Sunday, September 04, 2016

Hillary And The Idea Of Confronting Sexism Head On

Trump is boorish. The guy is a clown passing for a presidential candidate. I take one look at Trump and think America perhaps is a sliding power. This guy would be a joke as the Independence Party nominee.

Should not the woman wanting to be the first woman president take Trump’s sexism head on?

Trump is so incoherent and haphazard I am not sure it is even sexism. It is, but it is so much more. The guy is a sinbag. A bag full of sins.

When you get into a fight with the pig, you get dirty and the pig loves it. Going insult for insult would not be any meaningful fight against sexism.

Hillary is fighting. She is running for president. That is the fight. It is a daily grind, there is a fight every hour.

Putting one woman in the White House will not end the sexism. But 160 million women waking up will.

America is a democracy. The power is with the individual citizens, not the president.

Friday, September 02, 2016

Trump’s PVZ

Deng Xiaoping established something called SEZs in China, special economic zones.

Donald Trump has a PVZ, a policy vacuum zone. That would be his head, his skull. There is nothing going on there.

He also has a DVZ, a dollar vacuum zone. That would be his pocket. His net worth is four billion. His debt is 11 billion. The guy is swimming in the negative zone.

If you were in his position, would you release your tax forms?

The dude is proposing a 500 billion dollar "infrastructure" spend. It is not to create construction jobs for the people he insults by calling "the poorly educated."

He wants him and all his construction industry friends to go on corporate welfare. Trump’s corporate welfare for his cronies is going to exceed America's defense budget.

CWZ, corporate welfare zone, Trump’s proposed budget is CWZ.