Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A New, Lasting American Majority Is Shaping Up

If a dirty bomb were to explode in some city how would President Hillary Clinton react? Would she freak out and lose control of her demeanor? Or would she stay cool and collected and get the job done?

No matter what you think of Donald Trump's incurable bad behavior this guy is but a political dirty bomb. A US presidential election is designed to prepare a potential president for many possible scenarios.

This is an opportunity for Hillary to forge a new lasting American majority around the eternal spiritual truth that all human beings have been created equal by the Creator. And she is doing it. She is gradually expanding her map, now targeting the House since her lead has hit double digits.

But the women of America have still not broken decisively in Hillary's direction. I predicted months ago that will happen two weeks before election day.

Trump: Tip Of The GOP Sexist Iceberg

The worldview that Trump has affirmed over and over and over again, during decades in the public eye, is one in which women are show horses, sexual trophies, and baby machines, and, therefore, their agency, consent, and participation don’t matter. Misogyny isn’t always contained within or proven by a single instance of crowing about nonconsensual kissing; it’s communicated via a far larger web of attitudes about women as subsidiary objects, as having solely erotic or aesthetic value, as existing only in relationship to men. How can anyone be shocked that a man who calls women pieces of ass also talks about grabbing them by the pussy?

Republicans are not shocked; they’re scared. Donald Trump is losing and they are beginning to understand that his loss is going to expose them, not simply to partisan defeat, but as a party that has been covert in its cohesion around the very biases that he makes coarse and plain.


In an extraordinary party revolt, nearly half of all 331 incumbent Republican senators, House members and governors have condemned Trump's lewd remarks on the video, and roughly one in 10 have called for him to drop out of the race

Sexism Is Not Gravity, Sexism Is Sin

We might understand how women come to feel that there are no good options available to them: that sexism is as fixed as gravity, and so working with it, never against it, is the only thing we can do. 

Sexism is not gravity. Sexism is not a law of nature. Sexism was never the Creator's intention. Gravity is a law and it is in the physical world. There sexism isn't. It is in the human domain. It is in the domain of human free will.

All human beings have been created equal by the Creator. That is the starting point. That eternal spiritual truth it is God's hope humanity at some point will completely realize. All human beings have been created equal by the Creator. That is a statement on the soul. There are no genders in heaven. Gender is not a feature of the spirit world. Gender is peculiar to earth, to this four dimension physical world.

Gender is the most fundamental human diversity, more so than racial and cultural diversity. Diversity is a feature. And it is total. Every human being is unique like fingerprints.

Sexism is sin. Racism is sin.

This presidential election is a wonderful opportunity, first time in world history, for the women of America to take the lead on behalf of the women across the globe to put to rest the notion that sexism is gravity. Sexism is not gravity. Sexism is a social illness. It is a disease. Sexism drags everybody down, not just women.

Barack Obama was about 500 years of world history. Hillary Clinton is about 5,000 years of world history.

But let there be no illusions. Putting one woman into the White House will not end sexism. Eight years of Barack Obama and Trump has brought racism out into the open like never before. Putting one woman into the White House will not end sexism. But 160 million women waking up is going to end the sexism. America is a democracy and the power is with citizens.

Barack Obama went in before Hillary Clinton. That is a good thing, tactically speaking. Being president does not protect you from sexism and Hillary needed to see that. President Hillary Clinton will have no choice but to confront global sexism. That is a good thing. Domestic violence is the number one security threat on the planet and has been a long time. That can not continue.

Somebody running for president flagrantly defending and encouraging rape, a sex crime, is an animal, forget being a presidential candidate. This guy is absolutely disgusting and the women of America need to vote. 95% of blacks voted for Barack Obama. Why aren't at least 80% of the women supporting Hillary Clinton? Because plenty of women defend sexism. That is the only reason why. A lot of blacks defended segregation when it was law.

Fighting that internalized sexism is a fight you have to fight yourself. No president, not even God can fight that fight for you. Because that is in the domain of human free will.

Mother Mary desires gender equality on earth. Sexism is sin. No unrepentant sexist is a Christian. Racism is similarly sin.

All human beings have been created equal by the Creator. Now that is gravity.

Existential Issues And The Possible Age Of Abundance” @paramendra 

Relentless Sexism

Trump’s Unending Sexism

when Trump and Hillary Clinton are onstage together it can seem like a nightmarish version of a medieval morality play: Woman, Experience, and Discretion stand on one side of the stage, while the Bad Angel stands on the other, heckling Woman and tweeting, “Check out sex tape.” 

Last night, all of Trump’s strategy revolved around positioning himself as the man, the alpha—in the words of Nigel Farage, the “silverback gorilla” who could “dominate” his opponent. He stalked around the stage and stood directly behind Clinton as she answered audience questions; he breathed heavily, he shouted, he interrupted, he lied, he called Clinton the “devil,” he gleefully explained his plans to jail her if he is elected, and he said, over and over, that she should be ashamed of herself.

In the four days since the “Access Hollywood” tape was released, more graphic and vulgar audio has surfaced from Trump’s “Howard Stern” appearances, as have details from a variety of lawsuits accusing the Trump Organization of systematically mistreating women.

it’s so excruciating to watch Trump debate Clinton: as a candidate, he is unprepared for the historical particulars of this election in every way—save for his vast reserve of natural sexism. Trump is perfectly and uniquely equipped to tap every last ounce of normalized gender discrimination in this country and throw it at our first female major-party Presidential nominee. He’s not even really doing it consciously, I don’t think: he lacks political training and, apparently, a conscience, and he is not, it seems, in sufficient control of himself to act otherwise. Trump tried to overpower Clinton onstage in the same manner that he dismisses every woman who’s not attractive and subservient to him—as simply the natural and best way of doing things, a matter of course.

 “Which is worse: Threatening to grab someone by the pussy or forcing someone to carry and give birth to a baby that is the result of rape?” she wrote. “Popping a Tic Tac in preparation for forced extramarital kissing with a stranger or actively discouraging women’s full participation in the workforce?”

We might understand how women come to feel that there are no good options available to them: that sexism is as fixed as gravity, and so working with it, never against it, is the only thing we can do. 

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, told Ryan Lizza that being a female consultant in the Republican Party means “when I walk into a meeting at the R.N.C. or somewhere I always feel like I’m walking into a bachelor party in the locker room of the Elks club.” She alluded to being harassed by congressmen, calling it an “occupational hazard.” She elaborated on this after the debate last night, in an interview with Chris Matthews, on MSNBC. When she was “younger and prettier,” Conway said, she saw some of the conservative politicians who are now trying to distance themselves from Trump “rubbing up against girls, sticking their tongue down women’s throats . . . uninvited.”

Trump’s Chances?

Trump is brazen and unedited. His policy pronouncements are often contradictory; they flow from a narcissistic media manipulator with no clear underlying ideology. He is exactly how you would imagine an opportunistic, aggressive and egotistic entrepreneur to behave in a political arena.

Never before has mainstream media been so unreservedly and completely biased against one presidential candidate, which explains why Trump could still win. Polls have proven to be inaccurate with two highly unpopular candidates, so undecided voters will swing the election. Voters could very well revolt against the unrelenting stream of media vitriol.

Voters in a democracy can unexpectedly vote for Brexit, Colombians can reject the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia deal 

Do not underestimate the electorate’s ability to overturn the establishment’s best-laid plans and spring their version of a brutal practical joke on a sick political system.

Debate 2: Trump In Character

When Trump’s lewd tapes came out (and I am not sure lewd is the word, he is heard describing acts that are felony acts)  his reaction was to blame it on Hillary Clinton, just like he blamed his birther movement on Hillary Clinton.

The blame was not that it was Hillary's voice on the tape. The insinuation was that Hillary 2016 had something to do with the tapes coming out into the public, clearly not the case. This is no different from Hillary getting blamed for an ambassador getting killed.

This guy wrongly blames Hillary 2016 instead of taking responsibility. There never was an apology. Instead there was a non apology boys will be boys indignation.

But then once he blames Hillary he does not go after Hillary, he goes after Bill Clinton. He parades four ugly women. Even if all allegations against Bill Clinton were true, let's assume Bill Clinton did turn the Arkansas river north, why would you blame Hillary? That goes against the basics of rule of law.

Blaming Hillary for what the Al Qaeda did is as sexist as it gets. Blaming Hillary for what Bill Clinton supposedly did is sexist. Blaming Hillary for what the Al Qaeda did is terrible foreign policy, it is a political Selma trial. It is the most self defeating way to fight the war on terrorism.

At one point in 1991 when Bill Clinton was trying to surface he had to adopt the strategy of talking to small radio stations because Big Media on the East Coast simply would not take him seriously. Before Bill Clinton even Democrat presidents used to be born with silver spoons.

Mathematics is capable of explaining all natural phenomena. The irrational attacks the Clintons attract can only be explained through the branch of mathematics called irrational numbers. There is no rhyme or reason to why the next number decided to show up.

I think it is time for progressives to realize the political culture in this country needs to be fixed, and yes campaign finance reform is a big part of it, but what the Clintons have faced is classism. They don't have the right backgrounds. They should not have aspired for high office. That is the suggestion. Otherwise Donald Trump is in the gutter and the media does not seem to care.

Character of course matters. Vetting is due process. Ideas, policy proposals, execution matter. But there is so much small minded mindlessness in the political process, it likely keeps a lot of good people away. And that is by design. A lot of progressives decide to stay away from the mud.
Trump's tapes were not doctored unlike a Bill Clinton tape in 1992 that was doctored. And that was back then. There is so much Bill Clinton talk on YouTube today you could cut and paste portions and have him say anything. But Trump’s tapes were not doctored. The thing is, why was this the last straw for some Republicans?

Donald Trump grabbed every Mexican dick on the planet in his very announcement speech. That was more than 16 months ago. Why were not Republicans offended? Do Mexican lives not matter? The guy said all Mexicans are rapists by virtue of being Mexican. That is racist demonization.  

That racism is his very ideology. He has no other.

And then a few short months ago during the Commander In Chief forum which many thought of as the first debate the guy basically said rapes in the military were justified and expected. What else should women expect if they choose to serve? Why was that not the last straw?

These recently leaked audio tapes are nothing different from what Trump has been saying at rallies for 16 months. There is no need to leak anything. Just play his recorded public speeches from this campaign.

The shock reaction is confounding. The shock is to the tanking poll numbers not to Donald Trump's behavior. Trump’s behavior has been consistently bad, boorish, nasty, sexist, racist, you name it.

The political culture has to morph after thoroughly defeating this insanely offensive candidate. This guy has no redeemable quality. Not even God can help sinners who can't repent and this guy utterly lacks the capacity.  

Racism is sin, takes you straight to hell.