Showing posts with label immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immigration. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2016

If Hillary Can't Confront Donald Trump

If Hillary Clinton can't confront Donald Trump she can't confront the dictators around the world, plain and simple. Trump is a fascist, a sociopath with enormous bad manners.

But we saw in the third debate Hillary absolutely can confront Donald Trump. This was my favorite of the three debates. I saw Hillary go for the kill.

My definition of success is Hillary taking the House. And the way to take the House is to go on the attack. And she did.

You can not shy from the evil and the ugly. You have to take it head on. Hillary did. She took Trump head on.

I also thought she looked great. Of all the colors she wears, and she wears many colors, I think white looks best on her.

Men are much less imaginative in the colors they wear. Red tie? Trump probably wears one in bed. The guy is monotonous.

I think this debate worked much better than the second one because Donald Trump was not allowed to walk around the stage. That is the prescription. Cage Donald Trump and you will have a decent country. Build a wall around the guy.

On issues, I think everyone with a coal job today can be shifted to solar installation jobs and there would be a shortage of workers. And these jobs would be all over the country instead of just near the coal mines.

What has been most confounding to me in this election is on climate change Trump has basically been saying let's turn the entire planet into one big gas chamber. Where is the outrage? Hitler has nothing on this guy. Hitler is a hand grenade to this guy's atom bomb.

This guy wants to jail opponents, silence the press and build gas chambers. Such thoughts used to be limited to extreme fringes. What has become of America? Where is the sanity?

Bill Clinton gave the longest economic expansion on record and record surpluses because of NAFTA. But the mistake that was made was half that surplus should have been ploughed into investing in human capital, namely education and health, to prepare Americans for the next generation of higher paying jobs. That was not done. Don't blame that on NAFTA.

The precise people who voted for the party that absolutely got in the way of a $3 trillion stimulus in 2009 (which was every literate economist's prescription) and thus prevented a quicker recovery are now complaining there was not a quick recovery. And are threatening to vote for the same party all over again.

Trump is a pickpocket who came out of nowhere to capitalize on the situation. Look fire, he is saying, so you look the other way, so he can pick your pocket, give himself and his super rich golf buddies a massive tax cut. And the people whose pockets will get picked are rooting for him in large numbers. Whatever happened to common sense?

This guy might hate Mexicans but he absolutely intends harm on poor white folks.

Trump is a disaster train nobody should have to ride on. America's enemies would wish Trump on America.

Good thing this thing will be over in a few weeks. If this guy is allowed to run for president for just three additional months the stock market would crash. Never before has America been in a situation where some dude could start wars simply by running for president.

Who is this guy? Really.

Trump's recorded sexist talks that have been revealed is what the glass ceiling is, folks. The glass ceiling is sexist bonding around sexist words. That is precisely what it is. What do you think the glass ceiling is? You think it is gorilla glass like on the iPhone? No, the glass ceiling is chimpanzee glass, it is Donald Trump saying sexist things and getting away with it.

In hindsight now Hillary's tanking numbers in August now look like a blessing. And by tanking I mean it was down to a dead heat.

Now she is in double digits and can take 100% of the credit. This is the way it should be. Her rising confidence levels show she is feeling the love.

Democracy works after all. The American democracy is resilient enough to process a fascist and spit him out. American democracy will emerge stronger after all has been said and done.

As they say in soccer, this has been a hattrick. Hillary has won three debates in a row.

Third Debate Video

Hillary Clinton, Mocking and Taunting in Debate, Turns the Tormentor

Republicans despondent that Trump threw away final debate - POLITICO

Steve Schmidt, who guided John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign, said Trump’s refusal to commit to accepting election results would overshadow any strong moments he had.

“It’s the one and only headline that matters coming out of the debate,” said Schmidt. “It’s absolutely unprecedented for any presidential candidate in the history of the country.”

Trump tweets at 3 a.m. that he won debate - POLITICO

Hillary Clinton’s 3 debate performances left the Trump campaign in ruins - Vox

And it’s not just the presidential race. Betting markets now predict Democrats will win the Senate. Polls have started showing Democrats in striking distance of the House. The GOP has collapsed into a mid-election civil war, with the party’s presidential nominee openly battling the speaker of the House.

Trump’s meltdown wasn’t an accident. The Clinton campaign coolly analyzed his weaknesses and then sprung trap after trap to take advantage of them.

Clinton’s successful execution of this strategy has been, fittingly, the product of traits that she’s often criticized for: her caution, her overpreparation, her blandness. And her particular ability to goad Trump and blunt the effectiveness of his political style has been inextricable from her gender. The result has been a political achievement of awesome dimensions, but one that Clinton gets scarce credit for because it looks like something Trump is doing, rather than something she is doing — which is, of course, the point.

It began in the first debate. "Donald," she kept saying. No one quite knows why Trump so loathes the sound of his first name, but he does. 

Each debate has followed the same pattern. Trump begins calm, but as Clinton needles him, he falls apart, gets angrier, launches bizarre personal attacks, offers rambling justifications for his own behavior, and loses the thread of whatever question was actually asked of him.

 her assault on Trump flummoxed his usual mode of defense, which is to dominate and insult the other men on the stage. By the end of the final debate, Trump was reduce to spitting that Clinton was "such a nasty woman," a line that spoke to both his horror at being challenged by a woman and his complete inability to control what came out of his mouth after 80 minutes on a stage with Clinton.

Trump has been, at every turn, underprepared, undisciplined, and operating completely without a strategy. In one of the third debate’s most unintentionally revealing moments, Trump said, "I sat in my apartment today ... watching ad after false ad, all paid for by your friends on Wall Street," an inadvertent admission that he was inhaling cable news when he should have been prepping for the debate.

Clinton has been, at every turn, prepared, disciplined, and coldly strategic. She triggered Trump’s epic meltdown purposely, and kept Trump off balance over multiple weeks that probably represented his last chance to turn the election around. She was ready for every question, prepared for every attack, and managed to goad Trump into making mistakes that became the main story the day after every single debate.

We aren’t used to this kind of victory. We aren’t used to candidates winning not so much because of how they performed but because of how they pushed their opponent into performing. But the fact that we aren’t used to this kind of victory doesn’t make it any less impressive. Hillary Clinton has humbled Donald Trump, and she did it her way.

With 19 days to go, Clinton’s lead is bigger than ever | Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball

there are some surprising conservative places where he is registering very thin, soft support.

He’s barely ahead in some polls of Alaska, Indiana, Missouri, South Carolina, and Texas 

Seriously, did you ever even for a second think Utah would be a Toss-up in late October? 

The Trump campaign’s Arizona crisis reminds us in some ways of how John McCain’s 2008 campaign ended up losing Indiana. Because McCain was at a resource disadvantage against Obama — just like Trump is now outmanned against Clinton — the 2008 nominee could hardly spare any resources to protect Indiana, a typically red state where Obama vastly out-organized and out-spent him. Obama was able to very narrowly flip the state.

Today’s changes push Clinton to 352 electoral votes, the highest we’ve had her in the whole election cycle

BuzzFeed CEO: I Heard Ivanka Trump Talk About "Mulatto Cocks"

Ivanka Trump distances herself from father’s campaign: ‘I’m not a surrogate, I’m a daughter’

“Perhaps due to her beauty, serene composure, and ability to translate her father’s half-literate ramblings into semi-coherent policy proposals, Ivanka Trump has remained unscathed by her father’s 16-month effort to ruin the family name,” Kirchick wrote this week. “Which is inexplicable, because all that Ivanka’s involvement in this campaign has revealed is that she’s the pretty face of a white nationalist political movement, a truly bizarre place for a University of Pennsylvania-educated, Upper East Side doyenne to wind up.”

War And Peace: Trump Book Report
Crime And Punishment: Trump Book Report
The Old Man And The Sea: Trump Book Report
Bible: Trump Book Report
One Hundred Years Of Solitude: Trump Book Report
My Life by Bill Clinton: Trump Book Report
The Audacity Of Hope by Barack Obama: Trump Book Report
It Takes A Village by Hillary Rodham Clinton: Trump Book Report
Earth In The Balance by Al Gore: Trump Book Report
Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama: Trump Book Report

The Daily Show

Hilarious hashtag on how Trump interprets classic literature

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran: Trump Book Report

Clinton Probably Finished Off Trump Last Night | FiveThirtyEight

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Jailing Opponent, Snuffing Out The Media

Donald Trump has threatened to jail his opponent. And before that he has threatened to silence the media.

That is all Idi Amin.

Idi Amin has come to America.

Donald Trump One Person Alone Is 1,000 Reasons For The Death Tax

Entrepreneurs who do well should get excited about a 65% death tax after the 2016 race. You don't want your kids to end up like Donald Trump. Donald Trump is exhibit A for what a child should not end up like. This guy is an unrepentant sinner. He has no character, "no reputation to save," as the New York Times put it. Every sin in the book and Donald Trump is unrepentantly guilty of it. He is a fast food glutton, for example. The guy lies like nobody who has run for any office in this country. He has stiffed thousands of vendors who have done work for him. That is cheat and steal in spades. This guy is a "bozo," like Robert De Niro said.

Paying a 65% Death Tax is a small price to pay to make sure your kids don't end up in hell.

Donald Trump: No Heart, No Soul, No Brain, Fat Body

There, I just fat shamed The Donald.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

A Really Really Bad Student

Donald Trump is like a really, really, really bad student on his way to sitting for a final exam, a seventh grader with zero preparation sitting for a SAT, and potty mouthed, extremely, completely, shamelessly bad mannered, so bad mannered the parents have taken a cue from Elvis and left the building instead of owning up to as to whose child this might be.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

This Is Surreal

Trump once said on the campaign trail that he would approve of torture as President, “even if it doesn’t work.” With four weeks left to Election Day, he seemed to be testing the proposition on the public. Unshackled, he flirted with unhinged and erased the emollient line between a campaign aimed at the base and one intended to debase.

When protesters gathered outside the party’s white brick headquarters on Capitol Hill, the organizer turned out to be Trump’s Virginia campaign chairman. One sign waved at the RNC offices read, Better to grab a p-ssy than to be one.

Election Day “could be the start of the real civil war,” warns Kevin Sheridan, a GOP consultant and former adviser to Ryan. “Not the end of it.”

Trump’s stump speech is a sort of jazz riff, and one of his favorite themes involves reciting the lyrics of an old soul anthem, “The Snake,” a parable about the dangers of showing too much compassion to strangers. To the delight of his Wilkes-Barre audience, he wove it into this rally. “Oh shut up, silly woman,” Trump quoted. “You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.” Trump uses the tune to illustrate the dangers of welcoming Syrian refugees. But it can also be read as a rebuke to the GOP for letting Trump into the tent.

GOP caucus campaign chief Greg Walden told lobbyists the same day that Trump could be a drag in every race around the country. 

It all points to a Republican civil war that is, if anything, just getting under way. “The fight you’re seeing now is a preview of what you’re going to see on steroids after the election”

“There’s going to be a schism” 

thrice-married playboy who once said he had never asked God for forgiveness

Trump has exposed the disconnect between evangelicals’ words and their political deeds. 

Trump is unlikely to recede from the spotlight. This campaign has cemented him as a star. GOP insiders from all points on the party’s ideological spectrum predict he may use his notoriety to launch a branded news outlet for his fervent fans.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Trump is the GOP idea of fireworks. All sorts of explosions are going on. It is quite a dazzling display.

If a chimpanzee were to threaten to grab your genitals, male or female, how would you feel? That is how the women of America are feeling right now. The sentiment is legitimate.

Trump is an unrepentant sinner on full public display. Parents across America could make use of this after all. Teach kids not to be the unrepentant sinner on full public display. That is the silver lining to the cloud.  

Lie, cheat, steal, Trump does it all. The list does not end there. He is also a fast food glutton. Adultery was how he ended his first marriage and started the second. And he wants to kill people in large numbers, like Duerte.

Pride is his middle name: Donald P Trump.

He is Lucifer's very own agent. He preaches, hate your neighbor (Mexico).

Donald Trump’s Words Create And Sustain The Glass Ceiling

Donald Trump’s words matter and they matter completely. The glass ceiling Hillary is about to break is composed entirely of such words. Of course the words matter. They are words of sexist bonding. They are sickening.

A female population that has found the idea of the first female president a little too abstract has finally found something to clutch onto and I am glad. Trump grabbing their genitals without permission is finally getting the message across. Women are rightfully offended. Plenty of men are offended. Why aren't all women offended?

Electing the first female president is not just about advancing one woman's political career. It is actually nothing to do with that one woman. It is going after every glass ceiling, the glass ceiling in Congress, the glass ceiling in the justice system, the glass ceiling in the media, the glass ceiling in the Fortune 500 companies, the glass ceiling in Hollywood, the glass ceiling in venture capital and tech entrepreneurship, the glass ceilings in India, and China, and Russia, and Japan, Africa, and, yes, Mexico. It has been long enough.

Sexism drags men down. Sexism drags women down. Sexism is a major drag, period.  

It is not accidental that Hillary Clinton is so qualified. She is super duper qualified. She is, frankly, over qualified. Average and below average men can get in and men down in the gutter can aspire but for women only being the most qualified candidate in history seems to count still. It is unfair but I will take it this one time. I hope the next woman president does not have to be this qualified.

Democracy is not a spectator sport. Citizens have to actively participate on a sustained basis for them to be able to see fundamental changes. And now is a remarkable opportunity to do so. Get involved and stay involved. Go vote. Stay engaged.

160 million women in America have to wake up for the three and a half billion women across the world. Genitals are being grabbed without permission in numbers that are absolutely confounding and offensive and wrong. Trump is defending all that sinful, criminal action.

Shame on Donald Trump. Unrepentant sinner that he is, of course he is irredeemable. Not even God can save those who don't repent. Sexism is sin. Racism is sin. All human beings have been created equal by the Creator.

The guy accuses Hillary of his sins. He blamed his birther movement on Hillary. He said Hillary Clinton is filled with hate. He accused Hillary of lying.

This guy has threatened to silence the media. He has now threatened to put his political opponent in jail. Idi Amin has come to America. This guy tops every fascist in history in terms of how close he is to power and how much damage he could do.

American airports are not Third World but one of its presidential candidates is. And I think I just offended the Third World, Duerte aside.  

This guy is not a Third World candidate. This is a candidate from hell, Lucifer's very own agent. And I mean that quite literally. The number one agenda item of this Climate Change denier is to push the planet past the point of no return. He could very easily achieve that goal in eight years, or less. Adolf Hitler has nothing on this guy. This is a hate machine that has lost control.  

And if this hate machine has 35% support across America that makes America quite a sinful country. Hate is not God's way.

The House Is The Only Insurance Against Trump

Hillary Clinton has to take the House. Taking the House is the only insurance against Donald Trump. This guy is so thoroughly sickening in every way he has to be defeated completely. Otherwise he is going to play the role of a really bad loser.

That House is within reach and I am glad Hillary 2016 is making all the right moves. She is making moves only an experienced hand could.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A New, Lasting American Majority Is Shaping Up

If a dirty bomb were to explode in some city how would President Hillary Clinton react? Would she freak out and lose control of her demeanor? Or would she stay cool and collected and get the job done?

No matter what you think of Donald Trump's incurable bad behavior this guy is but a political dirty bomb. A US presidential election is designed to prepare a potential president for many possible scenarios.

This is an opportunity for Hillary to forge a new lasting American majority around the eternal spiritual truth that all human beings have been created equal by the Creator. And she is doing it. She is gradually expanding her map, now targeting the House since her lead has hit double digits.

But the women of America have still not broken decisively in Hillary's direction. I predicted months ago that will happen two weeks before election day.

Sexism Is Not Gravity, Sexism Is Sin

We might understand how women come to feel that there are no good options available to them: that sexism is as fixed as gravity, and so working with it, never against it, is the only thing we can do. 

Sexism is not gravity. Sexism is not a law of nature. Sexism was never the Creator's intention. Gravity is a law and it is in the physical world. There sexism isn't. It is in the human domain. It is in the domain of human free will.

All human beings have been created equal by the Creator. That is the starting point. That eternal spiritual truth it is God's hope humanity at some point will completely realize. All human beings have been created equal by the Creator. That is a statement on the soul. There are no genders in heaven. Gender is not a feature of the spirit world. Gender is peculiar to earth, to this four dimension physical world.

Gender is the most fundamental human diversity, more so than racial and cultural diversity. Diversity is a feature. And it is total. Every human being is unique like fingerprints.

Sexism is sin. Racism is sin.

This presidential election is a wonderful opportunity, first time in world history, for the women of America to take the lead on behalf of the women across the globe to put to rest the notion that sexism is gravity. Sexism is not gravity. Sexism is a social illness. It is a disease. Sexism drags everybody down, not just women.

Barack Obama was about 500 years of world history. Hillary Clinton is about 5,000 years of world history.

But let there be no illusions. Putting one woman into the White House will not end sexism. Eight years of Barack Obama and Trump has brought racism out into the open like never before. Putting one woman into the White House will not end sexism. But 160 million women waking up is going to end the sexism. America is a democracy and the power is with citizens.

Barack Obama went in before Hillary Clinton. That is a good thing, tactically speaking. Being president does not protect you from sexism and Hillary needed to see that. President Hillary Clinton will have no choice but to confront global sexism. That is a good thing. Domestic violence is the number one security threat on the planet and has been a long time. That can not continue.

Somebody running for president flagrantly defending and encouraging rape, a sex crime, is an animal, forget being a presidential candidate. This guy is absolutely disgusting and the women of America need to vote. 95% of blacks voted for Barack Obama. Why aren't at least 80% of the women supporting Hillary Clinton? Because plenty of women defend sexism. That is the only reason why. A lot of blacks defended segregation when it was law.

Fighting that internalized sexism is a fight you have to fight yourself. No president, not even God can fight that fight for you. Because that is in the domain of human free will.

Mother Mary desires gender equality on earth. Sexism is sin. No unrepentant sexist is a Christian. Racism is similarly sin.

All human beings have been created equal by the Creator. Now that is gravity.

Existential Issues And The Possible Age Of Abundance” @paramendra 

Relentless Sexism

Trump’s Unending Sexism

when Trump and Hillary Clinton are onstage together it can seem like a nightmarish version of a medieval morality play: Woman, Experience, and Discretion stand on one side of the stage, while the Bad Angel stands on the other, heckling Woman and tweeting, “Check out sex tape.” 

Last night, all of Trump’s strategy revolved around positioning himself as the man, the alpha—in the words of Nigel Farage, the “silverback gorilla” who could “dominate” his opponent. He stalked around the stage and stood directly behind Clinton as she answered audience questions; he breathed heavily, he shouted, he interrupted, he lied, he called Clinton the “devil,” he gleefully explained his plans to jail her if he is elected, and he said, over and over, that she should be ashamed of herself.

In the four days since the “Access Hollywood” tape was released, more graphic and vulgar audio has surfaced from Trump’s “Howard Stern” appearances, as have details from a variety of lawsuits accusing the Trump Organization of systematically mistreating women.

it’s so excruciating to watch Trump debate Clinton: as a candidate, he is unprepared for the historical particulars of this election in every way—save for his vast reserve of natural sexism. Trump is perfectly and uniquely equipped to tap every last ounce of normalized gender discrimination in this country and throw it at our first female major-party Presidential nominee. He’s not even really doing it consciously, I don’t think: he lacks political training and, apparently, a conscience, and he is not, it seems, in sufficient control of himself to act otherwise. Trump tried to overpower Clinton onstage in the same manner that he dismisses every woman who’s not attractive and subservient to him—as simply the natural and best way of doing things, a matter of course.

 “Which is worse: Threatening to grab someone by the pussy or forcing someone to carry and give birth to a baby that is the result of rape?” she wrote. “Popping a Tic Tac in preparation for forced extramarital kissing with a stranger or actively discouraging women’s full participation in the workforce?”

We might understand how women come to feel that there are no good options available to them: that sexism is as fixed as gravity, and so working with it, never against it, is the only thing we can do. 

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, told Ryan Lizza that being a female consultant in the Republican Party means “when I walk into a meeting at the R.N.C. or somewhere I always feel like I’m walking into a bachelor party in the locker room of the Elks club.” She alluded to being harassed by congressmen, calling it an “occupational hazard.” She elaborated on this after the debate last night, in an interview with Chris Matthews, on MSNBC. When she was “younger and prettier,” Conway said, she saw some of the conservative politicians who are now trying to distance themselves from Trump “rubbing up against girls, sticking their tongue down women’s throats . . . uninvited.”

Debate 2: Trump In Character

When Trump’s lewd tapes came out (and I am not sure lewd is the word, he is heard describing acts that are felony acts)  his reaction was to blame it on Hillary Clinton, just like he blamed his birther movement on Hillary Clinton.

The blame was not that it was Hillary's voice on the tape. The insinuation was that Hillary 2016 had something to do with the tapes coming out into the public, clearly not the case. This is no different from Hillary getting blamed for an ambassador getting killed.

This guy wrongly blames Hillary 2016 instead of taking responsibility. There never was an apology. Instead there was a non apology boys will be boys indignation.

But then once he blames Hillary he does not go after Hillary, he goes after Bill Clinton. He parades four ugly women. Even if all allegations against Bill Clinton were true, let's assume Bill Clinton did turn the Arkansas river north, why would you blame Hillary? That goes against the basics of rule of law.

Blaming Hillary for what the Al Qaeda did is as sexist as it gets. Blaming Hillary for what Bill Clinton supposedly did is sexist. Blaming Hillary for what the Al Qaeda did is terrible foreign policy, it is a political Selma trial. It is the most self defeating way to fight the war on terrorism.

At one point in 1991 when Bill Clinton was trying to surface he had to adopt the strategy of talking to small radio stations because Big Media on the East Coast simply would not take him seriously. Before Bill Clinton even Democrat presidents used to be born with silver spoons.

Mathematics is capable of explaining all natural phenomena. The irrational attacks the Clintons attract can only be explained through the branch of mathematics called irrational numbers. There is no rhyme or reason to why the next number decided to show up.

I think it is time for progressives to realize the political culture in this country needs to be fixed, and yes campaign finance reform is a big part of it, but what the Clintons have faced is classism. They don't have the right backgrounds. They should not have aspired for high office. That is the suggestion. Otherwise Donald Trump is in the gutter and the media does not seem to care.

Character of course matters. Vetting is due process. Ideas, policy proposals, execution matter. But there is so much small minded mindlessness in the political process, it likely keeps a lot of good people away. And that is by design. A lot of progressives decide to stay away from the mud.
Trump's tapes were not doctored unlike a Bill Clinton tape in 1992 that was doctored. And that was back then. There is so much Bill Clinton talk on YouTube today you could cut and paste portions and have him say anything. But Trump’s tapes were not doctored. The thing is, why was this the last straw for some Republicans?

Donald Trump grabbed every Mexican dick on the planet in his very announcement speech. That was more than 16 months ago. Why were not Republicans offended? Do Mexican lives not matter? The guy said all Mexicans are rapists by virtue of being Mexican. That is racist demonization.  

That racism is his very ideology. He has no other.

And then a few short months ago during the Commander In Chief forum which many thought of as the first debate the guy basically said rapes in the military were justified and expected. What else should women expect if they choose to serve? Why was that not the last straw?

These recently leaked audio tapes are nothing different from what Trump has been saying at rallies for 16 months. There is no need to leak anything. Just play his recorded public speeches from this campaign.

The shock reaction is confounding. The shock is to the tanking poll numbers not to Donald Trump's behavior. Trump’s behavior has been consistently bad, boorish, nasty, sexist, racist, you name it.

The political culture has to morph after thoroughly defeating this insanely offensive candidate. This guy has no redeemable quality. Not even God can help sinners who can't repent and this guy utterly lacks the capacity.  

Racism is sin, takes you straight to hell.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Hillary Has To Take The House

That is the only good option. Donald Trump is so thoroughly bad only a total defeat is good enough.

Debate 2

Trump tried to dismiss his sexist talks as "just locker room talk.... just words." These were words spoken in the most public of places, during media appearances. The glass ceiling Hillary is trying to break is made of precisely such words. Words matter.

In 2000 Rick Lazio invaded Hillary Clinton's personal space once. In 2016 the count is again one. There was this one time Trump did not invade Hillary Clinton's personal space. Call 911.

'Gorilla' Trump Accused of 'Stalking' Clinton on Stage

Horror Movie

Run, Hillary, Run

Hillary Clinton's Lead Grew to 11 Points After Lewd Video, Before Debate, in WSJ Poll

I get the impression women are about to break decisively in Hillary Clinton's direction. The first female president thing was an abstract concept. But Trump’s sexist, vile remarks and horrendous body language during debate 2 is as concrete as it gets. I don't see how any woman is going to struggle with those.

Currently Hillary is on schedule to beat Trump by 15 points. That is what I am looking at.

I don't expect him to drop out. He would not do such a loser thing.

CNN poll: 57 percent of viewers say Clinton won the debate - POLITICO


Donald Trump’s "I will jail her" comment makes him someone aspiring to be a Third World third rate dictator.

Debate 2 Video

A US presidential debate a high school civics class should be able to watch together. None of the Trump debates pass that test. But this one was a new low. You had to be shameless to watch it. I watched it shamelessly.

The second presidential debate: Donald Trump threatens to lock up Hillary Clinton | The Economist

When she expressed relief that someone with a temperament like his was not in charge of the law, he said, “Because you’d be in jail.”

If that exchange took place in a foreign country, American diplomats would be denouncing it. It ought to be regarded as the evening’s most important moment, and its most shameful: the violation of a democratic principle that distinguishes free polities from authoritarian ones.

If Mr Trump’s predicament at the start of the debate was parlous, Mrs Clinton’s was delicate. Debating him in this mood is a bit like negotiating with Russia’s foreign minister. He confronted her with “an absolute avalanche of falsehoods”, as she put it afterwards, the lies superseding each other so relentlessly that addressing all of them would have been impossible. In effect he invited her to take a roll in the gutter with him—inadvisable, as Marco Rubio can testify. Stoop down or back down, the thug’s perennial one-two: whatever response she mounted, the terms were set by him. 

it was a telling, lamentable milestone in America’s politics. Mr Trump had already shattered taboos surrounding decency, honesty and intellectual incoherence. With his threats against Mrs Clinton he took a step down a dark road that should frighten every American.

Poll: After Trump Tape Revelation, Clinton's Lead Up to Double Digits - NBC News

And among all registered voters, Clinton's lead is 13 points, her largest advantage over Trump since the poll began testing the pair last September.

Forty-nine percent of voters say they'd like to see Democrats in power on Capitol Hill, compared to 42 percent who chose the GOP.

That's up from a three-point advantage for Democrats (48 percent to 45 percent) last month, and it's the largest advantage for Democrats since the October 2013 government shutdown.

Post-Debate Polls Say Hillary Clinton Crushed Donald Trump For A Second Time

57% saying Clinton won, as opposed to 34% for Trump

Trump's Daughter Was So Disgusted That She Wouldn't Kiss Him After The Debate

Trump Ignores Hillary Clinton And Attacks Paul Ryan The Day After Presidential Debate

By going after Paul Ryan, Donald Trump has lit the match that burns the Republican Party to the ground.

For the First Time Ever, Foreign Policy Magazine Endorses a Candidate: Hillary Clinton

“A Donald Trump presidency is among the greatest threats facing America, and the Republican standard-bearer is the worst major-party candidate for the job in U.S. history.”

that makes Trump the worst candidate for president in over 200 years of American history, since George Washington in 1789. If you want to be precise, that is 227 years and 44 presidents.

He is, as experts warn, a danger to not only US national security, but to global security.

Donald Trump's mission: Make Clinton's life hell for next month -

Donald Trump issued an unmistakable threat to Hillary Clinton Sunday night: I am willing to cross any line to make the next 30 days of your life hell.

Pro Athletes Say No One Talks Like Trump In Locker Rooms | Huffington Post

Sunday, October 09, 2016

Debate 2 Is The Voters' Living Room

She now also has the opportunity to stand as a powerful avatar for disgusted and depressed women across the country.

A few lines in the very beginning to denounce Trump’s sexist comments that are all over the media perhaps is unavoidable but the format of the second debate is perfect for Hillary to step into the voters' living rooms. And the average American is a decent person who believes in things like good manners and simple, basic human connection.

A US president is expected to maintain composure in the face of major global crises and just keep doing the job. That is what this is about. Trump should not have the power to distract Hillary who is an exemplary public servant.

But this is also a perfect opportunity for Hillary to address gender as a topic, something she has avoided so far. This is her Chicago pastor moment, only, we all know, Trump is no pastor.

Republican women are done with Trump - POLITICO

“However, I’m a mom and an American first, and I cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women.”

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Trump: Disaster

Donald J. Trump, who might be the most ostentatiously unqualified major-party candidate in the 227-year history of the American presidency.

His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read.

Trump is not a man of ideas. He is a demagogue, a xenophobe, a sexist, a know-nothing, and a liar. He is spectacularly unfit for office

Trump Wins Big Among People Who Never Moved Away - The Atlantic

Monday, October 03, 2016

Trump Brand Anti Semitism

“This feels like the closest thing to the type of anti-Semitism that my grandparents talk about experiencing in Poland.”

Kushner’s extended family fired back, launching an internecine war of words: “Please don't invoke our grandparents in vain just so you can sleep better at night,” seethed one Kushner cousin. “It is self-serving and disgusting.”

“When you stand silent and smiling in the background, his Jewish son-in-law,” she wrote to her boss, “you’re giving his most hateful supporters tacit approval.”

“Donald Trump,” Reizes says, “has put the Jewish community in a turmoil that I don’t really think we’ve experienced in a long time.”

31-year-old Andrew Aglin, founder of the Daily Stormer—a bigot and racist who refers to his presidential candidate by nom de guerre, “Glorious Leader.” College undergraduates from California, leisurely attending white nationalist conferences, have also shown up; and 25-year-old Matthew Heimbach, dubbed the “next David Duke.” (“Hail, Emperor Trump and hail victory.”Trump has opted to wink and nod at such “deplorables” (as Hillary Clinton has called them) when given the chance.

“What’s most shocking silent the Jewish establishment has been in calling out Trump’s behavior,” Kaplan said. She later added, “The same people who told me that anti-Semitism was everywhere are now conspicuously silent on Trump. In some cases, they’re supporting Trump.”

“Donald Trump is not a distraction. He is the thing our tradition teaches us to resist,” Beinart wrote. “In this season of national decision and Jewish self-reflection, please reflect on your silence.”

“It’s a moment when both you and your grandma get to be right about this,” Harpo Jaeger, 25, tells me, an experienced campus activist in Jewish politics and a faith-based organizer. “She gets to be right that anti-Semitism is alive and well, and Jews should be worried about it,” he adds. “And the left gets to be correct, in that the anti-Israel or anti-Zionist left doesn’t have a monopoly on anti-Semitism. These people really are everywhere.”

“Why the Jews? I don’t know,” says Zach Reizes. “It’s a very scary thought, that maybe all those horror stories we’ve been told about Jewish persecution are right.” The nineteen-year-old adds, “Maybe they’re still foreshadowing a future that we thought had died.”

Donald Trump Is No Hitler, And He Is No Joke

Donald Trump is no Adolf Hitler, he is Adolf Hitler times 1,000. Comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler is like comparing the atom bomb to the hand grenade.

To his credit Donald Trump has not hidden himself or his policy proposals. Take climate change. Trump does not only not believe it is not happening, he thinks America is Saudi Arabia. He wants to take oil drilling in America into the stratosphere. Drill, baby, drill. The best of climate scientists will tell you, the clock is ticking fast and there is such a thing called point of no return. Trump has the ability to throw the world off that cliff in eight years. Easy.

The point of no return is when global weather is completely out of control. It is a bye bye agriculture scenario. Six billion dead, but not exactly fasting to death.

Now tell me, how is Donald Trump like Adolf Hitler? How will six billion compare with six million?

The best of liberals think Donald Trump is a buffoon who is not even a policy wonk, meh! Hitler was similarly taken lightly all the way to after he won his election. There were fantassies of keeping him in control.

And if climate change will not do it, Trump has a nuclear plan, and he has been very upfront about it. His plan creates a world with 20 to 30 new nuclear powers. This guy is literally Lucifer's agent. Should the world survive a climate assault, his plan B is to try and destroy it anyway through a nuclear Armageddon. 20 to 30 mid size nuclear powers with unstable political situations is a disaster waiting to happen. The world gets nervous with just one Dennis Rodman fan in North Korea. What if you had 30 such dudes? Could you sleep?

His surest plan though is a total attack on trade. This guy is mad America did not experience a Great Depression in 2009. He would like to take another crack at it.

The first President Bush is looking to me like a hero right now, with all the Bush women in tow.

You are a political illiterate of the worst kind, no matter what your party, if you don't see this guy for the fascist he is. This is not partisan name calling. If I am a democrat, I am a small d democrat. This is political analysis.

Brexit is Trump on trade. Don't say it could not happen. There is a President Trump in Philippines (yes, an American ally) who would like to kill three million people. 3,000 down, killed without regard to due process. By the way, he won an election. The fascist virus has mutated. It contests elections now.

To top it all, Trump has also threatened to gag the press once in the White House. Unthinkable in America? Germany was a country of high culture. Hitler barbarism was not expected. Heck, it was unthinkable.