Sunday, March 06, 2016

Why This Kolaveri Di

मोदी को दुर से मोरल सपोर्ट


अगर मैं भारत के गरीब के बारे में केयर करता हुँ -- जो कि करता हुँ --- तो उस गरीब के लिए सबसे ज्यादा करने के जगह में मोदी हैं। और ये नहीं कि इरशाद के तरह कु के रास्ते पहुँच गए। लोकतान्त्रिक मैंडेट मिला है। तो मैं दुर से ही थोड़ा मोरल सपोर्ट एक्सटेंड कर देता हुँ वो भारत के गरीब के लिए।

मोदी को दुर से मोरल सपोर्ट।

राकेट लांच का पहला १०० मीटर है ये। सबसे कठिन पार्ट यही होता है। 

जन धन योजना

पहले मोदी जी ने काला धन का जिक्र किया। लोगों को लगा जो गोरे लोग ले गए सोने की चिड़िया, शायद उसकी बात हो रही है। १०-१५ लाख की बात हुवी। कहा कुछ गया हो लेकिन विपक्षी के प्रचार से लगा मोदी ने कह दिया सबको १०-१५ लाख मिलेगा।

तो जब मोदी ने कहा बैंक अकाउंट खोलो तो सबने बड़े रफ़्तार में खोल लिया। आपके खाते में १०-१५ आने वाली हो तो आप एक क्या दो अकाउंट खोल लो। वही हुवा। जन धन योजना सफल हो गयी।

Free Speech And China

Free speech doesn't mean careless talk^ - NARA...
Free speech doesn't mean careless talk^ - NARA - 535383 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have tried to look at this issue with an open mind, but you can't argue against your own basic beliefs.

I don't have a very good idea of what it is like to live inside China. But the impression I get is, as long as you don't criticize the Chinese Communist Party, they leave you alone. So if you don't talk politics, what do you talk about? Sports? Movies?

Is it possible to imagine government work as utility? When was the last time you made comments about electricity? It's just there in the background. You wouldn't even notice unless it's not there. It is not an active part of your mindspace. Is it like that?

I guess the suggestion seems to be, if you want to talk politics, join the party, and rise up the ranks, it is mostly meritocratic. You have to first learn and know what you are talking about.

China grew pretty rapidly from 1990 on for two decades. In 1990 India was slightly ahead of China in per capita income. Look at them now. Is India handicapped for being a democracy? I believe not. And Modi is about to prove it.

China is not a Saddam style dictatorship. The party has pretty sophisticated structures to delve into policy issues. The leadership changes every 10 years like at General Electric.

So is there free speech in commerce, science and technology? China has done impressive work in those spaces, perhaps not possible without free speech.

On the other hand, when you blow up a satellite in space just because and create space debris, or when you genetically engineer in ways that scares people, is that someone riding a motorbike without a helmet on?

Like someone once said, I am a free speech bigot. But the proof is in the pudding.

It is remarkable that China has lifted more people out of poverty than any power in history. And when a country like China finally gets its acts together, it seems to be able to tap into its thousands of years of history with ease and make up for lost time, and end up with some advantages.

But the per capita income in the US is 55K, that in China one seventh of that. That is a pretty huge gap that might take decades to overcome. But could it ever be overcome? Without free speech? Blanket free speech?

China has mostly played catch up. But if China is a legitimate alternate system, could it create the industries of tomorrow before America? If it could then it could suggest, even before achieving per capita income parity, that it is indeed an alternate system that works.

China is the reason the world did not get into a really bad shape in 2008 and 2009. The US and China mostly act like mature powers. There is some military tension here and there, especially around the South China Sea, but then how else would either justify huge military expenditures? That tussle might be internal to China.

In the US the Internet is the newest frontier for free speech where anything goes, and Julia Roberts feels hated, but in China they have managed to use the Internet to curb free speech like never before.

China has become a bigger economy than the US, per capita income aside, and the state owned firms in China exceed $13 trillion in value, and with the political monopoly that the CCP has, does it become harder for the country to truly catch up and move towards a 50K per capita income?

There is the philosophy of free speech, there is the concreteness of the new industries of tomorrow, and there is just bread and butter, basic infrastructure, some of which China has been building far from its borders.

If India were to grow at double digit rates for 20 years, that would make for an interesting comparison. Because India is a rambunctious democracy. Indians have opinions! Indians haggle when they go grocery shopping. Indians will show up for a political rally for no rhyme or reason. Both Microsoft and Google have Indian CEOs.

China will more likely see internal reform than go the Soviet way. But how long before that happens is anyone's guess. Does it happen when the per capita income hits 20K?

Laloo And Biju

Modi's 2014 Mandate Is For 20 Years

अपनी अपनी रीडिंग होती है। मेरी रीडिंग है कि मोदी को जो निर्णायक मैंडेट मिला २०१४ में वो २० साल के लिए है। जनता ने कहा है भारत को फर्स्ट वर्ल्ड कंट्री बना दो उसके बाद रिटायर हो जाओ। अगर भारतको २४० ट्रिलियन तक लाना अंतरिक्ष में या चाँद तक पहुँचना है तो राकेट लांच का पहला १०० मीटर जो सबसे कठिन होता है वो मोदी को करना है। और कर रहे हैं।

Narendra Modi is God's gift to India: Shivraj Singh Chouhan

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Kanhaiya Kumar

I think of this speech as a celebration of free speech.

I think the Left misses out on the basics of economic growth but does a good job on issues of social liberalism, and places a good emphasis on education.

But this is one student leader, flavor of the month perhaps. The media needs food periodically.

This guy is more meaningful than the Patel agitator. But I doubt how big the impact will be.

If this is the opposition's hope that Modi rule will end, that feels like a caricature of sorts.

Bihari hai, uthapatak to karega hi.

Michelle Obama Could Do The Paid Speeches, No Sweat

There are some things that don't work in America, but paid speeches are not among them.

Barack Obama: Christ-Like
Vice President
Money: 100% Digital, 100% Global, 100% On The Blockchain, 100% In Circulation
South China Sea: Early Thoughts
Libya: Laboratory
The Obesity Epidemic
Kathmandu And Jerusalem
Science And Engineering
China And The Next Thousand Years
Mexico, Europe And Infrastructure
America: A One Party State?
Military Expertise
Xi Jinping: Movie Star
Ai Wei
Six Fall Guys
The Genius Of The US Constitution

Barack Obama: FDR, Lincoln And Washington
What Did I Do?
2016: The Year For Barack Obama's Revolution From The Top

Android Phones Should Machine Record All Talk

Flat Earth, Round Earth

English: The Flammarion engraving is a wood en...
English: The Flammarion engraving is a wood engraving by an unknown artist that first appeared in Camille Flammarion's L'atmosphère: météorologie populaire (1888). The image depicts a man crawling under the edge of the sky, depicted as if it were a solid hemisphere, to look at the mysterious Empyrean beyond. The caption translates to "A medieval missionary tells that he has found the point where heaven and Earth meet..." (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
To expect major advances in the social sciences, in the political sphere, in our economic arrangements, we will have to admit maybe we cling to many flat earth concepts, not only we do, we cling to them with the institutions of power. Our flat earth concepts we accept as natural as the landscape. It will not change.

The free speech domain becomes even more important. Whether or not society, or the political process, will make room is for the political process to decide. But whether or not the thoughts will be thought can not be the domain of political institutions. Or we handicap ourselves in fundamental ways.

It is this juncture of history. History is about to speed up. The past is not a big help, especially to help determine the rate of impending change.

The good news is we might be on our way to heaven on earth in terms of moving to an age of abundance. The bad news is many of the flat earth concepts might try to get in the way through the political muscles they might flex along the way.

Free speech is more important now than ever. Just like our eyes only see the visible spectrum which is a really, really small part of the spectrum, maybe our minds also have a narrow spectrum, but the reality is obviously larger. The mind sees what it is designed to see, but it does not see everything or even much. 

नीतिश का एक Blind Spot: FDI (2)

English: Fixed Capital Formation and FDI in th...
English: Fixed Capital Formation and FDI in the Philippines (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Foreign direct investment incoming in...
English: Foreign direct investment incoming in Jordan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
नीतिश का एक Blind Spot: FDI

मोदी खुद कटोरा ले के सारे दुनिया घुम रहे हैं डेढ़ साल से कि FDI दे दो। स्वाभाविक है केंद्र सरकार के पास पैसा नहीं है। तो बिहार सरकार पैसे क्यों माग रही है? मुख्य मंत्री थे मोदी गुजरात में तो सालाना एक समिट करवाते थे। घर बैठे FDI आ जाती थी। विशेष राज्य का दर्जा मिलने से कितना पैसा आना है? जितना भी आना है उसकी सीमा होगी। लेकिन FDI का कोई सीमा ही नहीं है। सिर्फ लेनेवाले पर निर्भर होता है कि लेने का क्षमता कितना है? एक लाख करोड़ चाहिए कि दो लाख कि पांच लाख? क्षमता कितना है? जितना है उतना लेते जाओ।

समाजवाद में शायद FDI नहीं होता। समस्या शायद वो है।

नीतिश का एक Blind Spot: FDI

काठमाण्डु मीडिया को पढ़ो तो लगता है नीतिश को मधेसको बारे में न कुछ मालुम है न मतलब है।

लेकिन मधेसी मीडिया को पढ़ो तो मालुम पड़ता है कि नीतिश जितना बिहार समझते हैं उतना ही मधेस और नेपाल समझते हैं। सबसे जो सटिक प्रश्न है वो उन्होंने किया। कि जो काँग्रेस और कम्निष्ट पार्टी में मधेसी हैं उन्होंने इस संविधान पर हस्ताक्षर क्यों किया?  जाहिर है उन सांसदों के मतदाता इस संविधान से तीव्र असंतुष्ट हैं।

नीतिश के दो Blind Spots

लोकतंत्र में वैसा नहीं होता है। सांसद और उसके मतदाता के बीच इतनी दुरी लोकतंत्र में संभव नहीं। ये दुरी उस बात की प्रमाण है कि नेपाल में वास्तव में लोकतंत्र है ही नहीं। चुनाव में भारी धाँधली हुवी। उसके बाद भी विजेता पार्टी ने अपना मैनिफेस्टो ही फेंक दिया। संविधान सभा में व्हिप जारी नहीं किया जा सकता। वो एक विश्वव्यापी मान्यता है। नेपाल में व्हिप जारी की गयी। जभी जयशंकर आए उस समय में संविधान सभा के पास कमसेकम ६ महिना समय बाँकी था अगर प्रक्रिया को पुरा किया जाता तो। तो उसको शार्ट सर्किट कर दिया गया। अभी भी ये लोग कह रहे हैं चलो चुनाव की ओर। यानि की फिर से जम के धाँधली करने की काबिलियत रखते हैं। इतना सब कुछ हो जाने के बाद भी। ये लोकतंत्र नहीं फासिज्म है।