Friday, July 23, 2010

John Liu: Mayor Of NYC: 2013

New York City Councilman John Liu at the West ...Image via Wikipedia
When I showed up for John Liu's inauguration and the after party, I got the sense that John Liu feels like Bill Thompson deserved to have another shot at the top job. It was not explicit, but it was implied, it was in the air. And that was a statement to how genuinely and strongly John Liu felt about Thompson's candidacy. They really like each other. Thompson's margin was closer than anyone thought, way closer than I expected.

Personally I was rooting for Bloomberg for deeply personal reasons. (Independent For Bloomberg) And I really liked the emphasis on immigration and immigrants that the Mayor put during the inauguration ceremony. Immigration colored the entire inauguration ceremony. (The Dumbfuck Immigration Laws) I loved that. He has been an excellent Mayor. He is a personal hero of mine. (Larry Ellison) He not only brought business sense to city government procedures, running for and being Mayor has been the best business move he ever made. Look at what that did to his net worth. His company's market valuation went up and up.

And it was great to have John show up for this Holi event put together by the Madhesis in town: Happy Holi. He did not show up for the votes. There were hardly any voters in the room. I greatly appreciated that. Although I feel like I have a doctor-patient relationship with the Madhesis of New York City. ("Madisey") Internalized prejudice is as big a problem as prejudice.

But then there are friendships, political loyalties, party affiliations, and then there is politics.

My Number One Prediction For 2013

All sorts of motherfuckers are going to run for Mayor in 2013. It is going to be one crowded Democratic primary. There is going to be no particular itch for Bill Thompson. If it is going to be Bill Thompson's year, the dude is going to have to prove himself all over again, almost from scratch.

That is going to be a statement on the long shadow Mayor Bloomberg has cast over this city for a decade. People are not going to wait in line. There is no line. There never has been. You don't wait in line. That is not how democracy works.

Three Years: A Very Long Time In New York City Politics

John Liu doing a good job as City Comptroller for three years and being in the news for three years is not going to be the same John Liu who spoke at his inauguration and introduced his brothers "Bobby and Teddy." The only reason for John to not run for Mayor would be because he feels it is better to seek guaranteed reelection than to take an iffy shot at the mayoral office.

The problem with that risk averseness is if he does a lousy job as Comptroller, his reelection is not going to be guaranteed. If he does a good job, it is going to be very hard for him to resist the enormous grassroots pressure he is going to feel to run for Mayor. Motherfuckers are not going to shy away and make room for Bill Thompson - already people are like Bill who; the same thing happened to Fernando Ferrer, two months after election day people were like, Fernando who - but many of the motherfuckers are going to wilt and wither if John Liu shows up as candidate. He is going to have a Bloomberg like aura for having done a good job as Comptroller.

One Shot: The American Way

Howard Dean did not run for president again in 2008. If it is about running for City Council, you can try it out a few different times, maybe, but that does not apply to the major offices. The office of Mayor of NYC is the number two political office in America. It is a big one. I don't see Bill Thompson even running. 2000 was close for Al Gore also. He did not run again in 2004.

Black Power?

Paterson imploded. Rangel is imploding. Thompson has evaporated already. Bill Perkins is the only black guy in town who appreciated the idea of the first black president. I am surprised he is not running for Congress from Harlem.

12% of America is black. 12% of New York City is Asian. Blacks have had their day. It is time for some Asian power.

As for Rangel, I think I am going to save my compassion for the tsunami victims.

Having What It Takes

John Liu has what it takes. He has the political ingredients. Either you have them, or you don't. John Liu has them. Just look at some facts. No politician in town today is on better terms with labor than John Liu. How did he do that? You got to marvel. He is more popular with blacks than any black politician in town. How did he do that? He earned more votes than Bloomberg last year. How did he do that? The story from last year's election is not that Thompson's margin was close, but that Liu got more votes than Bloomberg. John Liu could have beat Bloomberg, Thompson was not able to. Bill Thompson failed.

2013 Or Never

I am making the judgment call that either John Liu is going to be Mayor in 2013 or he is never going to be Mayor. Democracy asks for basic humility. It is ultimately the voters who decide, and that's the way it should be.

First of all, if he decides not to run despite being the best candidate around, that is going to show he has good political judgment but not good enough.

Second, his not running will mess up all future rounds for him. Look at a few scenarios. Someone else wins. If that person is Democratic, and is so bad that he/she is destined to be a one term Mayor, Liu still could not run in 2017. If he/she is good, Liu can not run until 2021. But if the 2013 person is a one term Mayor, and some other Democrat wins in 2017, that will bar Liu from running against the incumbent in 2021.

Obama needed to run in 2008 or he was just another Evan Bayh. Only John Liu can decide if he will run for Mayor in 2013. But if he runs, I am predicting he will win. (Jupiter And Obama) My grade for work done so far as Comptroller is an A+. If he runs, many of the motherfuckers who might otherwise run will stay out. That is not going to be true if Bill Thompson runs. John Liu has been casting a long shadow. That is remarkable for a dude who is not a billionaire. His power and potential for more power comes from sheer political skills. That is remarkable. That is beyond outstanding.

Another Dude Called John

John Liu Inauguration January 1: I Am Invited
Tibet Is Not The US South Of The Civil War Era
John Liu: Victory
John Liu Has Me Excited
NYC Local Races
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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Carolyn Maloney: The Al Sharpton Of Gender Relations

I like Al. He is a good guy. He has made his effort. I credit him for that. He has done what he could. But we needed a Barack Obama to come along and take race relations in this country to a whole new level.

Similarly Carolyn Maloney should plot a gracious exit from the stage and let Reshma Saujani take gender relations in this country to a whole different level. Carolyn tried. She gets credit for trying, but it's time to move on.

Domestic Violence Can Be Ended Like Polio Could Be Cured

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Better Know a District - New York's 14th - Carolyn Maloney
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

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Ed Koch And Carolyn Maloney: Bush Democrats

Panchatantra The Story of The Blue Jackal
One day when the blue jackal was holding court, he heard a gang of jackals howling. Thrilled by the sound of his own ilk, Kakudruma began loudly responding in his natural voice. The lions and other animals immediately recognized that their king was after all a jackal and not a Godsend.
I have been saying at this blog time and again that the essence of Maloney is that she is not a blue jackal, I mean she is a Bush Democrat. And today she proves me true. She howls.

Rep. Maloney gets Koch's blessing‎ - The Hill (blog) Koch.. backed George W. Bush’s reelection in 2004
Koch: I'm voting for Bush
Patriot Act Divides Maloney From Saujani | That's My Congress
Revisiting McCarthyism in the Patriot Act Era : NPR

Maloney voted for the Patriot Act that turned the entire country into one big Arizona. That was Maloney showing apartheid tendencies.

Maloney Is Too Ordinary To Be Representing District 14

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Reshma 2010: Digital Volunteering: Some Tips

  • Google News

    • Do a search on "Reshma Saujani" at Google News.
    • Read on the latest articles about her. It is possible to read every new article that comes up, so far they have been about one a day, or were. Now they are 2-3 a day. 
    • Leave a comment every time there is an option to leave a comment. There are no talking points. You say what you want to say. 
    • Example: New York's South Asians and the Saujani test. Try leaving your first comment at the bottom of this article.
  • Blogsearch
    • Same thing. Search. Read. Comment.
  • Facebook
    • Follow her on Facebook. Press that Like button. That easy.
    • Read and comment on her status updates.
    • Press the Like and Share buttons every chance you get.
    • Post something on her wall, a few words of support.
  • Twitter
    • Follow her on Twitter. Talk about her on Twitter.
    • Retweet all her tweets.
    • Go to Twitter and do a search on her name. And a search on @reshma2010. Interact with people who are talking about her.
  • Email
    • Email, good old email. It is still the best way to get hold of people. Email people you know. Send them to the Reshma Saujani campaign website:
  • Google Alert

    • Put on an alert on the Reshma Saujani name and you will not miss out on anything.
Summary Google News Search Blogsearch Twitter Search
  • Knocking on doors
  • Making phone calls
  • Handing out flyers at subway stops
  • Digital volunteering
They are similar to each other. They are all efforts to reach out to voters. If you think about it the digital methods are the most efficient in some ways and the cheapest. And they are the most scalable. Not all volunteers can show up at the campaign headquarters to make phone calls for a few hours every day, but all volunteers can go online on their own and do some digital volunteering. 
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No Country To Call My Own

Reshma is American. I am old enough to know I am never going to have a country of my own. Nepal was not it. America is not it. If America is the greatest country in the world, I hope there is a better planet out there somewhere, because I have not been particularly enamored of this country. If you situate yourself right, it is tolerable, but that's about it. India is heritage, it's not country.

Iran stands strong on my mental heat wave map right now. But that is political.

New York City is my playground. I have tried to think of it as a country, but it is not a country.

The Internet is the closest thing to a country I got.


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Domestic Violence Can Be Ended Like Polio Could Be Cured

LONDON - MAY 20:  Abortion Rights group promot...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Pro choice progressive women in this town drive me nuts. They talk like their pro choice stand is the ceiling I have to bang my head against. The pro choice stand has to be a floor they stand on, they have to walk, jump and fly.

More women than men are graduating from colleges today. But the leadership structures in all sectors of society, in all the major institutions are still male and archaic.

Little expressions of attitude are relevant. Sexist jokes are weapons of attrition thrown at the self esteem of women.

Life experiences have to be shared experiences.

"Bill Clinton is a good husband to keep for 30 years because he does the dishes."
- Hillary Clinton

Obama Has No Business Kissing Maloney

The information age and the post-industrial society should make it more possible for people to strike better life-work balances.

"I can't think in front of a computer."
- Hillary Clinton

A new generation has to step in to kick the ball further down the road.

When the mass rapes were happening in Liberia I figured the women in this town, the pro choice women, might rise up in arms, but no, not a whisper.

The Anti Maloney Brigade

Barack Obama achieved JFK status as a candidate. He achieved FDR status after he passed health care reform. All other items like Wall Street reform and immigration reform keep him at the FDR level. If he wants to achieve Lincoln status, he is going to have to end the global trafficking of women the way Lincoln ended slavery.

Gender Talk: Coming At It From The Future
The Need For A Race Gender Coalition
Race, Gender
Elephant In The Room: Gender
Muscular Gender Agenda
The Spectrum On Gender
Gender: Progressive, Conservative Divides
Hillary Is Right About Sexism, Gender Bias
Race, Gender, Progressive, Conservative Divides
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The Anti Maloney Brigade

The Anti Maloney Brigade is an underground organization in New York City.

It meets in public places, around street corners, in parking lots, and in living rooms.

It talks in sweet whispers.

Reshma Saujani: South Asian Powerhouse, National Candidate To The Tech Sector

Obama Has No Business Kissing Maloney
Maloney Is Too Ordinary To Be Representing District 14
Carolyn Maloney's Six Sins
Joke Of The Day: Carolyn Maloney
Maloney Wrote A Book Saying Her Best Is Not Good Enough
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Reshma 2010: Twitter Action

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reshma Saujani: South Asian Powerhouse, National Candidate To The Tech Sector

Official presidential portrait of Barack Obama...Image via Wikipedia

The Washington Post: Obama Turns Away From Longtime Democratic Supporters In N.Y.
Obama will travel to New York this month to survey the ruins of the Democratic fundraising hierarchy he helped destroy...... the four-story Sullivan Street townhouse of Vogue editor Anna Wintour, who is an outsider to the traditional fundraising firmament of Wall Street investors. ...... The White House nixed an earlier plan to hold the dinner at the home of Marc Lasry, a major Wall Street figure ..... Obama has dismantled the old apartment circuit traveled by past Democratic standard-bearers ...... He has turned his back on a tradition of aggressively raking in financial sector dollars, but also of soliciting, in intimate settings, the unfiltered feedback of the captains of an industry he is transforming. ....... During the 16 years that Bill and Hillary Clinton reigned over the hub of Democratic fundraising, an expansive network of investors welcomed the president and other top elected officials to a treasure map of fabulous apartments. But first among equals in this closed circle was the husband-and-wife team of Maureen White and Steven Rattner. ....... a New York Times reporter turned billionaire investor turned Obama administration "car czar" ...... big donors are no longer as important in the age of campaign finance reform and Obama's small-dollar Internet model ...... She and Rattner have recently limited their activity to supporting Reshma Saujani in a local congressional race ........ Rattner, a onetime Treasury Secretary aspirant ....... Hassan Nemazee, the finance chairman for the presidential campaigns of Kerry and Hillary Clinton, served homemade Chinese food at his Park Avenue home to practically every Democratic presidential candidate, and was especially close to Joe Biden. Last week, a New York judge sentenced him to 12 years in prison for defrauding three banks of $292 million........ Alan Patricof, who was so close to the Clintons that a spy from the recently exposed Russian espionage ring thought she had scored a major coup just by infiltrating the company that did Patricof's taxes. ......... Obama is in no rush to build a new establishment. ......"There is no new Maureen and Steve, there is no donor leadership, there is no team to join," lamented one prominent Democratic donor in New York .... "There is no place, no home to get together and say, 'What are we doing next? Who is coming to town next?' That is not in the equation." ........ Lasry corralled a dozen supporters willing to pay the $30,000 dinner donation, with the understanding that the event would allow for frank concerns about Obama's policies to be aired in confidence. ........ The guest list, the e-mail said, was limited to 40 so that each person would have face time with Obama. ........pick a public setting instead ...... most of the donors he had brought on board dropped out. ...... In the run-up to the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama seemed to be constructing his own Establishment He Could Believe In ....... the presidential campaign injected new life into the circuit by bringing a wider breadth of contributors into the fold ...... The Obama era in New York is about the democratization of the fundraising circuit and the abolishment of an exclusive hierarchy, not the creation of a new one. ....... the swell in small Internet donations that dwarfed the traditional model

This article below is the best political profile of my candidate Reshma Saujani I ever came across online so far. Her political journey thus far has been impressive. I think you can already glimpse that she intends to take fundraising and campaigning to a whole different level. Her ways are innovative. Her ways are trailblazing. She is the wave of the future. Obama inspired a generation. She will inspire another. This is not just someone running for Congress. Her entire life story has brought her to this point where she is at now. She already is the national leader to the tech sector. The New York tech scene has a lot of catching up to do yet. One way you know that is true is because the top tech names on the other coast are much more into her than the top tech names in this town. The local tech scene has yet to comprehend her understanding of the tech scene as well as the importance of having the right minds on the Hill for the advancement of tech. I hope a lot of that changes when she appears at the NY Tech MeetUp first Tuesday in September.

Some groups I see coalescing around her candidacy are as follows:
  • Young professionals, men and women
  • Women who want to be able to take equality for granted
  • Progressive men
  • Tech entrepreneurs and enthusiasts
  • Meritocrats on Wall Street
  • Women
  • South Asians
  • New immigrants
  • Indians
  • Gujaratis
  • Hillary 08 people
  • Obama 08 people
  • John Liu 09 people
  • Harvard Yale crowd
  • The Anti Maloney Brigade
  • Public school types 
  • Independents 
  • Those who seek to see excellence in DC 

Capital New York: New York's South Asians And The Saujani Test
almost 300,000 South Asians in New York .... second-generation Indian American ...... a telegenic hedge fund lawyer with high-level Democratic ties ..... plenty of admirers among the older Indian donor class of bankers and businessmen and Friends of Bill—they know her through her work on Wall Street, or from her fund-raising efforts when she founded South Asians for Kerry in 2004 or when she joined Hillary Clinton's presidential-campaign finance committee in 2008. ....... "I researched all the prominent South Asians in New York and pretty much stalked them at dinner parties to get them engaged and involved in the Democratic party....This is a group of folks and I've really cultivated and gotten to know since 2002, and many of them think of me like a daughter." ...... see her as a vehicle for their ambition to realize the potential achieved by previous immigrant groups in New York. ....... six congressional candidates who are each trying to become the third-ever Indian-American member of the House of Representatives. ..... somewhere between 18,000 and 25,000 voting-eligible South Asians (about a third of them are Bangladeshi, many of them clustered in Astoria at the 36th Street stop of the N/Q) in the district. ....... only about 50,000 people usually vote in Maloney's primaries. .......South Asians are beginning to act like a political bloc, and that the number of South Asians in New York has doubled in the past decade ...... This top-heavy political power structure among local South Asians was reflected in the strategy of the Clintons, who built a network of Indian donors (with help, eventually, from Saujani) by focusing on high-level access and foreign policy. ....... Saujani, a graduate of Yale Law and Harvard's Kennedy school, stepped into this world when she came to New York in 2002. She participated in voting drives in the Queens part of the district, and met Desai during the 2004 campaign, when she volunteered with his daughter Megha and founded South Asians for Kerry. ........ "We were also fairly slow in getting involved in politics," said Desai, who first got seriously involved in American politics when Michael Dukakis ran for president in 1988. "We were a little behind our progress in every other field, which is science and business and medicine." ....... —the Saujani campaign is something of an exception nationally in that there is a local ethnic base for her to mine ...... Saujani's ability to raise money, more than anything else, is the reason she has stayed on the radar—she is close to Maureen White, who is Steve Rattner's wife, and their daughter, Rebecca Rattner, has worked for the campaign as a paid aide. ........ Saujani has successfully kept a pipeline running to the kind of donors that led the Obama campaign to mock Clinton in 2007 as the Senator from Punjab. Donors in this most recent cycle include Victor Menezes, another former Citigroup executive and a A.I.F. board member, is a former Maloney donor who gave to the Saujani campaign recently; Arvind Ragunathan, a former Deutsche Banc honcho who bundled more than $100,000 during the Hillary 2008 cycle; and Arshad Zakaria, a former Goldman Sachs executive and a partner at New Vernon Capital, who also happens to be brother of foreign policy pundit Fareed Zakaria. ...... Saujani described her ability to mobilize South Asian support as "one piece of a larger strategy, which is getting our Obama-surge voters—people who have not traditionally been part of the political process. Like, we spend a lot of time on Upper East Side moms under the age of 45 who have house parties for us after drop-off." ...... "I've spent a significant amount of my time in Queensbridge and Ravenswood and Astoria housing and in public housing."
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New York: Hindi Movie: Songs

The Dumbfuck Immigration Laws

The Dumbfuck Immigration Laws

While the dumbfuck immigration laws of these United fucking States take their sweet time, I get to blog. How very privileged. (, I Am Big In Canada, What Just Happened? 3,000 Page Hits)
The Al Qaeda, Internet, Globalization
My Secret Sauce
Freehand Exercise: 1,000 Push-Ups, 1,000 Squats, 1,000 Crunches
Brazil And Argentina: My Choices And Those Of My Favorite Actor
Indian Railways
The Eyes Of Truth
Verdict: The iPhone Is Not Open, Flash Is Not Cutting Edge
Employment Authorization Card: It's Here
The Highlight Of My Internet Week
Women In Tech-Media Event At JP Morgan: Internet Week
Paul Graham, Brad Feld, Me, BBC
After Entry Level Jobs, An Internship
Lady Liberty Whispers
How To Date An Indian: Andrea Miller
Sree In A Candy Shop
Larry Ellison's 1995 Network Computer Vision
Immigration Status
India Broadband Spectrum Bids
Direct Messages From Ann Curry, Steve Case, Robert Scoble
Who Is Chetan Bhagat? 2010 Time 100

15 months to a green card, 15 months to a tech startup. When you volunteer for Obama 08, you end up qualifying for political asylum. Only in America.

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