Showing posts with label Tibet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tibet. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

पाकिस्तान को ४० बिलियन का ऐड (2)

पाकिस्तान को ४० बिलियन का ऐड

तो सामान जब आती है तो वो रात के समय गुप चुप ट्रांसपोर्ट किया जाता है। सीधे गोदाम तक। कमसे कम लोगों को मालुम होता है। कहीं भारत उपर से स्पाई satellite न घुमा दे। ये नेशनल सिक्योरिटी का मामला है।

सोंचने वाली बात है, हथियार आया फॉरेन ऐड तो पाकिस्तान टु फाइट द वॉर ऑन टेरर तो फिर भारत से छुपाने का मतलब? तालेबान के पास को शायद satellite नहीं। भारत युद्ध करना जानता है, लेकिन टेरर --- वो उतना सोफिस्टिकेटेड कहाँ!

सामान गोदाम में जाने के बाद फिर एक जेनेरेशन उसको गोदाम से बाहर निकलना नहीं। काहे तो वो काम का सामान होता ही नहीं। किधर प्रयोग करिएगा? मैन्युअल पढ्ने वाले भी तो चाहिए। आतंकवादी चला रहा है AK-47 तो आप चलाइएगा क्या? आतंकवादी करता है urban warfare जहाँ हथियार कम इंटेलिजेंस ज्यादा काम की होती है।

बल्कि एक जनरेशन बाद उसी गोदाम में खिड़की दरबज्जा लगा दो तो वो हो गया म्यूजियम। देखो बच्चो, जब हम सुपरपावर हुवा करते थे तो कभी हम अमेरिका को सप्लाई करते थे तो कभी अमेरिका भी हमें सप्लाई करता था। तो एक बार अमेरिका ने जो सप्लाई किया वो ये है।

मान लो आप ने इस तरह गोदाम में बंद नहीं किया। चीन से एक कोई भ्रमण पर आया है उसने देख लिया। रूचि लेने लगा।

"मिया, ये क्या? कब ख़रीदे?"

"यही कोई छ महिने पहले ख़रीदे। वो क्या है कि सिक्योरिटी थोड़ा टेंशन दे रहा था। सो।"

"कैश ख़रीदे?"

"बिल्कुल। कुछ अपने भी थे कुछ ऐड में भी उसी वक्त पैसा आया हुवा था। तो सोंचे सिक्योरिटी तो सबसे जरुरी है। सो खरीद लिए। पैसे गनने में पसीना छुट गया था। सूटकेस का सूटकेस देना पड़ा था। गिनने वक्त मैं खुद बैठा था।"



"वो जो है, वो कितने का है?"

"वो वाला? वो वही कोई बिलियन डॉलर का है वो। वर्ल्ड क्लास है। सीरिया बगैरह किसी के पास नहीं। भारत में भी रिपब्लिक डे में अभी तक नहीं दिखा। "

तो चिनिया भाइ नजदिक जा के देखते हैं।

"ये अच्छा है लेकिन ये तो हम आपको १०० मिलियन में उपलब्ध करा सकते थे। कभी कभार हमें भी याद कर लिया करो।"

बस मिया भाइ टाय टाय फिस। कि क्युँ बोला पैसा मैंने गिना। इम्प्रेस होने के बजाय ये क्या बोल गया?

तो मुँहमाँगी प्राइस लिए हुवे रहते हैं सप्लायर। गोदाम में ढक के रखने का प्रमुख कारण वो होता है।

Monday, December 14, 2015

Bringing Closure To Tibet The Dalai Lama Way

Bringing Closure To Tibet The Dalai Lama Way

It is mind over matter. Chinese communists are matter people. They build roads and bridges. They are so good, there is no more road or bridge to build in China, that is why they are going to Pakistan. The hammer needs a nail. Or it will rust. It is not exactly goodwill.

The Dalai Lama is a mind person. Buddhism is not religion, it is science. It is a science that passes for religion. It is a science that does not mind being called religion.

The brain is body. The brain is matter. The mind is mind.

Buddhism is a science of the mind. There are plenty of sciences that deal with the brain and even mind. But Buddhism is the only that deals exclusively with the mind. It does not deal with food, for example. You want food? Go beg, Buddhism says. The Chinese say (or said) grab the landlord's land, by any means necessary.

Military conquests can not bother the mind. It can damage or even destroy the brain. But the mind is mind. After all, the Buddha himself created the world’s first republic by sheer mind power. He was so effective at evaporating the caste hierarchies of the Hindu cobweb, you see Buddhists in Tibet, in China, in Thailand, even Sri Lanka, but not in India, not in Bihar, not in Gujrat where he died (left the body), not in his hometown where he was born. The Bramhins had to physically eliminate. Totally annihilate. They had to destroy the body and the brain because they were so utterly incapable of confronting the mind. The Chinese have not come even remotely close. The Chinese can only dream about what the Bramhins did. And they did it with primitive tools where you had to see blood before your eyes while you took the life. Tibetans have not diminished in number. The religion is more or less intact. And they don’t much care about taxation, and the railway.

Mind over matter.

The Dalai Lama has the solution to China’s Tibet problem. He is the only one who has. And the Chinese should take it while he is still alive, or they might not have a solution for 200 years. The solution is for the Dalai Lama to visit Tibet and China. The Chinese government may take care of the logistics. The Dalai Lama does not mind. What train he rides in, what lodge he spends the night in. All that is matter. He does not mind. The solution is for the Chinese to welcome the Dalai Lama into the country and take him everywhere he wants to go. The trip could last a year. It might last for the rest of his life. Let him be. He is not asking for Tibet to be a separate country. There is no “splittism,” the most awkward word the Chinese have managed to put into the Oxford dictionary. There’s the selfie and then there is splittism. Both are highly awkward. Blame the Americans for one, blame the Chinese for another.

Only a Dalai Lama visit can normalize Tibet’s southern border and Tibet can go back to the way it was for thousands of years. Tibet is a natural part of South Asia, more so than Afghanistan. There is no India China border dispute. There is only a Chinese reluctance to let the Dalai Lama bring a closure to the whole issue.

Mind over matter. The Chinese should let the Dalai Lama visit before it is too late.

I am a Buddhist. I have been for almost 20 years now.

That is why what is going on in Nepal is of world war proportions. The Bramhins will be defeated in Kathmandu before they will be defeated in Delhi. Buddhists are not looking to conquer, not with the sword. Buddhists are looking to simply exist. You may not annihilate the body. You may not annihilate the brain. And you may not have hierarchies. But for that one person one vote is good enough. People have to make their own choices.

Mind over matter. The Dalai Lama has a bad knee. Maybe the Chinese would like to help. He wants to visit.

If Buddhism is science, my law of political entropy is Buddhist engineering. It is applied science. It is rocket science.

There is also the no small matter of anointing the next Dalai Lama, when the time comes.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

India China: No Border Problem

It is said India and China have a border problem. That is not true. India has no problem. What China has is a Tibet problem. China gulped down Tibet, but it is not done digesting yet. Digesting would be when it could afford to open up the border like it was open for thousands of years before it showed up. In the mean time, let the line of actual control be. Let it slide. It's just rocks. Let trade bloom.

Not even the Dalai Lama wants Tibetan independence. He is happy 400 million Chinese are now Buddhist. He wants a few hundred million more. The Dalai Lama visiting China and Tibet is a great idea. I can't think of a better way of settling the issue of whether Tibet should be a separate country or not.

Monday, June 15, 2015

China: A Complex Picture

  • A black guy is in the White House occupying the most powerful political office on the planet and can still be at the receiving end of racism. What is the solution to that? The only way the African Americans are lo longer a sorry lot in America is if Africa does the China thing. Africa needs to become an economic powerhouse. Africa needs to attempt a political, economic union, or at least a free trade area. 
  • China has lifted more people out of poverty than any power in history. I would want India and Africa to emulate that. 
  • China grew at double digit growth rates for 30 years. That is mind blowing. I want to know how. I want to learn. 
  • China has campaign finance reform. America needs campaign finance reform. 

  • The only way China can now go back to double digit growth rates is if it engages in fundamental political reform. China still is only one fourth the size of America measured by per capita income. It needs to grow at double digit rates for another 20 years before it relaxes a bit. 
  • The only way China can truly integrate Taiwan and Tibet is if it goes federal. 
  • You can not dream up the industries of tomorrow if you do not celebrate free speech. It is only a matter of time before the Internet is beamed down from the skies, and then your virtual Great Wall will fall like a house of cards. 
  • Don't exacerbate ethnic tensions in places like Sri Lanka and Burma, or India will come after you with everything it's got. 
  • If the Dalai Lama wants to visit Tibet, he should be allowed to visit Tibet. Anyone or any power who thinks otherwise is wrong in the head. 

  • China engaging in fundamental political reform paves the way for China becoming a true global power
  • China could lead the way on things like boundless clean energy and global bullet trains. But only political reforms will give it an image makeover to make big moves possible. 
  • True leaders are not bullies. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Chinese Communist Party Can Keep The Power If They Agree To Pluralism, Federalism

Logo of the Communist Party of Thailand. The C...Image via WikipediaThe impending revolution in China can have a different outcome than that in most places. The revolution in China could conclude with the Chinese Communist Party continuing to be in power.

By summer, if not earlier, China will be rattling too. And this is not going to be something confined to one square in Beijing. The unrest will sweep the country at large, in big cities and small towns alike.

Arab Dictators Will Fall Like A House Of Cards

The Chinese Communist Party is going to have to exercise maximum restraint. If the CCP chooses to do what the generals in Burma did, if the CCP goes down the Gaddafi road, then the Chinese Communist Party itself is going to be thrown into the dustbins of history.

But it does not have to be that way. The Chinese Communist Party has undertaken major economic reforms over decades to lift hundreds of millions out of poverty. Now it is time for fundamental political reform.

The reform will have to come in the form of amendments to the Chinese constitution that will guarantee human rights, and yes that includes free speech, and yes that includes religious freedom, and amendments that will make it legal to organize political parties in China, and amendments that will allow for a federal China so the people in Tibet can finally breathe after half a century of utter disrespect.

The Saudi King Is No Exception, He Has To Go Too

The Chinese Communist Party should not so much as think in terms of a bloodbath. That path leads to irrelevance for the CCP, and much unnecessary chaos for China.
MaoImage by Matthew Stewart | Photographer via Flickr
I believe the Chinese Communist Party has the option to take a non military response to the impending revolution and guide it in a way that does not disturb China's stellar economic performance.

But I'd be the first to say China does not need a democracy like they have in America. In America they don't have campaign finance reform which makes for a rather silly democracy. The Chinese should architect a multi-party democracy that starts with total campaign finance reform.

China: 2 PM, Sunday
Et Tu, China?
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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tibet Is Not The US South Of The Civil War Era

Sakya Monastery, Tibet. Sakya Monastery was fo...
China Focuses on Territorial Issues as It Equates Tibet to U.S. Civil War South New York Times return the boundaries of the modern nation to roughly those of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) at its height. That includes Taiwan, Tibet, the western region of Xinjiang and, by China’s calculation, Tawang. ..... In the age of empires, there were no hard and fast borders
The US civil war was about slavery and the Lincoln people were on the right side of history. China is about repressing Tibet, and the Chinese are on the wrong side of history.

The two sides in the US civil war were at war. And either could have won. Tibet today has no army that is fighting the Chinese army. The Chinese are the only force in town.
:en:3rd Dalai Lama,Image via Wikipedia

The US South wanted to break away from the rest of the US. Tibet is not seeking to be a separate country.

And to expect Obama to sympathize with China on this question is beyond ridiculous. Because Obama is black - he is actually biracial - he is much more likely to empathize with the repressed Tibetans. And he does.  
The future is a plural China that is integrated with Taiwan, and is a federal, democratic, multi-party state.


China Tibet Watch
Tibet Will Be Free
China Likens Tibet Policy to Abraham Lincoln « DC Progressive 
A Tibetan Solution For Tibet « Tibettruth's Blog 
“Tibet will Rise Again”? « Last Row 
Shock: PRC Racism 
::: The Travel Photographer :::: China's Tibet: Desmond Kavanaugh 
Drop Zone Only: Obama: Prosperous China strengthens all nations 
China – China berates Dalai Lama visit to area near Tibet – San ... 
Global Voices Online » Bangladesh: Chinese Pressure Censors Tibet ... 
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