Monday, September 26, 2016

Never Trump

Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President

Debate Tips From Time

Your tone should be confident and prosecutorial, and your case is to prove that Trump is unfit for public office. But please don’t say it. Prove it. Your mission is to demonstrate that every time he talks on the global stage, his words could defile the office, embarrass the country and, yes, even provoke a war. Our polling couldn’t be clearer: If the election is a referendum on Trump, you win.

Remember this as he tries again and again to get under your skin: Trump is the most disliked candidate in modern history. Put him on trial. Rattle him. When he is challenged, he hits back. He loses control. He says dumb stuff. So push his buttons and compel him to reveal to the world that he is not qualified for the job.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

"In the hostel they laugh like tractors"

Rural Indian Girls Chase Big-City Dreams -

America: Laughing Stock Of The World

Donald Trump has turned America into the laughing stock of the world, and he is not even president yet. I wonder how much more he could do as president.

Within 18 months of the start of a Trump presidency America will see a recession comparable to the one in 2008. The Fed has less room to play right now, that's why.

President Donald Trump I will start work on the wall. President Donald Trump IV will finish the work, I am confident. It might take a few generations but the Trumps will get it done. Rome was not built in a day.

By the time Trump is done with his presidency in 2020 the world will see somewhere between 20 and 30 new nuclear powers.

A record number of Russian oligarchs will buy real estate from Trump Inc. Trump University will see a second life without any change in business practices.

America will have become the fourth largest economy in the world, still ahead of a comfortable number of economies, ahead of over 190.

And America will have become great again by reclaiming its status as the dominant continental power in North America that it once was.

Russia will also have become great again by gobbling up more of Ukraine and all of the Baltic states while President Trump was out on his coffee break.

NATO and NAFTA are in tatters and China now leads the East Pacific Free Trade Zone, the most vibrant segment of the world economy.

The former Yugoslavia now is what Syria used to be. War is back.

ISIS never recruited faster after Trump created an internment camp for Muslims.

America has walked away from the Paris Agreement. NYC now sees a Sandy every year.

That is the Trump Path, folks. Pick wisely.

America's very identity is at stake.

Poll: Clinton, Trump in virtual dead heat on eve of first debate

What Cruz Did Is Capitulation, Not Forgiveness

Donald Trump insulting Ted Cruz' family was not a one off unintentional mistake. That was one small insignificant symptom of the disease called Trump 2016. Trump, if anything, has doubled down on his ideology of hate. Trump does not have issues with one family, that of Ted Cruz. Trump hates the guts of every family that looks like the family of Ted Cruz. He has never repented, he has never backtracked. If anything he is even more fervently trying to change the hate into public policy or, barring that, public chaos.

Ted Cruz did not even forgive. What Ted Cruz did was he read the poll numbers. He saw the polls tightening and figured, what the heck. Let Trump be Trump. Who cares about family!

Forgiveness is not about putting up with evil. Donald Trump is evil. God seeks for human beings to fight evil with everything they have got. Ted Cruz just surrendered.

You don't forgive Hitler after he just took Poland. Trump is a fascist clown. He has to be countered at every turn. You confront evil.

Man does not live on bread alone, but on Satan's hate speech. That is the Trump Train.

Kashmiris Should Be Treated Like Citizens

I have been surprised by the developments in Kashmir. How did it start? How did it escalate? How did it get so out of hand? This has been unfortunate.

Where does Kashmir belong, in India or Pakistan, is a stupid question in this day and age. Kashmir belongs in a democracy, that is where Kashmir belongs. If Pakistan is a democracy, Kashmir belongs in Pakistan. If India is a democracy, Kashmir belongs in India. And if both India and Pakistan are democracies it is not a problem that half of Kashmir is in India and half is in Pakistan. As long as democracy can be taken to every Kashmiri, it is okay for Kashmir to be in two countries.

The Madhesh of Nepal was 100% a part of India during the Mughal era. But today Madhesh, that looks exactly like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, is in Nepal, and there is an open border. That should be the model not only for all of South Asia but for the whole world ultimately. The Nepal India border is the most cutting edge political border in the world.

The Indian government's number one responsibility is to treat all Kashmiris like citizens in a democracy. Kashmir is not Gaza, Kashmir is not the West Bank.

The solution is for both India and Pakistan to come around to accepting the Line Of Control as the final border. The fiction that some day all of Kashmir will be in India or in Pakistan is hurting both countries. So much political capital is being wasted in a stupid fight.

India should bring normalcy for its Kashmiri citizens. Pakistan should make the attempt to become a full democracy where the army and the intelligence agency are 100% under the democratically elected parliament.

Then the two countries should move towards accepting the Line Of Control as the final border. That also is the best thing for India and China in places like Arunachal Pradesh.

Trade is the name of the game.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Whole World Is Laughing At America

The entire planet is laughing at America because of Donald Trump.

New York Times Endorsement

Hillary Clinton for President

The next president will take office with bigoted, tribalist movements and their leaders on the march. In the Middle East and across Asia, in Russia and Eastern Europe, even in Britain and the United States, war, terrorism and the pressures of globalization are eroding democratic values, fraying alliances and challenging the ideals of tolerance and charity.

Trump Is Going To Grunt Through The Debates

That is what the leading primatologist has said.

A Challenge To Donald

Donald, I would like to challenge you to a game of chess.

Donald Trump Is Absolutely Dumb

Let's name a neighborhood in Brooklyn after him. Wait, it already exists. Dumbo.

Donald. I would like to sell you this bridge on the East River, and if you buy, I will name an adjacent neighborhood after you, just for the takes. What say you?

The guy is so thick in the head, it is unbelievable. His wealth only amplifies it.