Showing posts with label universal basic income. Show all posts
Showing posts with label universal basic income. Show all posts

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Bernie Picked The Wrong Fight With Andrew Yang

Obviously, the Democrats can't have both Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang. So who is it gonna be?

To Bernie's credit, the idea of a shorter work week is not that bad. How about you work four days a week, not five? But a reduced work week is not an argument against the UBI. They are apples and oranges.

Andrew keeps coming at Universal Basic Income from the technology angle, the artificial intelligence, and robotics angle. And I believe his projections are valid. But projections are projections. Many of those things have not happened yet. The retail jobs are mostly still here. Truck drivers are still driving their rigs.

But what is already here is inequality. I like Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax idea. Marry that to the UBI idea. The inequality that already exists and keeps getting wider every year is extremely harmful not only to democracy but also capitalism. And the best way to narrow the gap is by applying a wealth tax to fund a UBI.

And if the technology arguments come to be, we will also use that Value Added Tax (VAT) to expand the UBI. I can see the UBI going up to $2,000 a month down the line. Technology could give economic growth rates of 50% in future years. You don't want all of that to end up with the top 1%. They will just end up fat and lazy.

This is a fight Andrew must relish. That is the only way for him to go into the double digits.

Unless he wins either Iowa or New Hampshire, he is toast. He is perhaps Secretary of Labor and not the president. More likely speaker and author and CNN talking head in 2021.

Universal basic income, and universal health care are two ideas that belong together. Andrew Yang does need to own Medicare For All if he has a fighting chance.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Andrew Yang's Eureka Moment And The Political Work That Remains Doing

You don't get to become president for having a eureka moment on the Universal Basic Income (UBI) idea. The concept has been talked about in the tech circles for much of this decade. Just check out the tech blogs. You do the math. You crunch the numbers. You extrapolate. There is no escaping it.

Andrew Yang might look like a rocket scientist on the campaign trail, but to the techies it might come across as, well, looks like he has been reading the tech blogs.

I like his rebranding of it. Freedom Dividend, or tech check. They sound better than UBI. Whatever works.

The implementation could happen in phases. Phase one, let's just cover the bottom 50%. Phase two, lets' put Elizabeth Warren's two cents to use and cover 100%. Step three, let's get those two cents from everybody on the planet and make UBI truly universal. Americans are merely 300 million out of more than seven billion. Tell everyone at the Mexico border, you can get $100 per month per person, or you can come to the US. Nobody will want to come to the US.

You don't get to become president for "getting" the idea. You get to become president for selling it. That is the political work that needs to be done.

The racial bias in mainstream media against Andrew Yang is palpable. CNN and MSNBC might as well be Breitbart News when it comes to Andrew Yang, who is not even Chinese, by the way.

Yang 2020 should go deeply digital and global. Micro target with video. Involve people. If the people want him bad enough, they will google him up. But mainstream media is still how most voters in the US get their news. That glass prism has to be broken.

Andrew Yang can't be window-shopping for president. He needs to get inside the store. He needs to break the glass, if necessary. Or, better, dissolve it.

Andrew-Pete Ticket
Steve Bannon, Hong Kong, 1989, And The CCP
Biden's Resilience: Health Care?
Blatant Racial Bias Against Andrew Yang In The Mainstream Media
Andrew Yang Clocking At 4% And Fifth Position
Could Andrew Yang Become President?

Create an online game. What will you do with an additional one thousand dollars per month? Let ordinary people answer that question. Regularly curate and release the best answers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Andrew Yang Clocking At 4% And Fifth Position

If you go back into this blog's archives, I have consistently talked of Andrew Yang as the Secretary Of Labor. But now I have started to talk of him as a possible president. For a guy who has never been Mayor, Senator, Governor, Billionaire, for him to clock at 4% is mind-blowing. The dude has gone viral. I don't think anything like this has happened in a US presidential campaign.

The guy has the greatest momentum. He is polling at 4% nationally, he is in the fifth position. But measured by Google Search he is in the second position on his way to first.

It is amazing to me how the UBI idea falls into the blind spot of even the "socialists." Because the UBI idea truly is post-capitalism, post-socialism.

Andrew Yang represents a generational change. He also represents the 21st century. He represents the knowledge economy.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Could Andrew Yang Become President?

The guy has the greatest momentum. And he is the only one with a solution. This is an interesting development.

If you don't "get" Universal Basic Income, you don't get the fourth industrial revolution. You have no clue what's happening in Silicon Valley.

I am not surprised Elon Musk has endorsed Andrew Yang. (Note: Elon Musk is an immigrant.)

Andrew Yang is not a white guy. He is not even black. He is not even Chinese. For America to elect someone like Andrew Yang would be a huge statement to the world. That this truly is a country of immigrants. Not just European immigrants, but immigrants, period.

I can imagine a Yang-Kamala, or a Yang-Pete, or a Yang-Tulsi ticket, with Bernie and Warren leading the fight in what might be a Democratic majority Senate after 2020. All that they want they can get done through the Senate.

If Andrew Yang is serious, he is going to have to own the Green New Deal, he is going to have to own health care and education too. He is in a great position to emphasize technological innovation will play the lead role in solving the climate crisis. The easy solution is to stop subsidizing dirty fuel. Clean is competitive.

The paradox of the situation is, if America goes the Donald Trump route, it gets routed fast. By 2030, it might have lost its aura and status. But if America goes down the Andrew Yang path, it continues to hold up. Andrew Yang keeps America great.

But from 3-5% to 51% is a long journey. It is too early to tell. But a lot of Trump supporters are switching to Yang. Trump has been the Pied Piper. Yang has been the data scientist. He has crunched the numbers and is telling it like it is.

UBI is not free money any more than Social Security is free money, or an auto insurance check is free money. It is just the economy evolving to the next level.

Andrew Yang is raising plenty of money. If he were to plow back 30% (at least) of all money raised into micro-targeting on the major digital platforms like Facebook, and Google, and Twitter, and Instagram, he will manage to overcome the old media handicap that he seems to be facing. Frankly, old media has been exhibiting racial bias against him. He is not getting the coverage his numbers show he deserves. Yang 2020 needs to become a video factory. Micro target with 30-second videos that will go viral. Or 90.

Andrew Yang is the Elon Musk of politics. It is amazing that he has a monopoly on the Universal Basic Income idea. That UBI is the only solution to the tremendous economic tranformation. Hint: it is not the wall.

If he can win the first four states, he has both the nomination and the presidency. Right now a glass of water could beat Trump, with or without a recession.

US Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang Calls for Blockchain Voting in 2020 Elections “It’s ridiculous that in 2020 we are still standing in line for hours to vote in antiquated voting booths. It is 100% technically possible to have fraud-proof voting on our mobile phones today using the blockchain.” ..... Yang, who is a staunch pro-crypto proponent, believes that this coupled with turning election day into a holiday is enough incentive to encourage eligible voters to cast their vote...... “This would revolutionize true democracy and increase participation to include all Americans – those without smartphones could use the legacy system and lines would be very short.” ....... Earlier this year, West Virginia announced that military voters outside of their home country can use a private blockchain-centered mobile app to cast their vote in the upcoming elections. Yang is only asking that the same measure be extended to everyone come 2020 presidential elections.

Yang: Policies

Andrew Yang faces no money or media disadvantages. If the voters want him bad enough, they will simply #GoogleAndrewYang.

Sunday, June 02, 2019

Andrew Yang: The Only One With A Solution

Andrew Yang for President 2020 - YouTube

Andrew Yang is the only one with a solution. That solution is the Universal Basic Income. America is at the cusp of enormous rises in technology-driven productivity. But tech is agnostic. The political process has to rise up to the challenge.

China is trying its best to avoid what is known as the middle-income trap. When Nixon went to meet Mao in China, China was a country of farmers who could barely feed themselves. Today it is a large manufacturing country. It is called the factory of the world. But wages have risen, and China has lost some of its competitive advantages. And so China has to move to the next level or stagnate. The next level is high tech and the service sector.

Instead of America trying to get back its manufacturing base that even China has begun to lose, America has to assess what the next step for the American economy is.

The US made a huge mistake after the internet took off. It did not invest in health and education like it needed to. The US education system is still something that was designed for Henry Ford. A knowledge economy asks for paradigm shifts in education. France seems to have a pretty good system for health care. But not even universal health will solve the problem.

Universal Basic Income has to be the first and most important step. Everything else has to be built on top of that. And Andrew Yang is the only one talking about it.

Andrew Yang Recalls Getting Beat Up For Being The ‘Skinny Asian Kid’ his experiences as one of the lone Asian Americans growing up in his upstate New York town. ..... Yang said that, during his childhood, the prevailing cultural references to Asians were limited to “Long Duk Dong” of “Sixteen Candles” and the line from the movie “Platoon”: “That’s the way the gook laughs.” ...... while the disputes happened sporadically throughout his elementary school and junior high school years, Yang doesn’t recall teachers getting involved much. Bharara, who said he had similar experiences with bullying, also felt little support from teachers and staff. ..... The pair agreed that the experiences shaped how they operate within the world today. ..... “I felt myself to be that marginalized Asian kid throughout my entire life,” Yang said. “Whenever there’s a gathering of people, when I notice someone who’s out of place, I would naturally gravitate towards them.”

2020 Democrat Andrew Yang thinks the key to his success is standing next to Joe Biden at debates Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is making a name for herself in the 2020 campaign by cranking out policies. Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), meanwhile, are hoping you know their names already. ..... Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), meanwhile, is more concerned that the person she's standing next to is "maybe going to be really tall"

Inside Andrew Yang's Outsider Campaign There’s nothing like an Andrew Yang campaign event. Nowhere else will fans show up wearing hats with MATH written across the top (“Make America Think Harder”). ...... an outside-the-box style that comes across as refreshing to voters who crave an outsider candidate. ...... Yang is vying to become the first Asian-American nominee of a major party. And while he remains a rounding error in the polls, his modest momentum reflects the enduring hunger for unconventional candidates. If his campaign can catch fire, he’d be further evidence that it’s no longer necessary to spend time serving in elected office or even to be conventionally good at retail politics. What matters, Yang suggests, is to think differently than Washington does. ...... “the opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes math” ....... Yang, 44, was born in New York to two immigrants from Taiwan. He graduated from high school in Exeter, N.H., in 1992, got an undergraduate degree from Brown and went to law school at Columbia, which he graduated from in 1999. ...... Then he ran a tutoring company that was acquired by test-prep giant Kaplan in 2009 for an undisclosed amount. (On the trail, Yang refers to it as a “modest fortune.”) ........ Along the way, Yang married and had two kids, including an autistic son. ...... Yang’s path led him in early 2017 to the Chelsea neighborhood in Manhattan, where he sat down to lunch with Andy Stern, the former president of Service Employees International Union. He’d read Stern’s book, Raising the Floor, which focuses on universal basic income and closes with the idea of someone running for president on the issue. Yang wanted to try it. ..... If your government teacher ever asked you to invent policy from scratch for a school assignment, the results might look something like his: imaginative, interesting and a little bit out there. ..... The first major moment of Yang’s campaign came after his appearance on comedian Joe Rogan’s podcast, where he first introduced himself to a large audience. After that he started gaining traction on Twitter and Reddit, largely for his universal basic income proposal....... while he can draw crowds in the thousands, Yang’s base is online. .... On Twitter, his follower count is more than 282,000 ....... “I think it’s because young people unfortunately have come of age in an era of institutional failure and erosion,” Yang says, “and so when they sense that someone is speaking in an institutional voice, they kind of tune out.”.... Yang’s theory of the case is that once people get to know him through the debates, they will realize his ceiling is “much higher than most other candidates” and begin to coalesce around him. He often says that people tell him he’s what they hoped for when they voted for Trump.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Andrew Yang: Universal Basic Income, Elizabeth Warren: Wealth Tax

Andrew Yang is not a one trick pony, although he almost exclusively talks about the Universal Basic Income. His website has the richest policy proposals of any candidate with the possible exception of Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth Warren's central idea is the idea of the wealth tax. I fully support. These are two ideas that can not lose, no matter if Andrew Yang and Elizabeth Warren win or not.

That is why the presidential campaign is so important. That is why the debates are so important. These two ideas have to be hammered into the political discourse.

Bernie Sanders, similarly, talks about Medicare For All. Many candidates do. But Bernie has been the most vocal. He was talking about it also in 2016. This is also an idea I like. Obviously, three people are not going to win. There will eventually be only one winner.

But all three of these ideas must win.

And there is the Green New Deal. It is not a specific idea right now. It is more of a conversation. It is more the outlines of a paradigm. And the face associated with it is not even running, can't run. But it is the biggest idea of all. And it also must win. All four ideas must win.

The one who will win will win. But the campaign has to be conducted in such a respectful way that all the candidates together build a platform that includes these wonderful ideas.

Monday, April 08, 2019

A Truly Global Universal Basic Income

The global GDP stands at around 90 trillion dollars. The total wealth in the world stands at 280 trillion. There are eight billion people in the world.

If you were to install a Universal Basic Income for every person on earth of $100 per month, the cost comes to 800 billion dollars per month or almost 10 trillion per year. That is not a small sum. A 3% wealth tax would pay for it. Considering much of that 10 trillion would be spent, that would lead to a rise in GDP, wealth and income. The rich might harvest it all back. So the 3% tax would be a great investment.

But this would require a world government, a biometric ID for everyone on earth, fast broadband everywhere on earth, and universal access to digital money.

The US should also follow Modi's lead and announce demonetization. That would bankrupt numerous illicit organizations.

This 3% wealth tax is of existential importance. Too much inequality is like climate change. It will lead to collapse.

Sunday, April 07, 2019

New Political And Economic Paradigms For The Age Of Abundance

Right now I am thinking Kamala Harris for President, Beto for Vice President, Tulsi Gabbard for UN Ambassador, and Andrew Yang for Secretary of Labor with the mandate to implement the Universal Basic Income. And AOC as the campaigner to reach the 18-28 crowd in the Fall of 2020, with Pete accompanying.

The young Florida Republican who is championing a Green Real Deal is an ally. He is emphasizing the tech entrepreneurship aspects of the Green Deal, which will be at least 70% of the Green Deal, if you think about it. Perhaps the Green New Deal and the Green Real Deal need to be fused to create a Green Deal.

But people who are really, truly falling behind are academics. Politicians go shopping. It is academics who are to theorize new ideas. Politicians shop among those ideas.

The bad news is not that robots and AI will be capable of numerous jobs. That ought to be good news. But that abundance absent new political and economic paradigms will give rise to mass slavery like in The Hunger Games.

The inequality in America has to be talked in the same vein as climate change. Both are existential threats.

Andrew Yang is blowing Silicon Valley-style fresh air into the political discourse. But he is too apologetic. The Universal Basic Income money does not have to be a fiscal move. It needs to be a monetary move, a quantitative easing for the people. Pass a new law that says the Fed is now also responsible for administering the UBI.

If all educational material can be online and free, why is the cost of education not dropping dramatically?

True, you can not bring all eight billion people to America. But who needs to? What is America but an idea? Once there is fast broadband every spot on earth, land or ocean, that opens up a new paradigm. Biometric ID is more powerful than a US social security number. Digital money is more convenient than $100 bills.

The UBI should truly be universal. Give every human being on earth a biometric ID, and give everyone a UBI of $100 a month to start with, paid for by their data wells. All data any company gathers on any individual is owned by the individual. Commercialization of that data pays for the UBI, to start at $100 a month and then to go upwards.

It is obvious you need a world government. America does not want immigrants. But America will also stand in the way of a true world government. You can not have it both ways.

I am for taxing the rich. I am for a wealth tax.

But the bigger problem is how money gets parked in tax havens. Trillions of dollars are idling in the tax havens of the world. And the tax havens exist for the simple reason that a world government does not exist.

Digital money is very different from physical money. It is as different as steam is from water. Digital money asks for a rethink on the fundamentals of finance. Couple digital money with the Blockchain and now finance asks for physics like thorough thinking.

But then the spiritual is supreme. Enormous rises in productivity will simply lead to enormous rises in chaos if the spiritual is not at the center. The 40,000 Christian denominations need to talk to one another and put out the scriptural fires and become one conglomeration in terms of organization and reach out to the other faiths. If you dig deep enough you will realize that all major faiths are pointing towards the same ladder to paradise.

The Democrats running for president are a formidable bunch.

Monday, February 11, 2019

The Next Recession Might Force The US To Do Universal Basic Income

The next recession, which likely will hit before the next presidential election, might force the US to do a Universal Basic Income. The idea will be, every taxpayer gets a basic income (yes, the richest also do) directly from the government, no questions asked. It would likely be a direct deposit that shows up once a month.

Quantitative easing was a gift to the banks post 2008 recession. The Fed was basically printing money, lots of it, and handing it out to the banks at zero interest rates. That meets the definition of free money. Absent a real stimulus, which might have been closer to three trillion dollars, the system resorted to quantitative easing. The Fed did not need congressional approval to do that. It was Fed action. Like raising or lowering interest rates.

The interest rates are already near zero. The Fed does not have much wiggle room. And there is no Big Crisis to justify giving free money to the banks. We The People are an afterthought.

If it happens it will be interesting, because the Fed will introduce UBI (Universal Basic Income) without any presidential initiative or congressional approval. It will change the political paradigm in the country.

What do you think Paul Krugman? Will the next US recession gift us the Universal Basic Income? Is it an idea whose time has come?

Monday, November 27, 2017

Universal Basic Income

Experts Say Universal Basic Income Would Boost US Economy by Staggering $2.5 Trillion
a $2.48 trillion increase in the nation's GDP after eight years of UBI. ....... In recent months, everyone from Elon Musk to Sir Richard Branson has come out in favor of universal basic income (UBI), a system in which every person receives a regular payment simply for being alive. ......... a “basic income” of $1,000 per month given to every adult, a “base income” of $500 per month given to every adult, and a “child allowance” of $250 per month for every child. The researchers concluded that the larger the sum, the more significant the positive economic impact. ...... the $1,000 basic income would grow the economy by 12.56 percent over the course of eight years ........ the researchers assumed that the UBI in the U.S. would be funded by increasing the federal deficit