Saturday, June 30, 2007

Yes, There Is A Hierarchy: Homework Is Online, Action Is Offline

Old Media Is The Reason Obama Is Lagging In The Polls

The Candidate And Michelle

Keep showing up.

Top Managers

The unpaid volunteers are the engine of this campaign. Make it possible for them to give all they can. This is a people power campaign.

Full Time Campaign Staff

Part Time Campaign Staff

The Top Volunteers In Each State/City/Town

Get on a first name basis with as many of the most dedicated volunteers as you can. Know each other well. Party together. Do team building exercises. Organize icebreakers. We are going to need the chemistry during crunch time down the line.

Dedicated/Trained Volunteers

Launch new neighborhood groups. Nurse old ones. How old can they be? We are not even started yet.


Sending people to, getting them to sign up at the site, giving their email address to the campaign, and for people who are offline, getting them to sign up cards, give their snail mail address to the campaign: this is the single most important thing you can do for Obama 2008. Why? Because 2008 is going to be a DirectConnect race. This has never happened before. Technology is making it possible for the voter and the candidate to talk directly to each other. You are making possible a megaconversation. Flood the database at the Chicago headquarters with ever new names. That helps out the national effort, but that also helps when we do local events. The people in Chicago have more resources. There are professionals on the payroll, the very best in the game. Make them earn their paycheck. Flood the campaign database with names of supporters and volunteers.

Core Supporters

Help find new supporters. Reach out to everyone you know. Email people. Call people up. Go visit them.


Show up for events small and big. Help bring in more new people, first timers.

People Who Have Not Signed Up Yet

Sign up.

People Who Have Never Heard Of Obama

"Hi, how you doing? Let me ask you something. Have you ever heard of Barack Obama? Do you like him? Why? Why not?"

Make small talk with strangers on the subway, on the bus, at the mall, at the movie theater. Wherever. This campaign is about creating community where none might have existed before. The entire country is one neighborhood, or will be by the time we are done.

The idea is to swell the number of supporters and volunteers and enhance and scale the two-way communication with the campaign staff.

Get your picture taken with Barack and Michelle.

1 Debate, 1 Major Policy Speech, 1 Rally, 1 Big Fundraiser A Month
Knock, Knock, Knocking On Heaven's Door
Political Socializing In NYC
Facebook: The Matrix Reloaded
Obama: 2007 Gameplan: Money, Message, Organization
Policy Making The Matrix Way
The Matrix
The Spectrum Concept: Wide Applications
A Different Kind Of Campaign, A Scientific Campaign
The 90 Minute Experience
Money, Message, Organization
Blacks, Hispanics At The Core Of The Democrat Rainbow Coalition
The Spectrum/Dialogue Concept Is Key To Power
Blogging Is Scalable Media
The One Voice Concept
One Blog One LinkUp One Atom
Takes Two Arms And Two Legs To Swim
More On Organization

On The Web: Ice Breakers, Team Building Exercises

Free Ice Breakers
Leadership - Icebreakers, Warm-up, Review, and Motivators Activities
Icebreakers to Inspire Communication : Eslflow webguide
Ice Breakers to help create a warm, friendly, personal learning ...
Team Building Exercises and Icebreakers
Team Building Activities that encourage people to work together as ...
team building games, business games and activities for team ...
Fun Team Building Workshops and Retreats to Improve Office Teamwork
Icebreakers, Energizers, Openers, Closers, Stories, and Activities ...

In The News

Eastern Nepal reels under strikes Times of India
Nepal's central bank governor suspended after graft investigation ...
International Herald Tribune
Nepal Muslims demand seats in national election
Reuters India

With grass-roots themes, Obama fires up a crowd Pioneer Press A young, racially diverse crowd of about 3,000 cheering partisans paid $25 each to pack into the atrium at International Market Square to help the freshman Illinois senator kick off his Minnesota campaign. ..... the "politics of can't do, won't do, won't even try" ..... People in Washington call him a naive "hope hugger" ...... Obama's 30-minute speech was light on policy details and heavy on emotional appeal. ...... Iraq. "We can be as careful getting out as we were careless getting in" ....... invoked Wellstone's name and Minnesota's tradition of grass-roots politics ..... After the rally, he attended a $1,000-per-person fundraising reception at the Minneapolis home of big-time Democratic contributors Sam and Sylvia Kaplan. The event reportedly drew more than 200 people. ...... "He's fresh and open to new ideas. I do think there's a generational attraction," she said. ..... Heidi and Clint McCowan drove four hours from Bayfield, Wis., to hear Obama's speech. Why? "Because this guy makes us feel patriotic again," Heidi McCowan said.

Britain on Edge as Blazing Jeep Slams Airport New York Times two men slammed a Jeep S.U.V. that caught fire into the departure doors at Glasgow Airport as thousands of people awaited flights on the first day of school summer vacations. .... a new threat: the use of relatively unsophisticated, homemade explosive devices to claim lives and spread mayhem. ...... alleged conspiracy last August to bomb transatlantic airliners using liquid explosives. .... the London and Glasgow attacks were “linked in some ways and, therefore, there are clearly individuals who have the capability and intent to carry out further attacks.” ...... two occupants of the car — both described by witnesses as men of South Asian descent — smashing bottles of gasoline and struggling with police and others who tried to restrain them. ...... One of the men in the car was said to have been ablaze, possibly after setting himself on fire. ..... the episode in Scotland seemed to have taken the authorities by surprise. ...... “less directed from Al Qaeda and more a matter of a homegrown group,” although the attack seemed to be modeled on terrorist attacks in Iraq. ...... the technology behind the foiled bombings seemed to be amateurish. While the attackers apparently tried to detonate the bombs using cellphones, “they didn’t go off ...... Britain’s terrorism threat is broader than the 2,000 suspected radicals known to the authorities ...... an improvised attack. .... the Jeep sped up to the building at around 30 miles per hour in an area where people usually drive much more slowly ..... “Then the driver swerved the car around so he could ram straight into the door” .....They were obviously trying to get it further inside the airport .... brought out a plastic petrol canister and poured it under the car. He then set light to it ....... a policeman came over, the passenger got out of the car and punched him. ..... London .... thwarted almost by accident .... sedans packed with gasoline, gas canisters and nails. ..... asked whether London had been “craving explosions from Al Qaeda” after authorities in June bestowed a knighthood on the author Salman Rushdie ...... vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices. ..... the police had warned nightclub operators a few days ago of the threat of such attacks. ..... The two cars were parked around a corner from each other..... the “amateur construction” of the explosive device “and the way it was placed suggest the plotter or plotters have no connection to a major militant organization.” ..... theory that the two bombs had been designed to explode one after the other — the first to bring people into the street and the second to cause great loss of life ..... Thursday night at Tiger Tiger was ladies’ night ..... a conspiracy in 2004 in which British-born bombers said they wanted to attack women at a nightclub, whom they viewed as promiscuous

Obama: Fading to black? Chicago Sun-Times the first time a panel of journalists of color, with a black moderator, posed the questions to the candidates. ..... Hillary Clinton, spoke with greater confidence on race issues ...... a boldness that frankly was missing from Obama's responses. .... Obama continued a balancing act in which he points out the unfairness African Americans face in their daily lives but also criticizes the negative behaviors often found among the impoverished. ...... Michelle Obama, who has been tapped to convince women that her husband is the "real deal," was more passionate on the issues when she spoke at a fund-raising luncheon earlier in the day ..... the latest Gallup polls show Obama running neck and neck with Clinton in the race for black voters ..... Although the Obama campaign is being portrayed as a "grass-roots movement," Thursday night, it looked pretty ordinary.
It’s pouring millions for Hillary, Obama Indian Express
'08 hopefuls release fund-raising data Boston Globe
Richardson campaign raises $7 million Los Angeles Times
When Is Enough Enough?
New York Times For black people, the current composition of the Supreme Court should be the ultimate lesson in the importance of voting in a presidential election.
Bill Clinton Dismisses Missile Shield Free Market News Network deriding it as a "colossal waste of money"
Why Giuliani is Still the Frontrunner Yahoo! News
Nepal Muslims demand seats in national election
Reuters India Mohammed Nizamuddin, president of the Muslim group Awam Sahara Nepal, said Muslims were left out. .... Muslims comprise about 4 percent of the population. .... Ijaharul Hak Mikrani, president of another Muslim group, the Intellectual Muslim Association of Nepal, demanded at least 50 seats for the Muslims in the 497-member assembly.
Muslims in Nepal demand reservation Hindustan Times
Bihar temple comes of age with Dalit head priest
Daily News & Analysis
Iran aims high with 2011 target to pump gas to India
Business Standard
30 Afghan civilians killed in air strike: mayor Hindustan Times
Russia, US aim for thaw with talks
Chicago Tribune
US Raids Baghdad Slum; 26 Iraqis Die
Google: You ain't seen nothin' yet
National Post Forget iPhone, BlackBerry, Bell and Telus. Google is preparing to be the next giant of telecommunications .... has reportedly approached the Federal Communications Commission recently about obtaining wireless spectrum, the base upon which mobile-phone networks are built, in the U.S. agency's next auction. ...... a much larger, game-changing force in telecommunications lurking just around the corner. ..... Google Inc. has been putting together a massive cable network to provide customers around the world with telecommunications services ranging from broadband Internet to home and mobile phones. ........ the lucrative business, valued at US$1.3-trillion globally ..... US$163-billion market capitalization ..... what they plan to do is offer comprehensive services through their own backbone and effectively lock a lot of the traditional players out of the market. A lot of them don't even see it coming ...... past three years, the company has been buying up swaths of unused fibre-optic cable -- so-called "dark fibre" -- around the world ..... "They have enough potential capacity to compete in wholesale telecommunications or as an Internet service provider" ...... the massive data centres it is building around the globe ..... between 40 and 70 data centres filled to the brim with computing and storage power, with at least five new facilities under construction in the United States alone ..... The search company is building its data centres next to hydroelectric facilities in order to feed their huge power needs ........ the company is looking to buy GrandCentral Communications, a Web startup that allows users to consolidate their different home, work and mobile phone numbers into one through an Internet application ..... the U.S. agency's next auction, expected in 2009. That could be the target date for Google to make a big splash with its full mobile phone ..... The company is still very much focused on its core business, which is search and advertising, but Mr. McLaughlin admits that mobility is becoming increasingly vital for the company's growth prospects. ....... "We want people's information to be as accessible through their mobile phone as it is through their PC." .... two years ago bought tiny Waterloo, Ont.-based Reqwireless, whose staff have since been working feverishly to design Google applications for mobile phones. .... the profit margins in businesses such as phone and broadband provision just aren't worth it. ..... the company could save itself a ton in costs if it moves its web traffic off the networks owned by phone and cable firms and onto its own. ..... YouTube is responsible for about 10% of all Internet traffic. ..... Google won't have to stretch its core business strategy -- offering ad-based services for free to consumers - very far to offer telecommunications services. In fact, it's exactly the business model the company is experimenting with in mobile phones. ....."The only question is, how do you deliver ads on a phone in a way that isn't disruptive to callers?"
Australia Chooses WiMAX for Rural Broadband Nets TMCnet
Soccer fever strikes Canada
Toronto Star
Advanced Micro Devices To Ship Processors In August

Clinton eyes Obama fundraising threat Los Angeles Times Obama trails Clinton in the national polls, but he matched her in fundraising in the first three months of the year, when each raised about $26 million. Obama raised his money from more than twice the number of donors as Clinton's 50,000 contributors. He announced early Wednesday that he had set a goal of 250,000 contributors by June 30 — or 150,000 for the second quarter, to add to his 100,000 in the first quarter. On Thursday, the campaign's website said that goal had been met...... That far outpaces the 70,000 who responded during the same time frame to Howard Dean's revolutionary Internet-based donor drive in the 2004 race. ..... Giuliani is leading in national polls, but Romney fares better in some of the crucial early primary and caucus states. ..... McCain is out of favor with conservatives because of, among other issues, his role as cosponsor of immigration legislation with Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), which died Thursday in the Senate; and with moderates over his support for continuing military efforts in Iraq.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Formula For Greatness

I Touched Obama: Babel, Barack
Barack's Primary Opponents
Obama Was In Town And I Missed It

"We will deliver New York to you for the primary," I told Barack.

I Touched Obama: Babel, Barack

"You give us Iowa, we will give you New York. We will make it quick and painless for Hillary," I told Michelle.

Michelle Obama Is Just Fabulous

On February 5, 2008, we will know Barack is the nominee and the next President Of The United States.

Jupiter And Obama

On February 6, 2008 he should announce that he has picked Hillary to be his running mate.

And from then until November we engage the American people in the most intense policy conversation any two people who ever ran for the White House ever did.

Abraham Lincoln is remembered as the greatest president because he partially liberated a few million people. Barack Obama has the option to top that by fully liberating billions. Like JFK set the goal of "a man on the moon by the end of the decade," Barack has to set the goal of a total spread of democracy by 2020, and he he has to set that goal in his inauguration speech in 2009. You spread democracy the progressive way, Nepal's April Revolution way. The message is you shut your country completely down for three weeks and you will have democracy. We from outside will provide you all moral and logistical support. It will be war with communications technology.

The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal

He has to deliver universal health care before his first term ends. It is very possible. And he has to deliver lifelong education before his two terms are over. Then America will finally be ready for the Information Age where human capital is at the center, physical and financial capital are on the periphery.

On energy there is only one option: go nuclear. That is the only way to provide abundant energy for limitless economic growth in all corners of the planet. Let's not talk about going back to the steam engine.

The Energy Solution: Nuclear Energy

In The News

Hillary concedes victory to Obama in dash for cash Chicago Sun-Times Obama's second quarter haul, according to estimates of knowledgeable observers, could reach $30 million -- most raised for the primary. ...... Michelle Obama was in Washington to headline a funder aimed at women; that lunch plus an event on Tuesday night at the City Museum collected $1 million from the Washington area.
Outsourcing is a problem: Hillary Clinton Rediff Terming outsourcing a "problem", New York Senator Hillary Clinton said tax breaks for "outsourcing" jobs have to be ended. "Outsourcing is a problem. We have to do several things: End the tax breaks that still exist in the tax code for outsourcing jobs; have trade agreements with enforceable labour and environmental standards; help Americans compete, which is something we haven't taken seriously, which goes back to the very first question about education and skills," she said. "Let's not forget that 65 per cent of kids in an age cohort do not go on to college. What are we doing to help them get prepared for the jobs that we could keep here that wouldn't be outsourced? And find a new source of jobs. Clean energy, global warming would create millions of new jobs for Americans," Senator Clinton added.
New Coulter Column Has More Harsh Words For Elizabeth Edwards Editor & Publisher and has also implied that John Edwards should die in a terrorist attack. Part of her quote: "If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot." ...... a take-off on a comment by Bill Maher, who said the death of Vice President Dick Cheney (a prime architect of the Iraq War) would mean that more people would live. ..... Coulter has "joked" a number of times over the years about wishing for the deaths of various liberals, journalists, Muslims, and others.

Dalit priest for Bihar temple Times of India
Supreme Court Quashes School Desegregation
Democrats court black audience
Los Angeles Times
Democrats Debate at Howard University Washington Post
Microsoft plans India push
Boston Globe
Microsoft Launches Educational PC In India Forbes Microsoft has teamed up with Advanced Micro Devices and India’s Zenith Computers to launch a personal computer aimed at Indian students for 21,000 rupees ($513). .... more feature-rich than the $150 laptop that the One Laptop Per Child initiative is attempting to mass produce ..... India has an installed PC base of 22 million, or one computer for every 50 people .... The software giant could also reduce prices for its computer. “We don't see any gain in the short term. Our perspective is long term,” Venkatesan said.
Microsoft launches low-cost PCs for India ZDNet UK
Chavez not helping Russia’s tightrope act
The West vs. the Rest? RIA Novosti
FACTBOX: Bush family's summer compound in Maine
Rocket fired at Ivorian PM plane
BBC News
eBay Snub Reveals Google's Fatal Flaw eBay served up 188 million ads for Google in 2006. That was almost double the No. 2 advertiser Target ..... eBay then claimed that its traffic actually went up on the week that it had no ads. .... Something like 99% of Google's revenue and earnings come from search. Google dominates search advertising, with somewhere between 56% and 65% (depending on which data service you believe) of all searches done using Google's search engine. All of Google's other fine products -- Gmail, Google Maps, Google Finance, even YouTube -- are like a drop in the bucket compared with search. ....... as more companies start putting money toward natural search marketing (figuring out how to get higher on search engines rather than paying for ranking), the keyword prices will go down. ...... 50 percent of users begin their search by scanning the top organic results. ..... only 30 percent of search engine users click on paid listings ...... a lot of keyword advertising was being done by mortgage brokers .... we're going to see a lot more interaction between the banner side of things and the search side.
Mobile WiMax Commercial Launch Planned For Northeast Region In August InformationWeek
WiMAX to lead $13bn capex boost in 2007-2012
Chile govt wants 3G, WiMAX bidding by 2008
Telecom Paper
Chinese say US fish ban is unfair
USA Today
BlackBerry shares soar as sales spike 70%
Times Online
Long-Distance Air Travel Doubles Risk of Blood Clot, WHO Says
Supreme court permits Guantánamo appeal
Guardian Unlimited
India may stop auction of Gandhi letter United Press International
Gandhi’s last letter may return to India Hindustan Times
Reactions To The Benoit Tragedy
Ontario Now he strangled his family and then took his own life. There was evidence of prescription drugs including anabolic steroids present on the scene
Analysis: iPhone arrives Friday to huge expectations Macworld
Passive Smoking Raises Carcinogen Levels In Urine Rapidly
Medical News Today
Venter Takes Step Toward Synthetic Cells
DNA team transforms one bacterium into another Los Angeles Times
Moore at his feverish best in hilarious, sobering 'Sicko' Boston Globe the celebrated (and reviled) filmmaker pulls up in a fishing boat outside the US detention camp at Guantanamo Bay and announces via bullhorn, "I have three 9/11 rescue workers! They just want medical attention! The same you're giving Al-Qaeda ! ....... The US health-care system is a disaster, built to punish the sick and enrich corporations. Other countries do it better -- a lot better. ....... anecdotes of average Americans so cruelly abused by the system the only response is the laughter of disbelief. ..... One man lost two fingers to a tablesaw, then was told by doctors he could afford to have only one re attached, so would he prefer the middle or ring finger? ..... Another woman was told she must give back the money that paid for her operation because she hadn't disclosed a pre-existing condition: a yeast infection years earlier. ..... there's a tart little segment about a father desperate to get a second cochlear implant for his baby girl (the insurance company would only pay for one), who drops Moore's name in a phone message to the claims department. Bingo -- the implant is approved. ....... Moore talks to a doctor whose signature is on a series of denials to a woman suffering from a brain tumor; it turns out the signatures are stamped without the doctor ever reading the claims. ...... Clinton is now the second-largest recipient of contributions from health-care corporations. ...... a woman who sneaks over the border to Canada for health care ..... France .. Three months' paid leave for cancer survivors! Doctors who make house calls! Health-care nannies who do the washing for new mothers! ....... We have the highest infant mortality rate in the Western Hemisphere. ...... "Sicko" is built to persuade. It succeeds by making us ill with laughter and with shame.

Debate Showcases Clinton, Obama Rivalry CBS News While Obama's appearance on the debate stage caused a swell in the opening applause in the auditorium, it was Clinton who drew the night's loudest cheers in discussing the spread of AIDS among black women. ....... Thursday night's Democratic debate had little in common with the two that preceded it ..... issues like education, inner cities and racism. ..... a crowd largely composed of blacks, who have been one of the Democratic Party’s most dependable voting blocs since the Depression ....... held at historically black Howard University ...... "If HIV-AIDS were the leading cause of death of white women between the ages of 25 and 34, there would be an outraged, outcry in this country," she said, prompting an enthusiastic audience response. ....... Clinton spoke with the forceful words and aggressive tone ..... Darfur ... she would not hesitate to use military force to enforce a no-fly zone ...... our homophobia ..... Both had members of the Congressional Black Caucus on hand to promote their campaigns. In Clinton's corner were Democratic Reps. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones of Ohio and Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas. Backing Obama were Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois and Elijah Cummings of Maryland. ....... Chris Dodd was solid, but never had a standout moment. .... Dennis Kucinich often crafted his answers to come to his pet issue, immediately ending the war in Iraq. ..... Mike Gravel — known for colorful debate performances and bizarre online campaign ads ..... Biden given his comments, made early this year, about Obama, who had then just entered the race, being "clean" ...... "I got tested for AIDS. I know Barack got tested for AIDS." ... The remark drew a somewhat confused look from Obama, who, once Biden was finished, gestured toward his wife, Michelle, in the audience and said "I just want to make clear, I got tested with Michelle when we were in Kenya and Africa."
Frank conversation at debate Chicago Tribune racial profiling in the criminal justice system. .... "I've just got to make it clear, I got tested with Michelle when we were in Kenya and Africa," Obama said, as his wife waved her arms in the audience and nodded her head in agreement. "I don't want there to be any confusion about what happened here." ....... blunt conversation about the most sensitive issues in churches, homes and communities across the country. ..... provocative academic Cornel West, prominent children's rights activist Marian Wright Edelman and former Surgeon General David Satcher. ....... Obama hinted at concrete benefits for African-Americans from the symbolic impact of electing a black man president in answering a question on criminal justice. ...... "The criminal justice system is not color blind. It does not work for all people equally," Obama said. "That is why it is critical to have a president who sends a signal that we are going to have a justice system that is not 'just us,' but is everybody." ....... Richardson argued that the next president should "speak passionately" about the need for dialogue among people of diverse backgrounds. "Issues of diversity for me, the first Latino to run for president, are not talking points," he said. "They are facts of life." ...... Smiley set the agenda this way: "You can't save people if you don't serve people," he said. "We ask tonight, 'What's the depth of your love for people?' "
Dem hopefuls focus on domestic issues, minority problems San Francisco Chronicle spending more on schools in poor neighborhoods to lower class sizes and raising salaries for teachers to prevent a drain of educators from inner-city schools ...... "Let me finish John's thought, because it was an important one," Illinois Sen. Barack Obama said, finishing a response by former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, who was criticizing the White House response to Hurricane Katrina. "There are potential Katrinas all across this country that have been neglected." ........ "Let's face it, if Darfur had a large supply of oil, this administration would be occupying it right now," said Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio. audience filled with prominent black leaders. ..... "Tavis, Tavis, Tavis, I just got to make clear -- I got tested with Michelle," Obama said, referring to his wife. ...... "I don't want any confusion here about what's going on," he said with a grin. ... None of the candidates performances appeared to stand out, and each of the best-known candidates drew relatively similar reactions from the audience. ..... Thursday's Supreme Court decision banning most affirmative action in public schools as a setback to racial relationships.
Vying to Be the 'Second Black President' Forbes with the crowd on his side, chanting his name as all eight Democratic candidates posed for pictures on stage ...... Clinton said in the biggest applause line of the night, bringing audience members to their feet. ...... Polls show that blacks are closely divided between Obama and Clinton ..... pulling on black voters out of a sense of loyalty. But Obama is pulling on them out of a sense of history ...... served just 2 1/2 years in Washington. "He didn't knock it out of the park," Brazile said, adding that Clinton was a standout. ..... Toni Morrison dubbed him "the first black president" in a 1998 essay. ....... Mike Gravel left the Senate in 1981. .... Because Clinton is white, she has more liberty to give black voters what they want to hear without fear of being seen strictly as a black candidate. ..... Democratic consultant Jenny Backus said Obama's effort to speak to whites and blacks resulted in his best debate yet. ..... "He was talking to both whites and blacks in his answers."
Obama to Pass Clinton in Money Raised, Her Aide Says Washington Post
Clinton and Obama Expect Near Record Fund-Raising New York Times
Clinton, Obama Making Big-Money ’04 Hopefuls Look Like Amateurs
New York Times
Clinton’s Camp Projects $27M in 2nd Quarter New York Times
Analysis: Clinton, Obama Eye Black Votes

PM meets with Prachanda, agree to hold joint mass meetings NepalNews
Madhav Nepal accuses PM of working like a dictator
NRNs demand voting rights in CA polls
Bamdev's objection on Maoists being called “radical leftists”
Refugee leaders urge support from European community

Children make up nearly a quarter of Nepal's work force
Nepal govt to revive panel on acquiring royal property
Nepal ethnic leader wants interim house dissolved

Stoic Londoners Shrug at Latest Attack New York Times 1,700 people could have died at “ladies’ night” in the Tiger Tiger night spot. .... the car had exploded. ....... an explosive mixture of gasoline, nails and gas canisters in a car abandoned ....... “There’s been bombs in every city and in London all of my life. There are risks living in any city. I’ve lived in London for 20 years and nothing has ever happened to me.” ...... “If you’re near the bomb when it explodes, well, that’s really unlucky,” Ms. Klinkner said. ..... Sanjay Karsan, 22, a Briton of Indian descent, said that because of his South Asian background he was accustomed to getting suspicious looks whenever terrorism was in the news.