Wednesday, February 18, 2015

ISIS Territory Is The New Rwanda

Map of Rwanda from CIA World Factbook, with pr...
Map of Rwanda from CIA World Factbook, with province boundaries and names added. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In the worst case scenario, the ISIS territory, even if it does not expand -- I mean, it is not like anyone seriously thinks they will take over everything they want to take over -- is a Rwanda in the making. It is selfish to think the ISIS is a problem only if it blows up a cafe in some rich country. The killings inside ISIS territory have to be of concern. Once ISIS has reached its territorial limits and it becomes super hard for it to expand, it is going to turn inwards, and it is going to keep looking for enemies within. Already unacceptable levels of killings are going to go up several notches. What will the world do then? Sit and watch? What is the threshold? Is it half a million dead? At what point does the world intervene?

ISIS is not a religion, it is not a state, it is a cult. It is not even a terrorist organization like the Al Qaeda, it is a cult.

Monday, February 16, 2015

AAP Will Emerge The Second Largest Party In 2019

The Aam Aadmi Party's spectacular victory in Delhi was way better than even their own best predictions. It was obvious they would win, but their margin of victory has been surprising. There is no question now that Kejriwal will stay Chief Minister for the next five years, likely 10, make that nine. And he has to perform. He has to deliver. Protest to sab karte hain. Deliver karo. 

And it is a good thing that AAP is thinking in terms of contesting state elections far and wide. The BJP has become the new Congress, the new natural party in power. But the Opposition space lies vacant. AAP is best positioned to grow into that space.

The Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh, for example, is just the UP version of Laloo Yadav. Laloo challenged caste dynamics, and kudos to him, but there was zero deliverance on governance. Agar usi Mulayam ko Nitish apna neta mante hain to Opposition space mein ane ke liye the so-called Janata Parivar bhi right mindset mein nahin hai. 

That leaves AAP to fill up the space. And that is a good thing. AAP has the potential to also spill over into the neighboring countries. AAP doing good work makes democracy an export item for India. That is just so wonderful. Why only Bollywood? Also export AAP.

Nitish will do well in Bihar. But his national options have been curtailed by his reliance on tired faces like Mulayam.

Modi has been doing good work, and I think he will be rewarded accordingly in 2019. The BJP might go for a one party government at the center after the 2019 elections. Might as well. But maybe in 2024 it will be Kejriwal's turn to take the helm. Don't underestimate the power of a common man.

Dono bania, dono halwai.

The Opposition Party has to be a party that is ready to take power. That is not the Congress, and that is not Mulayam's Janata Parivar. Independence ke momentum ne Congress ko 40-50 sal diye. Uska baad Mandal politics aya. Ab kamandal+development politics chal raha hai. Uske baad common man ki baari ayegi. 

AAP's landslide victory in Delhi: ET examines the party's future prospects in 10 states
Instead of the scattershot approach which it adopted in the Lok Sabha election, AAP now wants to be methodical in its expansion. The Delhi win changes little on the ground in most states; the strategy to build ground-up had begun in June 2014, one of its main objectives being to beef up units across the country. ...... it is only a question of time before the party becomes a national political alternative, but it will have to first deliver in Delhi. Never mind that some of its prominent faces in the rest of the country think the iron is hot enough. ...... it needs to do what it did so effectively in Delhi: engage with the electorate long before an election through initiatives like 'Delhi Dialogue', which Sanyal calls a "game-changer" for the party.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Boots On The Ground?

My blog post on February 2: Boots On The Ground?

News today, February 11: Obama opens door to 'limited' ground combat operations against ISIS.
"If left unchecked, ISIL will pose a threat beyond the Middle East, including to the United States homeland," Obama said. ........ Obama is offering to limit authorization to three years, extending to the next president the powers and the debate over renewal for what he envisions as a long-range battle.
These ISIS folks are not exactly people you have the option to invite to the debate table. The hard nosed truth is force is necessary. Terror attacks in Australia and Paris are all emanating from there. It is only a matter of time before something happens in the United States. They sure have the intention. These people would let go off a dirty bomb the first chance they got at any location of convenience.

The Al Qaeda never had territory. The Taliban had territory, and the Al Qaeda used it like a parasite. These guys are worse than the Al Qaeda, if that is possible, and they command a bigger territory than the Taliban, more strategic, and have robust revenue streams.

Waiting for them to strike when they have a clear intention to do so is like waiting for them to build up their capabilities. It does not take much to blow up one cafe, but the incident scares an entire nation.

The ISIS running a state is not something that can be tolerated.

The Middle East is not some problem that will simply go away if you will ignore it. And it is not an easy problem.

This is the right move by the president, a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Sometimes you need boots on the ground to keep the peace. It is in his job description.

As to the details, I am no military expert. But it makes political sense to build a large coalition of countries. Because every democracy is a target. It makes sense to have a limited, well defined ground operation where you try and work with local allies. The ISIS offends pretty much everybody in that neighborhood. Air power would play the decisive role. Intelligence would play a big role. But there is no avoiding firefights. That is the sad truth.

I still think beaming internet from the sky and flooding the land with cheap Android phones is the best way to make progress in that part of the world. You want hundreds of millions of Muslims sharing cat videos. That is cheaper, better, and it minimizes the violence.

Obama seeks sweeping Isis authority amid infighting over open-ended war
Obama Sends Letter to Congress Seeking Authorization of ISIS Fight

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Indian Democracy Is Working

The near total sweep by Kejriwal in Delhi is a sign that the Indian democracy is working. That same electorate gave a clean sweep to Modi in the national elections last year. That is a mature electorate that knows the difference between the national government and the state government.

Kejriwal swept Delhi. And news is India now has become the fastest growing economy on the planet. Thank you, Modi.

Right now I feel like Nitish will do well in Bihar later this year. The BJP, just like in Delhi, does not have a clear Chief Minister candiate. Who?

I hope Nitish comes back with a major mandate, because he has done more for Bihar than anyone since independence. Bihar could use him for 10 more years.

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Hillary Went To Burma, Like Nixon Went To China

President Nixon meets with China's Communist P...
President Nixon meets with China's Communist Party Leader, Mao Tse-Tung, 02/29/1972 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Richard Nixon going to China is considered his saving grace. It was a major move. Similarly Hillary Clinton making a difference on Burma was mind blowing to me, even more so because I had not been reading up on the build up to it. It only came to my notice once it happened. And I am like, Da What! What just happened? I did not see it coming. I was not expecting it. Getting Su Kyi released is almost like getting Nelson Mandela released. It was a big deal.

That one move alone makes Hillary Clinton a great Secretary of State, methinks. It was a big, bold move. It was heartwarming to me. 

Kamala Harris Would Be A Great Running Mate

English: San Francisco District Attorney Kamal...
English: San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris speaking at an event (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Having a woman president is historic, but not quite enough. I think it is time for a two women ticket. And Kamala Harris would bring California on board. A New York - California ticket would be great for the progressive cause.

Harris is running to be Senator. That makes her federal!

There will also be a generation balance. Also a cultural balance. Hillary is not minority female, only female.

Hillary 2016

That woman deserves her revenge.

A Most Wonderful President

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama
Barack Obama and Michelle Obama (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I volunteered for Barack Obama in 2007 expecting him to be a wonderful president. He has been more wonderful than I expected him to be. What more can one ask for!

Obama Missed Apartheid, Colonization, And The Abortion Debate

He mentioned the Crusades, the Inquisition, he mentioned slavery and Jim Crow. And he is right. But he should also have mentioned apartheid, and colonization before that. And the talk can also be extended to the abortion debate. People quote the Bible to talk on the wrong side of progress on gender relations.

“The president’s comments this morning at the prayer breakfast are the most offensive I’ve ever heard a president make in my lifetime.”
--- former Virginia governor Jim Gilmore (R).

There has been only one black president in your lifetime. How many times can you expect to get offended in your lifetime?

Monday, February 02, 2015

Boots On The Ground?

If ISIS is going to target "soft" targets anywhere and everywhere, I think the western powers might be forced to think in terms of boots on the ground. We might be about to enter a bloody, violent, expensive phase of the War On Terror. There is obviously no easy way out. Bush II stands validated a little.

If the Taliban in power in Afghanistan is a no no, why is ISIS in power anywhere an option, right? ISIS commands a territory, it commands major revenue streams. It has a global reach the likes of which the Taliban or the Al Qaeda never did. And its intentions are clear and apocalyptic.

But even the boots on the ground idea could come with major aerial moves. It does not have to be a major operation like Bush II going into Iraq. I don't know. I am no military expert.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

केजरीवाल PM बन सकते हैं

मोदी और नीतिश एक ही जेनेरेशन के हैं। तो मोदी बाजी मार ले गए। और वो काम अच्छा कर रहे हैं। अभी तो लगता है १० साल तो कुर्सी पर बैठे रहेंगे ही।

लेकिन केजरीवाल उसके बादवाली जेनेरेशन से हैं। मान लो मोदी १५ साल गद्दी पर बैठे रहते हैं। तो उसके बाद कौन? बीजेपी के पास अच्छे अच्छे मुख्य मंत्री हैं, नहीं है ऐसी बात नहीं। लेकिन कोइ एक पार्टी १५ साल शासन करने के बाद थक सी जाती है। तो केजरीवालको मौका मिल सकता है। लेकिन उसके लिए उनको १० साल मुख्य मंत्री बनके, अच्छा काम करके दिखाना होगा।

नीतिश अगर चुनाव जित जाते हैं तो शायद वो १० साल तक मुख्य मंत्री बने रहे।

केजरीवाल मगर PM बन सकते हैं। नीतिश शायद उस दौर में नही हैं।

लेकिन दो साल पहले केजरीवाल कौन थे? अपरिचित थे। १०-१५ सालमें नए नए चेहरे उभरके नहीं आ सकते हैं ऐसी बात नहीं है।

प्रधान मंत्री जन धन आयोजना और Microfinance

मोदीने जो किया है वो एक क्रांतिकारी कदम है। अब लगभग सभी भारतीय परिवारोंके पास बैंक खाता है। संपत्ति सोने के रूपमें मत रखो, बैंक खातेमें पैसा जमा करो -- वो सन्देश है। बहुत बड़ी बात है ये। देशकी कायापलट कर देगी। Domestic Capital Markets के लिए इतना बड़ा काम भारतमें पिछले हजार सालमें नहीं हुए। चार महिनेमें कर दिखाया।

मोदीने गुजरातमें जो काम किया विकासके लिए उसका मैं सदैव प्रशंसक रहा। और २००२ दंगे जो कि एक बहुत बड़ी ट्रेजेडी थी, उसके लिए मैंने भारतके सर्वोच्च अदालतको माना। उस अदालतने निर्णय किया कि मोदी जिम्मेवार नहीं हैं तो नहीं हैं। और वो मेरी अडान चुनाव से पहले की है। लेकिन चुनाव के दरम्यान मैं नीतिश के लिए रूटिंग कर रहा था। सोच्ने वाली बात ये है कि मेरी पैदाइश बिहारकी है। दरभंगा में पैदा हुवा मै। और नीतिश ने बिहारकी कायापलट की। तो उतना तो मेरे को करना ही था। अभी भी मैं उनका प्रशंसक हुँ। लालुका भी मैं प्रशंसक हुँ। लालुके पार्टीके बिहार यूनिट (एक ही तो यूनिट है पार्टीकी) के प्रेसिडेंट रामचन्द्र पुर्वे मेरे मामा लगेंगे। लालु जब मुख्य मंत्री थे तो मेरे मामा उनके शिक्षा मंत्री थे। And Laloo has been the best Railways Minister in India's history. नीतिशने मुख्य मंत्रीके रूपमें और लालुने रेल मंत्रीके रूपमें जादु ही कर दिया। हार्वर्ड यूनिवर्सिटी से लेके बिल गेट्स तक दोनों के फैन हो गए। तो उसकी सराहना तो करनी ही होगी। १,००० साल की caste dynamics को लालु ने चैलेंज किया। छोटीमोटी बात नहीं है।

भारतके वो प्रथम प्रमुख नेता हैं नीतिश जिन्होने मोदीको भविष्यका प्रधान मंत्री बताया। वो मुख्य मंत्री बनने से पहले की बात है। RSS का जो लव जिहाद और घर वापसीका ढकोसला है वो नीतिशको भी अच्छा नहीं लगा तो मोदीको भी नहीं। मोदी तेली तो नीतिश कुर्मी --- दोनों एक ही caste category से हैं। दोनों पिछड़े वर्गसे हैं। दोनों निम्न परिवारसे हैं। दोनों ने मुख्य मंत्रीके रूपमें बहुत अच्छा काम किया।

गौर करनेवाली बात ये है कि २०१४ में प्रधान मंत्री पदके लिए सिर्फ एक आदमी लड़ रहा था। घोषित कैंडिडेट दुसरा कोइ था ही नहीं। राहुल घोषित कैंडिडेट नहीं थे। नीतिश तो थे ही नहीं। एक बार बात ही बात में कह दिया, "मैं कोइ बुरा कैंडिडेट थोरे हुँ," लेकिन वो दौर में नहीं थे। नीतिशका इशारा था एल के आडवाणी की ओर। अभी भी मुलायमकी और इशारा कर रहे हैं। फिर से गलती कर रहे हैं। बडोका आदर करो, लेकिन इतना मत करो कि डेमोक्रेसी गड़बड़ हो जाए।

Maybe it was not a well thought out position by Nitish. Maybe he made a mistake in breaking up with the BJP on the issue of Modi. I don't know. I am not sure. If he had been part of the NDA, he would have been its most important leader after Modi himself. But he let that go.

तो फिर नीतिश ने क्या किया? क्या गलती किया? शायद। लेकिन लोकतंत्रमें उनका लोकतान्त्रिक अधिकार है। वैसे भी वो जनता परिवार पृष्ठभूमिके लोग हैं। जहाँके थे वहाँ चले गए। या अगर प्रधान मंत्री के रेस में थे तो मोदी जित गए। वो हार गए। होता है।

सुशील मोदी कहते हैं, २००५ के बाद बिहार में अच्छा काम हुवा, उसका श्रेय तो मैं भी लुंगा। कोई गलत तर्क नहीं है। बात भारतकी है, लोकतंत्रकी है, विकासकी है, बिहारकी है। सुशील मोदीका कास्ट बैकग्राउंड भी नीतिशके जैसा है। तो मेरेको लगता है प्रतिस्प्रधा कसके होगी।

सारे भारतमें केजरीवाल और नीतिश ही हैं जो मोदीको चैलेंज कर सकते हैं। दिल्लीका चुनाव बिहार के लिए भी मायने रखती है। अगर केजरीवाल चुनाव हार जाते हैं तो नीतिशको बिहारमें दिक्कत है। Bihar is tougher than Delhi. दिल्लीमें केजरीवाल जित भी जाते हैं तो बिहारमें नीतिशको आसान है ऐसी बात नहीं।

लेकिन अगर केजरीवाल और नीतिश दोनों मुख्य मंत्री बन भी जाते हैं तो मोदीको केंद्रमें कोइ खास डिस्टर्ब नहीं होगा। भारतकी लोकतंत्र मजबुत होगी। लोकतंत्रमें बिपक्ष भी कोइ मायने रखती है। अभी तो लग रहा है मोदी कमसेकम १० साल तो प्रधान मंत्री बने ही रहेंगे। काम अच्छा कर रहे हैं।

बात है प्रधान मंत्री जन धन आयोजना की और Microfinance की। एक आधार बन गयी है। देश व्यापी रूपसे Microfinance का विस्तार किया जा सकता है।