Wednesday, February 24, 2016

America: A One Party State?

China is a one party communist state. America is a one party capitalist state. China has become so much more capitalist. If Bernie has his way America might make major strides towards socialism.

In China the Chinese Communist Party sits above the state, it sits atop the Chinese court system, for example. What is the Chinese Communist Party? It used to be about communism. That has changed. But what has not changed is its total commitment to Chinese nationalism. A billion people belong to the same ethnicity and speak the same language. The Chinese built a Chinese melting pot Chinese identity over thousands of years like Americans have been building a white melting pot identity over the past few hundred years. It is the exact same concept. And the two, despite the false military tension, unabashedly like each other. Look at the trade volume. White is not a language, white is not a culture, white is not a religion, white is not a country, white is no identity, white is just lack of pigments, which makes it very animal and pro gun rights. If you ask me a billion people belonging to one ethnic identity is unnatural.

It is not any commitment to classlessness but a total commitment to Chinese nationalism that sits atop the Chinese state. There it is official. In America it is unspoken. But there is something similar. There is that melting pot white identity that sits atop the American state. There is this magnetic field. If you can speak the language, that can open some doors, but not quite.

If a people speaking just one language is what is best for everybody, then why not just hope for English as the only language on the planet? Why not clear up the Amazon forest and plant paddy along that entire stretch? English is the leading language of commerce, science and technology on the planet. And that's great. But we are at the cusp of turning the top 10 most spoken languages covering over 90% of the planet all becoming equally good languages of commerce, science and technology, thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

The mirror image of the melting pot white identity is that it reduces the black identity to skin color. A cultural identity can not be about skin color. A healthy cultural identity has to be about positive and rich things like art, language, culture, festivals, rituals, mythology, music, religion. America has to become more accepting of diversity. The Amazon forest is indispensable to our very existence. It is not just something to look at. Cultural diversity is as natural and desirable as biodiversity. Say no to the Donald Trump hate speech.

People come to America with much hope. It is not just about being able to earn a living. It is also about wanting to feel cultural diversity is as natural as fingerprints. That's what makes us interesting. Hostility to diversity is downright stupid. They say the cure for cancer might be in the Amazon. In a robust knowledge economy the onus is on out of the box thinking, on thinking different. Guess what diversity is!

Donald Trump: The Geraldo Riviera Of American Politics

He is the anxiety candidate. He does not have a cure. But he is helping us understand there is anxiety. It is primarily economic. I think it is possible to take America to a 5% growth rate, but people are not feeling that.

What Kind Of People Are Voting For This Guy?

हम ने बंगलादेश को लिबरेट किया

हम ने बंगलादेश को लिबरेट किया। हम ने, याने के हम भारतीयों ने। मैं व्यक्तिगत तो वहाँ पर नहीं था।

Mitch McConnell At The Bronx Zoo

Mitch McConnell At The Bronx Zoo

We are not in the US Senate. We are at The Bronx Zoo. The US Senate is governed by the US Constitution. But that document is just a piece of paper at The Bronx Zoo. It might as well be toilet paper at The Bronx Zoo. The Bronx Zoo is Madagascar. There it is all about the basic animal instincts. Food, sleep, sex, and vigorous fights. Fist fights. Tooth fights. Nail fights. Scratches. Gouging of eyes. Tearing up the abdomen. Cleaning the gut. Blood on the lips.

According to the US Constitution the President Of The United States makes nominations to the US Supreme Court. He/she is the only one who does. Otherwise it is not like I don’t know a few people myself.

This is Iran all over again. In the US Senate they read and learn. At The Bronx Zoo there is no read, there is no learn. That the same logic time has proven to have been wrong on Iran does not matter. It is not supposed to matter at The Bronx Zoo. It is not thought, it is instinct. When you see the enemy, or food, you behave a certain way. There is no read, there is no learn. There is no read, period. Instinct is like you flip a light switch. The bulb will behave a certain way. Every single time. As long it is alive.

I have some idea about the thought processes back in Kentucky. There is The Bronx Zoo and then there is The Kentucky Zoo. The Kentucky Zoo is larger, much, much, much larger. Mucho larger.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

आरक्षण या Job Creation?

भारत में जन हैं १२५ करोड़। सरकारी नौकरी १ करोड़ है भी कि नहीं। कितने हैं? तो १ करोड़ रोटी के लिए १२५ करोड़ लोग मारपीट करते रहोगे या १०० करोड़ नयी रोटी सेकने के तरिके सोचोगे? आरक्षण में दम नहीं। अब Job Creation का मन्त्र पढ़ो। Entrepreneurship का सोंचो। हाँ बल्कि क्रेडिट के लिए लड़ो। क्रेडिट यानि बिजनेस के लिए लोन। बगैर कोलैटरल के लोन मिलने चाहिए। जो वैसा कार्यक्रम लाए उसीको वोट दो। काम हो जाएगा। 

स्मृति ईरानी उर्फ उत्तर प्रदेश मुख्य मंत्री

स्मृति ईरानी उर्फ उत्तर प्रदेश मुख्य मंत्री

२०१७ के लिए बेजोड़ कैंडिडेट रहेंगी स्मृति ईरानी। विकास का तो मोदी जी जानो। मेरे पास सिर्फ रहेगा डायल १०० का डंडा। आप के पति ने आप को थप्पड़ मारा कि फट से डायल वन हंड्रेड। मायावतीजी कह रही हैं अमन चैन। मैं कह रही हुँ नींद हराम।

इतना बोल दो खुद अमित शाह जीका रिकॉर्ड ब्रेक हो जायेगा युपी में। बिहार के बाद थोड़ा थोड़ा मोदी जी का नींद हराम हो गया है। Workaholic हैं। पहले भी सिर्फ चार घंटे सोते थे। अब पौने चार पर उतर आए हैं। युपी २०१७ के बाद शायद फिर से चार पर चले जाएँ।

अखिलेश को लगेगा ये मैंने डायल वन हंड्रेड बनाया कि अपने लिए फाँसी का फंदा?

आजादी के बाद ४० साल कोंग्रेस वाले महात्मा गांधी का नाम भुनाते रह गए। उसके बाद मंडल कमंडल हुवा। बिहार में मंडल फिर से रिलैप्स हो गया है। मोदी का विकास मन्त्र है। लेकिन अभी तक किसी ने जेंडर को कैश नहीं किया। हो जाए शुरुवात।