Friday, July 08, 2016

Solving Hillary's Trustworthiness "Problem"

A More Personal Hillary Clinton Tries to Erase a Trust Deficit

There is the truth to the person. Hillary the person as people who have known her a long time would know, like family and friends, people who might have known her even she had never become a public figure.

The Republican surgeon that Trump defeated a few months earlier, his colleagues at John Hopkins said, "We don't recognize the person portrayed by the media."

That gap between the real person and that person's public image does not seem to go away even if tens of books might have been written about them, and the Internet is full of articles about them, and there is saturation coverage, and now there is social media. You can cut through old media and go straight to the people via social media and that image deficit is still there.

So there is the public private gap.

Being Bill Clinton's wife doesn't help. Bill Clinton said not long after he launched his career: "People either love me or they hate me, there is nothing in between."

Both ways you get exaggerated, inaccurate pictures. With Hillary people not only get a Dem, you also get a woman, and the culture's sexism takes wings. Besides, before Bill Clinton even Democratic presidents were all born with silver spoons. Bill Clinton faced regional as well as class biases. The power structure did not take too kindly to him.

So there's all that partisan mythologizing.

How do you handle this?

The Clinton campaign should go all over the country and all over the world and talk to everyone who ever spent more than 10 minutes with Hillary Clinton and record it all and put it all out on YouTube in one grand release of 10,000 hours.

Let people who have met her in person talk about her. Americans might be utterly surprised what people around the world say about her. She starts looking like an angel.

Like some Canadians said about Barack Obama years ago: "Send him over here!"

Trump Is A Narcissist

Cancer is not one disease. It is many diseases. Poverty is not just lack of cash. If it were only lack of cash, it could be solved in a heartbeat.

Narcissism is a disease. It approaches the complexity of cancer and poverty.

I am going to argue Donald Trump is not a racist or a sexist or an anti semite or a xenophobe. He is all of the above by the textbook. But those are but symptoms.

The disease is narcissism. This guy needs help. Just like guns should be kept away from the mentally unstable, the mightiest political office on the planet needs to be kept away from a suffering person.

The comic part is a narcissist is completely unaware of his situation.

Narcissism is not a character problem. If Trump were just a liar, you could say he has a character problem. But narcissism is a condition, kind of like alcoholism. Psychiatrists will attest to it. Only this one patient is in full public view. He keeps giving evidence every step of the way.  

His racism, sexism, xenophobia, anti semitism all stem out of the affliction. Does an alcoholic love his family? Does he at least want to? What if he is not able to? Does it matter that he wants to?

When he talks hate speech, he attracts attention, and that feeds his narcissism. He feeds on that. It is a vicious loop. This guy needs help.

Is he a racist? Racist is that racist does. Racist is that racist speaks. So yes. He is. His hate speech is designed to defend structural racism and sexism.

But that is not his primary concern.

If you can not stay away from your smartphone for 24 hours straight without feeling withdrawal symptoms, you have a problem. If you have become dependent on your smartphone notifications so much that they feel like indispensable emotional nourishment to you, you are in the early stages of narcissism yourself, and you should be able to relate to Donald Trump.

Guns Kill People

And if guns don't kill people, why manufacture defective guns?

The strategy of those who would control guns has been in fundamental error. It has been about whipping up the outrage.

There's plenty of outrage. The outrage is in clear plurality.

Gun laws are in a political monopoly situation. The NRA needs to be sued out of existence.

This has been done before. Big Tobacco was successfully sued.

Families of gun victims need to come together and sue the NRA out of existence. After that the democratic process can decide on sensible gun laws.

Sensible means a constitutional amendment. No more right to bear arms. What are you? An animal?

A national 911 on a location aware smartphone with a camera with a response time of three minutes or less (keep helicopters at the ready in rural areas) will protect you better than a handgun.

Hunting can apply to be recognized as a sport. Who goes hunting with AK-47s? Cannibals. That's who.   

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Donald Trump Would Have Been A Janitor

Donald Trump Defending The Defenseless

There are tens of millions of black men on the planet (and women) who have, objectively speaking, higher IQs than the Donald, but who are janitors. The only reason Donald Trump is not a janitor is because he is a white male. One is allowed to be lucky. One is allowed to be in the right place at the right time.

But this is not a guy appreciating his luck. This is a guy rubbing it in. If his hate speech were only free speech, I'd be glad for it. It would be puss coming out. But his hate speech is not just free speech. His hate speech is a diehard defense of structural racism. This is not a guy who got lucky. This is a guy who has benefitted from structural racism every step of the way and has hated the mere symbolism of a black guy in the White House. Where do black people go after that? To the polling booth, again and again.

At first I thought his star of David tweet was merely anti semitism. Now he is out to prove it was also gross political incompetence that would not even fly at the City Council level.

I have never seen a more racist, sexist, xenophobic person in any presidential race, ever.

To swat a mosquito and call it Hillary! Those are concentrated sulphuric acid levels of sexism. Women of this country regardless of political party should take note. Where do you go after this? You go to the voting booth.

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Hillary's Trustworthiness

If you were to gather 100 of the most trustworthy human beings on the planet, from the spiritual leaders to the scientists and the fortune tellers, Hillary would be in that room. At a personal level she is quite an exceptional character. It is astounding that she is even in politics. There are quite a few slimey types in politics.

But her untrustworthy ratings are only a few points behind that of Trump. How do you explain that? Partisan politics. People who will never vote for her have woven this elaborate false mythology around her, absolutely baseless, but politically real and potent. At least she does not have eating disorders. A lot of young women succumb to similarly sexist attacks coming through the media and end up with eating disorders. Which is sad and wrong.

Political tussles are allowed but sexism is sin. Political competition is healthy, but you are supposed to fight with ideas.

I hope women will see through it and vote for her in large numbers. Hillary is not untrustworthy. She is female.

Politicians go sailing. They don't have the privilege of stating one position and sticking to it like an academic. In a democracy public opinion of course matters. Public opinion is the wind that a politician has to sail with. Sometimes you go a little to the left, sometimes a little to the right. That is the democratic way. A politician is supposed to listen to the people even as they stake out their positions. Hillary has been sailing for decades. Her positions have evolved. They are supposed to. She has been listening. To you the people. That is a good thing. Don't tell me you miss Saddam. He did not sail. He ruled.

12 To 5

Looks like Hillary went from leading Trump by 12 points to 5 points. How come?

It is one of Clinton's laws of politics. When you get hit, you hit back. Otherwise the public believes the lies.

Donald Trump gave a pretty agitated speech full of lies, full of tabloid "research"  and it worked because there was no counter punch.

The women of America don't need to see a woman take the punches. Heck, that much they do on their own most days of the week. The women of America need to see someone who fights back and wins.

Trump is not running on policy. He is running on misguided mumbo jumbo identity, KKK nationalism, and hot air. And "political correctness" grievances. Which basically means white guys should be allowed to say mean sexist things to women and mean racist things to blacks and Mexicans.

Looks like Hillary needs Warren who goes sucker punch for sucker punch against Donald.

That will give Hillary the luxury to keep to the high ground.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

What To Do After Grabbing The House

As Mitch McConnell does the racist thing and puts the US constitution into the acid tank, democracy's resiliency is that Hillary will win both the White House and the Senate and a more liberal appointee than the one Obama has proposed will end up on the Supreme Court. Hillary is also on schedule to make two more appointments during her eight years, which clears the deck to 2050.

The White House part of the race is over. The Senate part of the race is over. And Hillary is set to also take the House. Right now the numbers are not officially there yet, but the momentum is unmistakable. I see a tsunami building up.

I have watched elections all my life in many different countries all over the world. I don't watch sports except for the World Cup.

I have never seen anything like this. Hillary just might win all 50 states. The battleground states are no more battling. The focus can now move to the South. And the South is caving in. Tennessee dollar numbers are in and Trump is getting beat by everyone who ran in either party this year.

Hillary is yet to get the Warren bump. And the Obama bump. And Bill Clinton is busy like a bee behind the scenes. This just might be the purest political work he ever got to do. All the craft, none of the tabloid nonsense.

Four is a team. And what a team. This is without precedent in American politics.

So what do you do in the aftermath? How do you run a one party state?

To quote a sentence from Bill Clinton's autobiography, one word: arithmetic.

Don't overplay your hand and lose the majority two years later. Stay in conversation with the grassroots. Stay focused on the future. Celebrate diversity in public ways. For one, that doesn't cost money. If you think diversity is America's past, you have not seen the future.

We are at the cusp of The Age Of Abundance. America (and the world) is about to get so rich that Donald Trump is right, America is Third World today.

But it won't happen automatically. There is some serious steering to do.

There is a world government to hatch. Barack Obama is George Washington. There is a global warming fire to douse, almost all of it through innovation. God gave you a brain.

The same effort that turns the tide on global warming and steers the ship away from the iceberg unleashes technological forces that gives America a Universal Basic Income in 10-12 years. Bernie's asks will be proven small.

Friday, July 01, 2016

Sanders Lost

His attempt to get 100% of his ideas onto the party platform is sexist, in that he is refusing to face the fact that he lost.

Sanders is itching for a convention fight

On the other hand, this pressure makes sure Elizabeth Warren makes it to the ticket. Warren was the first choice for people who rallied to Bernie and Bernie knows it.

If Bernie wants as much of his ideas to see the light of day as possible, he should do the opposite of what he is doing. He should get 200% behind Hillary and Warren.

How Tim Kaine went from 'wild card' vice presidential pick to shortlist favorite for Hillary Clinton

Right now Hillary is leading in all battleground states, is the only one with a ground game, and could put the South into play.

With Warren Hillary gets a unified convention, 300 million in grassroots money, a disappeared Bernie, and a chunk of Republican women. Without Warren she is looking at a fractured convention.

Deliver the House to Hillary Warren to effectively fight global warming.

Forget Terrorism, Republicans Are America’s Greatest Existential Threat. Americans face greater threats of extreme weather, seal level rise, water scarcity, heat waves, and wildfires, and biological systems disturbance.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Best Way To Understand Brexit

If you can create a world government then there is no Brexit. A country like the UK could become four different countries, but keep the pound. If sovereignty rests with people everywhere then only the people may decide national boundaries.

Currency stability should not be the responsibility of a national government. The world government could take responsibility for that.

A world government could provide every human being a biometric ID, and through that database conduct elections at all levels everywhere.

The nation state itself needs to be fundamentally challenged. People ask, whose century is this? China's? India's? Asia's? Or still America's? All world will have become one country long before 2050. The question is moot. And this is not the Internet century either. The Blockchain will be bigger than the Internet, and the Blockchain will not be the final big technology wave. With Universal Spiritual Centeredness the world will see many such waves, each bigger than the last one.

Kumar : Wake Up To God

The nation state that we know today has only been around a few hundred years, and it has overstayed its welcome.

All nation states have to dissolve into one world government. The nation state does not go away, but it takes its rightful place in a full spectrum of government from local to state to national to global.

That is what Brexit is pointing towards. It's not bad news. It's not going backwards in time. As usual the British are on the cutting edge.

You want currency zones, not tied to countries. But for now immigration is for each country to decide. You can't bring everyone to America but you can take America to everybody.

It is better to take democracy and human rights and the Internet and the Blockchain and the biometric ID everywhere. There will come a time faster than most people realize when all world will be one country in every way. The standard of living is more or less the same everywhere, and it is high everywhere. Then nobody rails about immigration.

The per capita income can go up in every country and the annual income can go up for everyone everywhere. The poor don't grow rich at the expense of the rich. The rich who don't understand it probably inherited their wealth. They didn't work for it. They don't seem to understand the wealth creation mechanism.

People think Bill Clinton was amazing with the economy but some of the same people give him a hard time about NAFTA. NAFTA is how he gave you that good economy. You need advances in technology. Heck, you paid for the basic research that fuels it. You need the Trans Pacific Partnership.

I say, Barack Obama for George Washington. That is the writing on the Brexit wall.

The Brexit is also a revolt against the bankers of the world who know not what they do and know not that they know not. The common people everywhere have been watching breath abated at what the bankers have done to Greece. They might not care about Greece, but they sure don't want to be next.

The UK can be four countries within one world government and no part of the UK will suffer for it. Currency stability is for the world government to make sure. The Blockchain entrepreneurs are not moving fast enough. I myself shall make moves in the space. It is an exciting future you are looking at.

The most exciting part is, if the productivity can go up by 10,000% then there is no stopping a Universal Basic Income. The past is not the hint to the future. Some very exciting things are about to happen.

The most important step is Universal Spiritual Centeredness which makes everything else possible. Pray. How hard is it? And you need a world government just to make sure the Titanic does not hit the iceberg. The beautiful part is if you manage to stay away from the iceberg the world is looking at cheap, clean, abundant energy. After that the sky is the limit. The Age Of Abundance is right round the corner. Water becomes abundant like air. With near free energy, you distill a tiny bit of the ocean.

Without Universal Spiritual Centeredness though, something like Artificial Intelligence can be a two edged sword. Sound mental health for everyone who flies planes, top notch spiritual health for anyone who handles Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Engineering, that's not too much to ask for, especially if it's existential.

So don't give the British a hard time on Brexit. See this as the first big step taken to a world government that needs to materialize within three years from now. Make that two.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

स्वामी का बाभनवाद

स्वामी बाभन है। सत्ताधारी कोई भी हो वो सता के नजदीक पहुंच ही जाता है। चाहे इन्दिरा गांधी हो या मोदी।

रघुराम राजन को तन्ग किया तो राजन आउट। राजन आउट तो जेटली पर हमला शुरू। लोगो ने प्रश्न किया तो स्वामी का पोस्चर था कि मैं मोदी का आदमी, मेरा मोदी और अमित शाह से सीधे बात होता है। तो लोगों को शन्का हुआ। मोदी से सीधा बात करने वाले तो जेटली, ये फिर मलाई में मक्खी कौन?

राजन के विरुद्ध मीडिया क्याम्पेन करने की कोई जरूरत नहीं थी। राजनीतिक रूप से घटिया कदम था। जो स्वामी ने लिया। केंद्रीय बैंक के गवर्नर के कार्यकाल को और समय देना न देना प्रधानमंत्री के अधिकार की बात है और वो बात सब को मालूम है, राजन को भी मालूम है।

राजन मेरीट वाले लोग हैं। वो दुनिया के किसी भी देश का केंद्रीय बैंक या वित्त मंत्रालय चला सकते हैं। लेकिन प्रधानमंत्री बनने की काबिलियत नहीं। कान का डाक्टर हड्डियों के भी डाक्टर हो ये जरूरी नहीं।

राजन को लगा मोदी हिन्ट दे रहे हैं स्वामी के मार्फत। गलत लगा। स्वामी जैसे लोगों का कोई बौस नहीं होता। बगैर लगाम का घोड़ा।

इतना बड़ा देश, राजन के अलावे और कोई चला ही नहीं सकता ऐसी बात नहीं। लेकिन जो दो चार नाम सामने आए हैं वो राजन के लेवल के नहीं।

केन्द्रीय बैंक के गवर्नर का कोई पार्टी नहीं होता। अमेरिका में था बन्दा एलेन ग्रीनस्पान। रिपब्लिकन पार्टी ने पद पर लाया, डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी के बिल क्लिंटन ने पद पर कायम रखा। मार्केट को अच्छा सन्देश गया।

राजन का कोई पार्टी नहीं है। राजन जैसे लोगों का कोई पार्टी नहीं होता। राजन को पद पर कायम रखना मोदी के हित में है।

राजन को भी इससे अच्छा मौका नहीं मिलेगा कहीं। विश्व इतिहास में नाम दर्ज कराने का और कोई मौका मिलेगा क्या? प्रोफेसर को कौन जानता है?

हमला बोल दिया स्वामी ने। राजन को लगा मोदी की आवाज है। इस लिए मैं बोला राजन प्रधानमंत्री बनने के काबिल नहीं है। इतना भी पता नहीं चला कि हमलावर कौन है।

स्वामी ही तो समस्या है मोदी का। सारे दुनिया में, अमेरिका में मोदी का डन्का बजता है लेकिन छोटा-सा देश नेपाल। मोदी के नाक में पानी कर के रखा है। आखिर क्यों?


मोदी तेली है, बाभन नहीं। बस। इतनी सी बात है काठमाण्डु में। देश तबाह हो जाए मन्जुर लेकिन मोदी को नीचा दिखाना है।

ओली रावण है, रावण के तरह बाभन है। रावण, स्वामी और ओली तीनों का नस्ल एक।

10 करोड़ बाभन परमेश्वर और आम जनता के बीच में बैठे हैं। कैसे आगे बढ़ेगा देश? घर में आते हैं, मुर्ति पुजा करते हैं, ऐसे किताब पढते हैं जो न खुद समझते हैं न जनता को समझ आती है। दक्षिणा में पैसा ले जाते हैं। दलित को मन्दिर में घुसने नहीं देते। आम जनता को परमेश्वर से अलग रखना शैतान का काम है।

राजनीति में पुराना नियम है Follow The Money.

भारत के अर्थतंत्र का जो सबसे महत्वपूर्ण सेक्टर है small business sector उसको डिसमिस कर दिया जाता है informal sector कह के। यही तो रोना है। बहुत सोची-समझी साजिश है। ताकि बैंक लोन सिर्फ बड़े बड़े उद्योगपति को मिले। लोन ले लेते हैं और पैसा वापस नहीं करते। जनता तबाह। हाइ लेवल की डकैती।

तो राजन हलवा टाइट करने में लगे थे। तो अखड गये होंगे दो चार। तो क्याम्पेन शुरू। मिडिया में बदनाम करो राजन को।

जिस तरह सबको आईडी दिया जा रहा है उसी तरह देश के प्रत्येक बिजनेस को रजिस्टर्ड करो। ताकि सब लोन ले सके।

I was open to extension to complete unfinished work: Rajan
I have never been an inflation nutter, says Rajan

Friday, June 24, 2016

Warren, Wall Street, And The VP Ticket

No The world will go mad before it succumbs to climate catastrophe. You could argue The Donald is already taking the lead on the going mad part.

No Warren on the ticket and America ends up with not one but two fractured conventions. That will be like America went mad.

Sometimes I feel the Clintons think too much in terms of loyalty. Nobody is trying to be loyal to the Clintons. People are just trying to get the political work done.

You can get too good at building the political machine and end up the political IBM of the 1990s.

The people who tried and failed to draft Warren are the ones who voted for Bernie. Warren refused to be drafted in an obvious nod to Hillary. If Hillary had not been in the picture Warren would have run. And won.

That is not someone with rabble rousing intentions. That is someone with intentions to defer to Hillary's centrist instincts.

But what if Warren on the ticket gives Hillary the House? Then the center itself will have moved to the left.

About time.

The same voters who supported the Republican Party and prevented a three trillion stimulus in 2009 are complaining they are hurting and are siding with the Trump madness. Three trillion was what the best of economists wanted. A much bigger monetary stimulus was given and much of that money went to Wall Street. A three trillion financial stimulus would have gone primarily to Main Street. No, you were not misled by billionaires. You acted stupid.

Bill Clinton has a character flaw. It is that flaw that made him give in to Wall Street when Wall Street came knocking in 1998 wanting to do away with the firewall between traditional and investment banking. That snowballed into 2008.

There are media reports Bill Clinton yet again intends to cave in to Wall Street on Warren. How does this story end this time?

If Bill is going to decide on the VP, is Hillary but a Manchurian candidate? Will the real candidate please stand up?

Bill Clinton has a wonderful opportunity to play the politically gifted spouse. He is not the candidate. He is not going to be president.

The threat is if you put Warren on the ticket, we will not give you any more money. Ends up it might be a loss of 30 million dollars.

Talking just about money, that might be a loss of 30 million from Wall Street and a gain of 300 million from the grassroots. I say take the money.

The Blockchain will do to money what the Internet did to information. Too big to fail is not capitalism, it is monopoly. The market demands competition. The Wall Street firms are like the paper newspapers of 1990. They have no clue what is just round the corner. Nobody has heard of the Cisco, the Google, the Facebook, the Amazon of the Blockchain, because they have not even been incorporated yet.

This is not communism. This is not Bernie's socialism. This is technology and innovation. This is the market economy as it should be. This is common sense. This is being God loving.

You do not want to apply liquid water physics at 110 degrees. You want to do evidence based decision making. You want to take the temperature and you want to get into steam physics.

The world is at the cusp of the Age Of Abundance, made possible by technology. When the productivity gains are an unheard of 10,000%, you prepare the policy framework for a Universal Basic Income. In less than 10 years, America will have to do the sensible thing on Universal Basic Income. The Bernie/Warren crowd is not a throwback to another era. These are people who see what's around the corner.

And it is time Native Americans took over. I learned from The Donald Warren is part Native. It's about time.

The Native Americans had a much better score on the environment anyways.

Larry Ellison, the colorful founder of Oracle, was Bill Clinton's first and biggest donor in the 1992 cycle, a big move for a guy who had simply not cared about politics after Bobby Kennedy was assassinated. But after Clinton put Al Gore on the ticket, he did not give "a dime," because Gore as Senator had sided with a tech rival of his who had been "good to me." That was before Larry discovered the art of funding politicians.

"Exactly what units of goodness are we talking about here, Senator? "

I have noticed in the recent months Zimbabwe and Venezuela have both ended up with similar predicaments. The only Mugabe I know is a dictator. I am not opposed to left leaning politics or even socialism as long human rights are not violated, but Hugo Chavez has never felt particularly inspiring to me.

But the ground reality in both countries have become identical. Ordinary people are suffering. Basically there seems to be a currency collapse. Not only that the media narrative on both seems to be identical. Well respected media brands have been peddling identical stories on both countries. It is their fault.

But it feels like the mighty dollar has been used to demolish the economies of two countries whose leaders challenged the wrong powers. But the punishment has to be meted out without being seen. And hence the orchestrated media campaigns of planted stories.

This were all good and dandy except I have seen a repeat of the same on the Elizabeth Warren meme. After the first story came out suggesting some Wall Street honchos were not only unhappy about the idea of Warren as veep, which is fine, you have the democratic right to be happy or unhappy, I am happy, but that they think Hillary really does not have the option to even consider the Warren name, for they are going to turn off the money tap, as if it is not for the Democratic nominee to decide who her running mate is going to be. For one that suggestion is grossly sexist.

Elizabeth Warren is no Robert Mugabe. Elizabeth Warren is no Hugo Chavez. I am absolutely clear on that.

And stop punishing the people of Zimbabwe and Venezuela. Don't blame the people for their leaders.

The Devil is capable of infiltrating institutions of law enforcement. The Devil is capable of infiltrating Wall Street institutions. You have to watch out.

Wall Street honchos should stoop down and do the citizen thing. If you don't like Hillary don't vote for Hillary. If you don't like Hillary don't make campaign contributions to her. But don't suggest the power to pick her running mate rests with anyone except her.

I am looking for a press release, frankly. Put your name down. We the here signed finance geniuses think Warren would be disastrous for the American economy for the following reasons.

And let the debate begin.