all that.

Cheney launches an attack on Howard Dean's mother. This is not about policy disagreement, or even a disagreement on leadership style. Howard Dean is a white male. He happens to be a millionaire, and I am happy for him and his family for that. Dean is not exactly my idea of a guy someone of Cheney's ideology might dislike gutterally. But he apparently does.


You have to connect the dots to understand why. It is because Howard Dean dares to represent the wrong kind of people. Dean aspires to represent the poor and the powerless. That is a no-no in Dick Cheney's book. You just don't do that. If you do, you brush Dick the wrong way.

Dean is offensive because he is no vanilla Democrat. He is not going to overlook your dirty tricks. He is not going to let you get away with things. And that is offensive. Dean is not someone running for ceremonial monarch. He never was.

You have to keep connecting the dots. The Cheney crowd fought as hard as they could to make sure the blacks in the country did not have a right to vote. Ever since the blacks earned the right to vote, that crowd has been doing its very best to make sure the blacks do not get to make use of that right.

Voter intimidation was the biggest story of the 2000 and the 2004 elections. And that tendency is going to be fought tooth and nail.

The reason Cheney really dislikes Nelson Mandela is because deep down he knows there is still a need for a Mandela right here in America. Much racism exists.

Dick Cheney is a racist.

Well, the Cheneys of the world are just going to have to take stock of the new progressive tsunami in the making.

There is no white, non-white divide. The divide is progressive, non-progressive. And Cheney and the likes of him are on the wrong side of the fence.

They have the option to offer policy, and competing leadership styles, and compete for the vote. But they do not have the option to wage personal attacks. Dick Cheney and his machine are going to stay away from the families of the progressive candidates. That is the progressive idea of family values which Cheney seems not to have. His ideology does not recognize individuals from other backgrounds, let alone families.

If we did not have an opposition party, we would have to invent one. That is how democracy works. And so the Republicans have a legitimate place. But if they veer off from policy and leadership talk into making personal attacks, they will be asking for tit for tat in 2008.

The new progressive strain speaks from a position of strength and is on its way to near permanent power.

Dick Cheney, usually I charge for this, but here is my free advice to you. Stay away from Howard Dean's mother. That is in your best personal and political interests.

My Involvement

I have had to think about this. One is to do with career vacillation. But it is all for good. When I take a detour to taking another serious look at the business world, and then come back to taking another serious look at the political world, I feel like I have connected with what I call the progressive entrepreneurs, the people who create the jobs of tomorrow. I don't subscribe to the notion that the Democratic Party is the party of the poor and the Republican Party is the party of the rich. There are a lot of poor, white folks in the South who are Republicans for social reasons. All cutting edge entrepreneurs I know of, have read about fall in the progressive camp. There is a lot of grey.

For me it is about being progressive and getting into power. You need the tools of power to do good. So, yes, there is ideology. But it is also about winning. I was for Dean in 2004 because he was going to win. I never was for Nader in 2000. I am for Dean today because I hope he will run in 2008, and if he does, he will win.

And the social progressive issues are fundamental to me. The rest basically follows from there. Partly it is about identity. When I mingle with the Nepali groups in town, I generate a lot of hostility. My political contribution is grudgingly noted, but I am real vocal on the Madhesi issue, and that really brushes a lot of people the wrong way, and so be it. I am the third angle in the triangle also in the Nepali context. (50% Women Friends, 50% Women Colleagues) It is fun. When with Indian groups, I am from Nepal. You are more exotic that way. When I meet Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, I am quick to point out I am from Nepal and I am Buddhist. They talk more openly that way, although South Asians in general seem to get along just fine in America. People are too busy chasing the dollar to dig up ethnic grudges.

I am the third angle in the triangle also in the American context.

On Wednesday I came very close to saying, okay, enough, the heck with DFNYC events. (Dean And Ferrer At City College) I mean, I am among the most active members. I am probably as active as Heather, in terms of event attendance (not overall though, she is way more active, she is always posting at the DFNYC website, processing a ton of paper on behalf of DFNYC, and just taking care of a ton of grunt work, being the resource of last resort even when she delegates). I show up for most events. Many other top folks have this one event a month they choose to show up for.

I did unsubscribe from the DFNYC mailing list in a fit, but I think I am going to go ahead and subscribe again. I mean, I was just going to disappear like fog.

Probably the wiser thing is to stay engaged. Maybe less so than in the past, but stay engaged. Attend fewer events, but do attend events of choice. Like the Mixers, they are so much fun. And get one on one with people. If you are going to decide to be a vexation to my spirit, please pass on the Tobasco sauce. The group is different from the component individuals. And by my own admission, I am dealing with the 5-10 segment of the spectrum even among progressives. If I am a 9 on race, and I meet a 5 or a 6, they are still personally offensive, but as long as they keep voting Democratic, they are doing fine for now.

The Blog. This blog is out of bounds. As in, it is going to keep chugging along. I have not yet had anyone ask me if they can become a member of this blog. But I have had many editor wanna-bes. Editors need not apply. Start your own. Critique as many of my blog entries as you want at your blog. I would like that. Or write in my comments sections. I mean, it is not like I think, then I blog. Blogging itself helps me think, sort out thoughts. If a blog entry reads like a rough draft, no harm done. So be it. And I have promised Abhi I will profile him for this blog.

The Ideas. I am busy creating a mathematical model for a national Democratic resurgence. The broad framework is already laid out. And it is open source. As in people modify it as they wish before they put it to use for their particular circumstances. I am not trying to impose myself.

White guys can get predictable. They routinely invite you to the sexist soup of male bonding. It is a flux.

Attending DFNYC events, and interacting with DFNYC people help me think, bounce around ideas, come up with new ideas, and think through the details of Dean 2008. I function primarily at that ideas level. That will continue to be true.

I admire Dean greatly. He is like a political messiah. I admire DFNYC. I see it as the crown jewel of DFA. And there are many DFNYC members I individually admire.

Okay, so I am going to go subscribe to the DFNYC newsletter again.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Dean And Ferrer At City College

91 photos.
Video clip.

I woke up today composing a small piece on Men Against Sexism. I did not put it down right away. I am going to do that now before I comment on the happenings of the day. Yesterday, since it is past midnight.

Men Against Sexism. There is sexism. It is also in the best interests of men to struggle against that sexism. Sexism is sickness. It hurts primarily women, but it also hurts men. The metaphor I would like to draw is to do with ecology. If humans are the most powerful of all the species, should it go ahead and wipe out all the other species? There is scientific evidence to suggest if the humans were to approach such a uniformity, they will end up annihilating their own species. Existence would become unbearable. Ecological diversity is a necessity also for Homo Sapiens. That metaphor can be taken over to gender relations. In participating in the political struggle against sexism, men get to reach out to a part of themselves that they otherwise might not. You become more complete in the process. By extension, the ecology metaphor also applies to racial and ethnic diversity. I have personally experienced it. During the heyday of the dot com boom, I realized the added bonus of out of the box thinking. Suddenly cultural diversity made huge money sense.

But then there is soup, emotional in structure. There is the male soup, there is the white racial soup, and there is the white male soup. If a group of people feel an emotionally intense sense of belonging when one member of the group makes a sexist or a racist comment, they are participating in the soup. It is campfire time.

At this blog, I have been drawing mathematical models for the progressive camp. I don't know of any place online or offline where exists such a complete largely mathematical model for a genuine Democratic resurgence. For the longest time the Democratic Party was out of power and Bill Clinton came along, reinvented that party and took it to the White House. In Britain it was the Labor Party and Tony Blair. What I am suggesting is along those lines. Only they can not be photocopied. Times have changed. New thoughts are needed. The Democratic Party is so totally, absolutely out of power, the starting point is to acknowledge it needs a fundamentally new direction.

There are racial overtones to that too. Sure there are light moments at this blog, but this is no Onion, contrary to sugggestions from some quarters. This is serious political work. In the immediate circles that message is hard getting across. I have had better luck in outer circles, and really so in distant circles.

But then I do make comments especially when I describe events, and I hope they are funny. These are blog entries, not journal articles. So I hope there is a healthy blend. A blog is a blog.

And all I say is within the one voice concept. As in there is still room for the one person, one vote mechanism, and the consensus mechanism. But both require that the ideas be discussed and not be brushed away.

It is harder for the progressives to stay in power for long, and it is easier for conservatives because progressives constantly have to dig new ground, whereas conservatives just have to fall back into the past grooves, and most of that is on social issues. Again, my spectrum and dialogue concepts are the best. If anyone knows of a better way of handling this tough segment of the progressive blanket, leave a comment. But the spectrum also means progressives also have to fight their own demons. They also have to confront their own racism and sexism. And that really seems to create problems. The progressive tent is almost supposed to be a refugee camp. If I am inside the tent, I am okay, I can not be a racist or a sexist, don't bother discussing race and gender with me in a way that I am a character in the story. People with those attitudes are a 5 or a 6 at the most on a scale of 1 to 10, if that.

I will be the first to admit that among the political, economic and social issues, the social issues are the hardest because everyone feels like they have the truth and the rest of the world just needs to catch up with them. But a genuine progressive is going to face the fact that it is hard and will have to be dealt with. Curiously I also have offered the least disruptive way to deal with the challenge. The traditional ways have been to forcefully dissolve the old bonds to make room for and create new bonds. There have been armed revolutions and civil rights movements and marches. But maybe there are better, productive ways. We don't use sundials to find out time anymore. And acceptace of those better ways come from the realization that when you end black, white segregation, both blacks and whites benefit. Social progress is good for all groups involved, and not just the oppressed ones. And the progress has to be relentless. What might be cutting edge today will look primitive 50 years from now. In the year 2050, people will look back bewildered and ask, you mean those people back in the 2000s really struggled with the gay marriage issue?

I am for pragmatism. That is why my total emphasis is on forging a winning coalition, and creating a progressive party of near permanent power. Because when out of power, the rate of progress slows down, in some cases it reverses. It is not enough to fight the good fight, fights have to be won. And you do that by putting the winning coalition as your central organizing principle. Victory is the platform you create to make progress possible. I do believe in the necessity of protests once in a while, but I am not a big fan of protest politics. I am more interested in power politics. Attain power, retain power and better utilize power.

My approach is pragmatic and scientific, or at least attempts in those directions.

And before I describe the day, let me briefly touch upon the second mayoral debate.

Two groups co-hosted it, DFNYC and DL21C. It was a large crowd, really large. Two Columbia Journalism School students interviewed a bunch of us. I was the first and the last person they interviewed. I am flattered. Basically you react to the debate. I tried to spin on behalf of Ferrer as if they were TV reporters. "Oh, yes. It is obvious Ferrer won. Bloomberg was on the defensive." "Bloomberg's large lead in the polls means a lot of his supporters are going to stay back home. A lot of Ferrer supporters don't get phone calls from pollsters. Ferrer does have a chance." "A week is a long time in politics."

Abhi did show. He was looking real relaxed. He said he got done with a major presentation.

I met one guy who told me Bill Clinton had attended a DL21C event in 1991. He totally got my interest. Then I asked him about 2008. He said the separation of church and state issue was about "us," as in him and me. I guess I don't "look" Christian. And he implied Russ Feingold is Jewish - I keep having these revelations - and was his candidate of choice. So I gathered he himself was Jewish and he rightly thought I was non-Christian. I appreciated the bluntness with which he said "us." I faced that issue in Kentucky. And there are elements of Kentucky in New York City also, though to a lesser extent. NYC is more a mosaic than a soup, and quite a complex mosaic. There are racial tiles and there are dollar tiles. Only NYC is so large, if you find somone you don't like or don't click with, you move on. You might never see them again. And there is a lot of fluidity. Much flux.

Like this racial comment I heard today. So the LinkUp host white guy tells an Asian woman member something about "long nails." Every white guy who makes a racist comment is at the receiving end of some ISM or another. Either he is white and bald, or white and old, or white and dumb, or white and ethnic, or white and Jewish, or white and Protestant, or white and Catholic, or white and poor, or white and rich, or white and gay, or white and weird. So when you make a racist comment, you are throwing a stone out of a glass house, literally, especially in New York City. Racism is only one of a dozen ISMs.

And the difference between offline America and the online world is the difference between Nepal and America. The fluidity is much greater in cyberspace. Like this email I received two days back from a venture capitalist in California. Hi, saw your resume online, am impressed. I sent a feeler of my own. I might forget politics and go into business full time. I feel a sense of completion through this blog. I have drawn a full circle, and as for the execution, if you recognize the existence of the human mind, word is action. As for the political process, my model puts forth the suggestion for a new process. Let the adopters adopt it. My work might be done. And I might have grown out of DFNYC. It is a great group, for the most part, with a great potential. But you say "long nails" and as far as I am concerned the force of gravity just stopped working on you, and you just shot into outer space. Your face is not part of my social reality no more. And I don't feel too comfortable with the group that does not seem to discuss race, gender and ideas. There is a set structure. And you lose me on race, you just lose me.

When you talk race and gender, you necessarily end up talking body parts. The racial boundaries are sexual. That is the big picture of it. The macro of it.

The micro of it is a relationship is, by definition, a private thing. It is between two individuals. And once in a while emerges some white guy who likes to dispute that fact, especially when the two individuals are from divergent backgrounds, especially if the woman is white. Just like on the abortion issue the woman is supposed to be the keeper of the child, a vessel, on the race issue the white woman is supposed to be the keeper of the race. And usually it is some dumb, loser white guy who will take the initiative in a social setting to remind the audience of the fact. The pig just invited you to a fight. How would you like to get dirty?

I have seen it in Kentucky. I have seen it in New York City.

So I took the train to City College. While we waited, I found myself with two young, sharp, black students. They were both for Bloomberg. So I honed in on them. I really was curious as to why they were for Bloomberg. They were both smart, articulate people. There were various layers to their reasoning. One, they knew Bloomberg, they did not know Ferrer, they said. Two, they were fatalistic on things like rent. Not Bloomberg, not Ferrer can bring them down, they said. There are larger economic forces at play. I was mesmerized as they talked. It was like listening to the Ralph Nader crowd during the Al Gore election. They kept arguing Gore and Bush are the same. But Bush won, and his first attack was on the environment and the Nader crowd cried foul. Bloomberg cuts financial aid on college students and gives $1.6 billion to Goldman Sachs, and these college students can't tell the difference. A billion and a half is no pocket change.

The City College student president Carlos Sierra spoke. I met him after the event, and he gave me his card and invited me to drop by his office later on, after I told him about my own little stint as student president at my college. He is from the Dominican Republic, came to the States when he was 13.

Bill Perkins spoke.

Howard Dean spoke. While he spoke, I remember thinking, of all American presidents, Dean is more like Truman.

He also mentioned "keeping American jobs in America." And in my own mind I went back to the education, health, free trade theme. You have to walk and chew gum at the same time. World trade generates a lot of controversy in all countries. That is curious. On the other hand, maybe on free trade I am more a Clinton Democrat than a Dean Democrat. But then on democracy, I am surely a Dean Democrat.

Ferrer spoke. He was impressive like in his debates. No matter what the outcome of this election, Ferrer has a bright political future ahead of him. I will put him in the same league as Bill Richardson. He is an up and coming Hispanic political talent.

He drew a distinction between himself and Bloomberg. Ferrer is the first from his family to go to college. When Bloomberg showed up in town in 1976, he had a MBA from Harvard. I was touched to note that comparison. When you are Ferrer, you work hard at excelling, and then you end up working harder to gain a sense of belonging in the new reality you have created for yourself.

I have come to like this guy. He is an aggressive progressive.

After the event I went on a long walk of a few hours. It concluded at the East Village LinkUp site. At the After LinkUp there was a conference call from the Dean brothers. More than 500 groups had called in, including one from Holland and another from Japan. The Houston crowd was the roudiest. They claimed to be in Tom Delay's frontyard.

After the call an elderly DFNYC member approached me and pointed at me. I thought he might say, "I think you are sitting on my jacket."

Instead he said, "You have an interesting face. Where you from?"

"I was born in India. I grew up in Nepal next door."

"I have always wanted to go to Hrishikesh."

That is a place Hindu pilgrims go to.

The walk, I first went up north, and then headed south. This time I got to locate the building that houses Bill Clinton's office. I walked to the three receptionists - black - and asked if that was the building for Clinton's office.

"Do you have a right to redress?" one asked. He felt like he was in a movie. I laughed him off. Then he pointed me to the other guy who politely told me it is a private office and tours are not organized.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


Running mate: Hillary.
Secretary of State in waiting: Obama.
Campaign headquarters: Jackson Heights, New York City.
Our Iraq: Nepal.
The South: Conquer it.
Dean 2004: Blog; Dean 2008: Blogalaxy.
Core vision: Three pillars.

I have offered these thoughts earlier. Today I would like to add to that.

Convention: Atlanta.

In 1996 it held the Olympics. In 2008 it gets to host the Democratic Convention. This is about taking the South in a grand way.

This is about paying homage to the past three Democratic presidents, all southerners. Atlanta is the capital of the South.

This is about a great city.

Atalanta just so happens to be the first really big American city I ever went to. It was a Maths Club trip to Georgia Tech first year at college.

And I took all the pictures above. From a 18 wheeler. That I was piloting.

Thinking thoughts on Dean 2008 feels like writing the script for a movie. It will be a blockbuster.

Blogging Is Scalable Media

My blog has become a minor topic of debate among the DFNYC leadership recently. The vision I am offering is very much a work in progress. And I feel the need to explain.

Do events, blog events.

I have offered that as a mantra to Deaniacs earlier. This is not a clash with old media, but the idea is to bypass old media. The vision I am offering is of a scalable media. Google Earth is scalable. You can watch the planet from outer space, or you can zoom in to literally see the house I live in in the city.

Blogging makes that kind of media coverage possible. I have covered some DFNYC events at this blog, and the coverage has expanded. The first one had no pictures and little text. The recent ones have tens of picutures. The most recent one even has video clips. But this is still old media, kind of, although there are bits that can read like my personal journal, and that is very much intended. Blogging is not newspaper gone online. And old media of course does not give that kind of space to these events, if any at all.

But if a half dozen bloggers were to cover one event, then we are talking. That is when you outdo old media. You offer pictures, audio clips, video clips, text. And free flowing text. And each blogger links to all others who covered the event. And you cover one event from many different angles. And if you do it well enough, the event breaks free from both space and time.

It is okay to create an echo chamber as long as you blog it, then it is not an echo chamber no more.

That's the rudiment of the vision. As I said, it is still work in progress.

I have no desire to climb up the DFNYC leadership ladder. It is mostly a structureless group anyways. But for me it is like saying, here is the leading DFA group in the country in the progressive capital of the world. How can it keep competing with itself to keep getting better and better? The passion does not have to depend on presidential campaigns. It can be month in and month out.

I almost function with the detachment of an outside consultant. I play with ideas. I enjoy the company of the people I meet. For me my DFNYC involvement is about doing more of what I have been doing. I really don't wish to get into things like event planning, for example.

For me it is about Dean 2008. DFNYC is one atom, one star in the galaxy, the brightest star, but still one star. I am a big picture person on ideas, and a boosting morale person on leadership. Maximal delegation is my style.

I feel like headway is being made.

First Mayoral Debate

I dropped by the Ferrer campaign headquarters earlier today: it was quietish. One staffer has been to Nepal. Another that I met for the first time today is from Kentucky where I went to school for five years. She now lives at the other tip of Prospect Park. "Kentucky is beautiful country physically, but the social conservative elements can be tough."

"I know. The Bible Belt stuff." She is from the western plains in the state, by the Ohio river.

I made some phone calls on behalf of Ferrer. I must be out of the loop. The first mayoral debate was today, and I did not know about it. I have only been aware of the one on Tuesday because DFNYC has a debate watching party going on. I plan to show up. I called up Abhi yesterday to ask if he was showing up. It was a yes, no, maybe kind of political answer.

I watched the debate online after I got back. Ain't that grand, being able to do that? All of TV should be like that. If I had to sum it up, it would be as follows.

Bloomberg: "I can pick up the garbage better."

Ferrer: "There are two New Yorks."

This is the first time I have watched Bloomberg speak. This is not a politician, this is a businessman. To some of the Ferrer attacks he simply responded with an "okay." He sees it, he understands it, but he does not feel like the exertion to hit back is worth it. Political barbs are foreign territory. I read one article where he was complaining about the horse-trading ways of politicians. He is a manager who happens to be mayor.

I tried to understand his appeal. He made his own money. And so people think he has the management skills. And he makes it sound like if you elect Bloomberg, there is you, the New Yorker, and there is Bloomberg, nothing in between. But if you elect Ferrer, there is this huge Democratic machine between you and the mayor. And he cashes on this with great political acumen. When he says he does not have a "machine" like Ferrer, he almost sounds like he is the underdog you need to feel sorry for. Look, I got to compensate for the machine, I got to spend a hundred million dollars on ads.

Looks like the Democrats have most of their fun during the primaries. And then they act spent.

As for Ferrer, I think he did really well. He was well prepared, he was aggressive. He was confident. He made Bloomberg look diffident. "Okay." His weakness though is he needs to focus more on his agenda. As in, this is what I will do if you elect me. That is the part where he is competing with himself. Ferrer spent so much energy trying to reduce Bloomberg to size after weeks of getting pounded in the media by the Bloomberg ads, he did not get a chance to put forth his own alternate vision.

Bloomberg has a 27 point lead in the polls. That is quite a lead. TV ads work. If it were only about policy logic, Hillary had great ideas for health care reform. But the anti-reform people flooded the public consciousness with TV ads. Not that I think Bloomberg is like those anti-reform people.

Bloomberg does have a decent record he is running on. But then Gore had it too and he still lost. Gore had a much better one. If I were Ferrer I would spend the better part of the final debate on offering an alternate vision. Not just on policy but also on management style. And it has to touch all issues. How will you better raise the morale of the police and the fire fighters and the emergency responders? How will you better raise the morale of the school teachers? What are all the things you will do and not just on housing? How will you interact with the City Council better? With Albany? With DC? With your Congresspeople and Senators?

Bloomberg tried to tie Ferrer to Howard Dean. As a Deaniac, I thought that was amusing. It almost sounded like Bloomberg was complaining Dean had appeared with Ferrer too many times in support. Bloomberg did not mention any of the others, not Edwards, not Kerry, not the Clintons. Just Dean. I am sure Dean and Bloomberg are on cordial terms. I can't imagine their not having met. Walking to the train station after watching Norman Siegel debate, DFNYC Executive Director Heather casually mentioned to me having met Bloomberg, so Dean must have. I think he genuinely does not understand how Dean can shake your hand, say hello, make small talk, and then go campaign so vigorously for the other guy. Some of the other Dems have been polite in their appearances with Ferrer. Dean has been outright.

Bloomberg is very aware of DFNYC. That is the impression I got. These are big cats I am dealing with at DFNYC.

The New York Times has a good piece on the debate, on the styles of the two deliveries. Some sentences and phrases:

The spirited, often testy encounter was dominated by efforts by Mr. Ferrer, the Democratic nominee, to score direct hits against Mr. Bloomberg, the Republican, while standing shoulder to shoulder with the incumbent mayor for the first time in a campaign in which the mayor enjoys a huge advantage in spending and in public opinion surveys.......... Mr. Ferrer, feisty and at times passionate, hardly let a speaking opportunity pass without criticizing Mr. Bloomberg ....... The challenger came out swinging from the start ....... Mr. Bloomberg, often matter-of-fact and at times visibly annoyed, stuck close to a nearly clinical recitation of his record and plans for the future ........ the Ferrer camp viewed the debate as a rare chance to press the case against Mr. Bloomberg in a way its candidate has not been able to afford to do in television commercials....... From the start today, it was clear that Mr. and that Mr. Ferrer was looking for a fightBloomberg was largely trying to avoid one ......Ferrer, who has frequently been criticized for being flat on the stump, was anything but. He often seemed to be trying to rattle the mayor, frequently standing to the side of his lectern and staring directly at Mr. Bloomberg as he spoke or listened, sometimes even stepping toward him or wagging his finger as he made a point....... Ferrer seemed more rehearsed and frequently used what appeared to be preplanned zingers ...... Bloomberg started the most heated back-and-forth during the debate, using a question about a spike in gun-related crime in the city to note that Mr. Ferrer had been "out campaigning with Howard Dean, who was eight times endorsed by the N.R.A....... at another point asking him pointedly if he was proud of Mr. Bush......

The wisdom is being mayor of NYC is second only to being president of the country in terms of job toughness. For his career, JFK skipped running for mayor of Boston because he was not eager to "sign sewer contracts." Some people are great at nuts, bolts, logistics. Others are comfortable with ideas and people in a general way. It might be a small picture, big picture thing. Atomic physicists are not less smart than cosmologists, they are just different.

Ferrer can afford to be less aggressive during the final debate, but he does need to focus on offering an alternate vision. Offer the program.