Showing posts with label sheikh mohammed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sheikh mohammed. Show all posts

Thursday, October 03, 2019

The Dubai Sheikh Is A Business School Case Study

It is interesting that 10 days ago I could not have recognized his picture. And now I am digging up details on him.

Dubai has to be compared to Singapore. It is to the Sheikh's disadvantage that he was born royal. That might make people give him less credit than he deserves. But Dubai has seen unprecedented transformation while he has been actively leading. Success was not guaranteed. The results are visible and measurable.

Oil money is not enough explanation. Venezuela also had it. Many countries in Africa have been mineral-rich. But we have not seen the transformation.

I am just beginning to read up on it. I will have more to say as I read more.

What has already happened is interesting enough. But to me what is of greater interest is what is possible next. I look at all of Dubai and I see a helipad, figuratively speaking. The infrastructure has been built. But now the city could truly take off.