Showing posts with label Global warming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global warming. Show all posts

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Dirty Energy Will Have To Be Beat On Price

The solar energy industry has to innovate so hard and so fast (the solar energy Moore's Law?) with prices coming down by half every two years that dirty energy is simply priced out globally.

That is the best way forward.

The planet can not be hostage to whether or not a White House occupant will try to walk away from the Paris Agreement.

The political people though should agitate to end all the subsidies to dirty energy. There is too much corporate welfare going on.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Irresponsible, Bigly

Trump looking at fast ways to quit global climate deal: source

I can't think of a faster way for America to relinquish its leadership position in the world than by walking away from the dire science of climate change.

Friday, October 07, 2016

Climate Change To Climate Catastrophe?

What About the Planet?

It’s time to end the blackout on climate change as an issue. It needs to be front and center — and questions must be accompanied by real-time fact-checking, not relegated to the limbo of he-said-she-said, because this is one of the issues where the truth often gets lost in a blizzard of lies.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Clinton Up

Poll: Clinton up 10 on Trump nationally | TheHill

UN makes power play against Trump | TheHill

 a summer study concluding that Trump would be the only head of state in the world to doubt the science behind climate change. 

Momentum shifts in battle for Senate | TheHill 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

America: Laughing Stock Of The World

Donald Trump has turned America into the laughing stock of the world, and he is not even president yet. I wonder how much more he could do as president.

Within 18 months of the start of a Trump presidency America will see a recession comparable to the one in 2008. The Fed has less room to play right now, that's why.

President Donald Trump I will start work on the wall. President Donald Trump IV will finish the work, I am confident. It might take a few generations but the Trumps will get it done. Rome was not built in a day.

By the time Trump is done with his presidency in 2020 the world will see somewhere between 20 and 30 new nuclear powers.

A record number of Russian oligarchs will buy real estate from Trump Inc. Trump University will see a second life without any change in business practices.

America will have become the fourth largest economy in the world, still ahead of a comfortable number of economies, ahead of over 190.

And America will have become great again by reclaiming its status as the dominant continental power in North America that it once was.

Russia will also have become great again by gobbling up more of Ukraine and all of the Baltic states while President Trump was out on his coffee break.

NATO and NAFTA are in tatters and China now leads the East Pacific Free Trade Zone, the most vibrant segment of the world economy.

The former Yugoslavia now is what Syria used to be. War is back.

ISIS never recruited faster after Trump created an internment camp for Muslims.

America has walked away from the Paris Agreement. NYC now sees a Sandy every year.

That is the Trump Path, folks. Pick wisely.

America's very identity is at stake.

Poll: Clinton, Trump in virtual dead heat on eve of first debate

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Hillary's Goal Is To Take The House

Goal Is To Take The House

Hillary needs to take the House. Anything less will disappoint me.

Take the House and do the work and stay true to the arithmetic and don't lose that House two years later.

Until the Republicans learn to respect facts, clear evidence and data, they deserve to stay in the wilderness. The hate sickness has to go. Enough is enough.

Saving the planet is worth a massive mandate.

Friday, July 01, 2016

Sanders Lost

His attempt to get 100% of his ideas onto the party platform is sexist, in that he is refusing to face the fact that he lost.

Sanders is itching for a convention fight

On the other hand, this pressure makes sure Elizabeth Warren makes it to the ticket. Warren was the first choice for people who rallied to Bernie and Bernie knows it.

If Bernie wants as much of his ideas to see the light of day as possible, he should do the opposite of what he is doing. He should get 200% behind Hillary and Warren.

How Tim Kaine went from 'wild card' vice presidential pick to shortlist favorite for Hillary Clinton

Right now Hillary is leading in all battleground states, is the only one with a ground game, and could put the South into play.

With Warren Hillary gets a unified convention, 300 million in grassroots money, a disappeared Bernie, and a chunk of Republican women. Without Warren she is looking at a fractured convention.

Deliver the House to Hillary Warren to effectively fight global warming.

Forget Terrorism, Republicans Are America’s Greatest Existential Threat. Americans face greater threats of extreme weather, seal level rise, water scarcity, heat waves, and wildfires, and biological systems disturbance.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Best Way To Understand Brexit

If you can create a world government then there is no Brexit. A country like the UK could become four different countries, but keep the pound. If sovereignty rests with people everywhere then only the people may decide national boundaries.

Currency stability should not be the responsibility of a national government. The world government could take responsibility for that.

A world government could provide every human being a biometric ID, and through that database conduct elections at all levels everywhere.

The nation state itself needs to be fundamentally challenged. People ask, whose century is this? China's? India's? Asia's? Or still America's? All world will have become one country long before 2050. The question is moot. And this is not the Internet century either. The Blockchain will be bigger than the Internet, and the Blockchain will not be the final big technology wave. With Universal Spiritual Centeredness the world will see many such waves, each bigger than the last one.

Kumar : Wake Up To God

The nation state that we know today has only been around a few hundred years, and it has overstayed its welcome.

All nation states have to dissolve into one world government. The nation state does not go away, but it takes its rightful place in a full spectrum of government from local to state to national to global.

That is what Brexit is pointing towards. It's not bad news. It's not going backwards in time. As usual the British are on the cutting edge.

You want currency zones, not tied to countries. But for now immigration is for each country to decide. You can't bring everyone to America but you can take America to everybody.

It is better to take democracy and human rights and the Internet and the Blockchain and the biometric ID everywhere. There will come a time faster than most people realize when all world will be one country in every way. The standard of living is more or less the same everywhere, and it is high everywhere. Then nobody rails about immigration.

The per capita income can go up in every country and the annual income can go up for everyone everywhere. The poor don't grow rich at the expense of the rich. The rich who don't understand it probably inherited their wealth. They didn't work for it. They don't seem to understand the wealth creation mechanism.

People think Bill Clinton was amazing with the economy but some of the same people give him a hard time about NAFTA. NAFTA is how he gave you that good economy. You need advances in technology. Heck, you paid for the basic research that fuels it. You need the Trans Pacific Partnership.

I say, Barack Obama for George Washington. That is the writing on the Brexit wall.

The Brexit is also a revolt against the bankers of the world who know not what they do and know not that they know not. The common people everywhere have been watching breath abated at what the bankers have done to Greece. They might not care about Greece, but they sure don't want to be next.

The UK can be four countries within one world government and no part of the UK will suffer for it. Currency stability is for the world government to make sure. The Blockchain entrepreneurs are not moving fast enough. I myself shall make moves in the space. It is an exciting future you are looking at.

The most exciting part is, if the productivity can go up by 10,000% then there is no stopping a Universal Basic Income. The past is not the hint to the future. Some very exciting things are about to happen.

The most important step is Universal Spiritual Centeredness which makes everything else possible. Pray. How hard is it? And you need a world government just to make sure the Titanic does not hit the iceberg. The beautiful part is if you manage to stay away from the iceberg the world is looking at cheap, clean, abundant energy. After that the sky is the limit. The Age Of Abundance is right round the corner. Water becomes abundant like air. With near free energy, you distill a tiny bit of the ocean.

Without Universal Spiritual Centeredness though, something like Artificial Intelligence can be a two edged sword. Sound mental health for everyone who flies planes, top notch spiritual health for anyone who handles Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Engineering, that's not too much to ask for, especially if it's existential.

So don't give the British a hard time on Brexit. See this as the first big step taken to a world government that needs to materialize within three years from now. Make that two.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Biggest Fallacy In American Democracy

The biggest fallacy in American democracy is that America is going to wait until every country on earth has become a democracy, and since that might not happen for a while, America is going to fight the idea of a world government tooth and nail.

Except now America's hand is being forced. The world's hand is being forced. Planet earth is Titanic, headed straight for an iceberg right now.

On a phenomenon as complex as climate and weather, there is remarkable agreement among scientists on where we stand today, and where we are headed in the near future. A hurricane like Sandy was never supposed to hit a city like New York, but it did.

Right now the planet is headed on a path to more and more extreme weather conditions. That going out of hand is a scenario where weather conditions in all parts of the world are extreme, volatile, and completely unpredictable. The fastest computers will have no clue. That is a bye bye agriculture scenario. Six billion people die. To get there all humanity has to do is stay on course. And The Devil's dream scenario gets realized. Kill Them All is The Devil's mantra.

But six billion don't fast to death. The kinds of human conflicts can't even be imagined. Humanity ends up in the stone age.

But the planet is not on an autopilot. It does not have to be this way. There's still time. There are still good options. There is a bend in the road the likes of which humanity has never seen. If the right moves are made, the worst case scenario is not only avoided, the world ends up in an Age Of Abundance. It is quite a bend in the road. Imagine a thousand trillion dollar global economy. Imagine a global Universal Basic Income, because the productivity gains from new technology are so out of the pale.

What is to be done? Step one is the formation of a world government. America as the leading nation has to lead. Barack Obama would be perfect for the George Washington role.

While the political trinity of Hillary, Warren and Bill Clinton run the show in DC. The President, the Vice President, and the Political Spirit.

Just like the League Of Nations became the United Nations, the UN can morph to become the world government.

Only a world government could steer humanity away from the impending climate catastrophe.

A year after Hillary has become president would be a good time to get started.

I believe the formula is fairly simple. A lower house where each country's weight is in proportion to its population, and an upper house where each country's weight is in proportion to its GDP, and 1% of GDP as each country's membership fee.

The President Of The World has to be able to collect over 50% of the votes in both chambers for a five year term.

But that is now. Eventually you want a directly elected POW, with people casting votes on their phones through their biometric IDs over a period of a week. You are hoping over 80% of the votes get cast.

The world government would have three branches, and a constitution. Something short and simple like the US constitution would work.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Intolerance Index

The global warming icon for the ubx.
The global warming icon for the ubx. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I don't know if it is overpopulation, or global warming, or maybe we were all this ugly all along, and now we have media saturation to show it all, or maybe the global recession is not fully over and there is too much anxiety, but this intolerance index is up in many countries. Does globalization make people culturally dizzy? Situations keep escalating. In democracies it is rhetoric, in many countries there are outright civil wars. Protracted civil wars.

Diversity issues are out of the Pandora's box. And we need to rise up and appreciate the wealth that diversity is. The old white male dominion is over. We have to move towards a meritocracy. Cultural and gender diversity. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

2016: The Year For Barack Obama's Revolution From The Top

2016: The Year For Barack Obama's Revolution From The Top

Barack Obama’s autobiography Dreams From My Father is full of little references to what Nelson Mandela in his autobiography called “a thousand little indignities.” But one was talking mostly about America, the other about apartheid South Africa. Can one black man’s ascension to the top make up for racist snarls at the highest levels of government like in the US Senate?

It is time we faced the fact the United Nations is not a world government. It is time to call a spade a spade. It is time to see this institution designed by the World War II victors no longer works. This is not a world government by the far stretches of the imagination. Often when we talk of civil rights movements, we think in terms of ordinary people marching out in the streets. But now is the time for a civil rights movement in which the heads of state march.

What we have is essentially apartheid. The leading country remains fundamentally racist, nowhere more evident than in the country’s criminal justice system. There is no world government. There is a need for one. The thorniest global problems, the loftiest trade deals are worked on outside the UN framework.

America itself needs to be reimagined if it is to fulfill its original mission of a total spread of democracy. It needs to become a country where African immigrants are as at home as European immigrants. White is black is white.

In a democracy you get to vote because you are a human being, not because you are literate or rich. But in the community of nations, there are countries that are rich and have guns, and most have neither. The entire continent of Africa stands disenfranchised. This landmass that is the most central of all, from where we all originated, is still in the clutches of a contemporary incarnation of colonization, slavery and apartheid. We don’t have a name for it yet, but the affliction is very real. Its poverty and disease stem from that disempowerment, not the other way round. And so, any voice that seeks to address its poverty and disease without taking stock of its disenfranchisement is shedding crocodile tears.

What is Barack Obama going to do? Leave the White House and do paid speeches? Write books? Launch a foundation? Raise money for AIDS? Share a stage or two with Bono and George Clooney? The guy is still young. This guy who has cleared up half century old cobwebs every year he has been in office is best suited to lead this revolution from the top. And this is not a cry for Africa, although Africa could use some empowerment. This is a cry for the world. Right now we are a species looking down a sinkhole of uncontrolled weather patterns that just might wipe out life and civilization as we know it. We still have immense poverty and disease that Bill Gates says “only a world government can solve,” and Gates is a guy who has thrown the kitchen sink at the problem, one of the leading entrepreneurs of the era in whose wake many billionaires have given money to fight basic poverty. We face security threats that no one government can solve. Globalization continues to move at breakneck speeds speeding up as the Internet takes deeper roots everywhere, but we have not done the task of institution building that that globalization requires.

Let’s open our eyes and take a look at the elephant in the room. Yes, what we need is a world government, and there is no person better than Barack Obama to take the lead on it. We are lucky we have a George Washington precisely when we need one. And lucky us that the guy is almost done with his current job where he has been stellar every year. Heads of state across the world should join in this chorus and shape this revolution from the top. Lucky us that our thorniest global problems have solutions in political concepts we have already designed, like one person one vote taken to its logical, global conclusion.

There is always inertia. Every monumental political change that in hindsight looks so obviously positive has faced inertia. And this likely will be no different. But the blueprint has to be made, and it has to be presented to ordinary peoples on all continents, so a groundswell of support can build around it.

We want to live in a world where human beings can feel equal everywhere. We want to live in a world with abundant clean energy. We want to live in a world with abundant water, and food and green space. We want clean air. We want to create the industries of tomorrow. We seek unprecedented rises in productivity, as well equitable distribution. We want people to be happy.

It is time the heads of state across the world came together and created the world’s first world government in the leadership of Barack Obama. In his birth as well as personality and outlook, he bridges the world. In his person the world has a chance to come together to reach new heights. This century can not only be the best ever, it can also be one where we have gone past our existential worries, where we have created a truly global civilization, one grand village where everyone can feel a sense of belonging everywhere, where people can take pride in their heritage and claim the common future at the same time, without hassle.

This is in essence a political struggle, where all you start with is a voice. Ordinary people have done it many times before. Heads of state can do it this one time.

It is still about Hope. It is still about Change.

We need a world government because it is time we established rule of law between nations. That is the civilized way.

राजेंद्र महतो लाई ICU पुर्याउने सरकार राजीनामा दे, काठमाण्डु छोड़, देश छोड़, ये धरती हमारी, ये मुल्क हमारा
E for Education, E for Entrepreneurship, E for Energy
Barack Obama: George Washington
आर्थिक क्रांतिका पाँच पाण्डव: सुशासन, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, संरचना, (उद्योगव्यापार) सुलभता
Barack Obama Is Biologically Superior
An Open Letter To Barack Obama

Friday, October 09, 2015

Europe's Conquest

How Europe Conquered the World
a Single-Minded Focus on War .... between 1492 and 1914, Europeans conquered 84 percent of the globe .... Why and how did Europe rise to the top, even when societies in Asia and the Middle East were far more advanced? ..... the Europeans were the first to industrialize, and they were immune to the diseases, such as smallpox, that devastated indigenous populations ..... fails to explain Europe’s colonization of India, since the Indians had similar immunity. Industrialization also falls short as an explanation: the Europeans had taken control of more than 35 percent of the planet even before they began to industrialize ....... the incentives that political leaders faced in Europe—incentives that drove them not just to make war, but also to spend huge sums on it .... In China, for example, emperors were encouraged to keep taxes low and to attend to people’s livelihoods rather than to pursue the sort of military glory that obsessed European kings. ...... The huge sums of money showered on fighting in Europe gave military leaders the flexibility to buy new weapons and battleships and try out new tactics, fortifications, and methods of supply. In the process, they learned from their mistakes and improved their technologies. ......

Without a single-minded focus on war and the extraordinary ability to tax, there may never have been any European empires.

.... In the late eighteenth century, per-capita taxes were 15 times higher in France than in China, and 40 times higher in England ..... Europe’s military lead continued into the nineteenth century. Tax revenues rose as Europe industrialized, and the innovations from the Industrial Revolution—applied science and engineering—made it possible for Europeans to improve their technology not just by waging war, but also by conducting research, which magnified what the Europeans learned on the battlefield. ..... Europe’s ability to tax was no small achievement. China could not raise equivalent tax revenues, even in the nineteenth century. And countries in sub-Saharan Africa today still lack the basic capacity to tax, which keeps them from providing security and other basic public goods to their citizens. ..... the Dutch East India Company .. the first business to issue tradable shares of stock. ..... Western Europe .. centuries of warfare by bands of warriors whose leaders resembled modern-day warlords. .... “no object, thought, or profession but war.”

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Climate Change Is For Real

Barack Obama Is Biologically Superior

The world’s most famous climate scientist just outlined an alarming scenario for our planet’s future
With his 1988 congressional testimony, the then-NASA scientist is credited with putting the global warming issue on the map by saying that a warming trend had already begun. “It is time to stop waffling so much and say that the evidence is pretty strong that the greenhouse effect is here,” Hansen famously testified. ...... Now Hansen — who retired in 2013 from his NASA post, and is currently an adjunct professor at Columbia University’s Earth Institute — is publishing what he says may be his most important paper. Along with 16 other researchers — including leading experts on the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets — he has authored a lengthy study outlining an scenario of potentially rapid sea level rise combined with

more intense storm systems

...... The authors conclude that 2 degrees Celsius global warming—the widely accepted international target for how much the world should limit global warming—is “highly dangerous.” ...... the decline of West Antarctica could now be “irreversible.” ...... a non-linear process could be at work, triggering major sea level rise in a time frame of 50 to 200 years ..... major ice loss from both Antarctica and Greenland will change the circulation of the oceans, as large volumes of cold, fresh water pour into the seas. This freshening or decreasing saltiness of the ocean, at both poles, could ultimately block the oceans’ overturning circulation, in which (in the northern hemisphere) warm water travels northward, and then colder, denser water sinks and travels back south again. ........... there is already evidence of such cooling in the north Atlantic — presumably due to ice loss from Greenland. Note the large blue (cold) anomaly from this recent analysis of last winter’s global temperatures ....... Around Antarctica, meanwhile, sea ice has been growing — potentially another indicator of cooling and freshening at the ocean surface due to ice loss from the frozen continent. ..... In the model employed by Hansen and his coauthors, this cooling and freshening of the oceans eventually leads to a shutdown of the oceans’ circulation, and warm waters trapped at depth below a cold fresh surface layer in the Antarctic region, continually eating away at ice sheets from below. It also triggers a globe with ever-warming tropics but cold poles — leading to a large contrast in temperatures between the mid-latitudes and the polar regions. ........ A larger temperature contrast between the tropics and the poles, the researchers posit, would then strengthen winter storms or so-called extratropical cyclones, which draw their energy from such contrasts. The study therefore contemplates more powerful storms. It notes research suggesting that in the Eemian period, the last time the world saw major sea level rise of as much as 5 to 9 meters (between 16 and 30 feet), gigantic waves apparently moved huge boulders from the seafloor to the top of hills in the Bahamas.......... “There were storms, and a lot of more catastrophic type events associated with this big climate shift.” ........... The Eemian, the research suggests, may have only reached global average temperatures about 1 degree Celsius warmer than today — but nonetheless, featured these major changes. ........ “Ice mass losses from Greenland, West Antarctica and Totten/Aurora basin in East Antarctica are growing nonlinearly with doubling times of order 10 years,” notes the study. Elsewhere, it notes that “Doubling times of 10, 20 or 40 years yield sea level rise of several meters in 50, 100 or 200 years.” ...... “if [greenhouse gases] continue to grow, the amplifying feedbacks in the Southern Ocean, including expanded sea ice and [Southern ocean overturning circulation] slowdown likely will continue to grow and facilitate increasing Antarctic mass loss.” ........ sea level rise is “the big impact of human made climate change.”

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Genuine World Government

World Government And Federal States
Does The World Government Have To Await A Total Spread Of Democracy?

The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights is a pretty amazing document, the Magna Carta of our times. I envision a world government that has two chambers. In the lower chamber's voting right is in direct proportion to a country's population. In the upper chamber each country's voting right is in direct proportion to its GDP. Each member country pays one per cent of its GDP as the price for membership in the world body. And this need not wait until every country has become a democracy. This, on the other hand, will expedite the spread of democracy. This also will bring about rule of law between nations just like there is rule of law within nations. That will make room for a dramatic downsizing of the US defense budget by over 90%. God knows America needs to pay down on its debt. And if that cut is spread over 10 years, it need not be painful. The resources can go elsewhere, like in the energy sector.

The right to self determination is as fundamental as the right to free speech, the freedom of religion. What that means is all peoples have a right to federalism, and federalism means you can vote to secede at any time. On the other hand, a country could also vote to join another country and become its newest state, granted that country's legislature's accepts. Mexico might choose to join America. Or not. Mexico might wish, America might not so desire. Nepal might choose to join India, as might Burma, perhaps Bangladesh.

The good news is, this might be the only way to tackle Climate Change and avert catastrophe. Unless humanity can create a genuine world government, that is a sign humanity can not come together even in the face of certain disaster.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

No Summer This Year

Global Warming Map-tgk
Global Warming Map-tgk (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
इस साल न्यु यॉर्क में summer आ ही नहीं रहा। लगता है आ गया आ गया फिर ठंढ आ जाती है वापस। पहली मर्तबा ऐसा हो रहा है। मैं वर्षों से feel कर रहा हुँ ---- this is Global Warming. बहुत लोग सोंचते थे और सोंच रहे हैं कि ग्लोबल वार्मिंग का मतलब everything stays the same, the temperature goes up little by little. ये जो वायुमंडल है कोइ लोहे का डंडा नहीं कि धीरे धीरे गरम होगा ----- The weather is dynamic and predictable, because every molecule in the atmosphere is a rapidly moving part. So it is very hard to predict how things will change when you warm it up little by little.

एक या दो साल पहले हुवा --- deep winter आ गया है लेकिन ठण्ड लग ही नहीं रहा, no snowfall, nothing. उस समय भी मेरे को लगा था, ये global warming है। मैंने एक तभी सोंचा था कि since the Arctic has melted to the point such that you can now navigate right around it during summer, that means the air above the Arctic is now moving around more. That changes things.

अभी क्या हो गया है कि Pacific Ocean में एक ब्लॉब जमा हो गया है गरम पानीका। तो उसने जो प्रेशर डिफरेंस create किया है वो East Coast में ऐसा हो गया है कि North Pole से ठंडा हवा घींचे पे घींचे जा रही है। कमसेकम मेरे को तो ऐसा लगता है।

कुछ साल पहले हुवा ग्रीस में --- बहुत सारे wildfires हो रहे थे ---- तो वहाँ के पुलिस ने क्या किया कि जितने known arsonists थे सबको धरपकड़ करना शुरू किया ----- मैंने तभी अपने ब्लॉग पे कहा, नहीं ये arson नहीं है ये ग्लोबल वार्मिंग है।

Global Warming's impacts are going to be unpredictable. The worst case scenarios are dramatic changes like (1) suddenly there are massive rains in the Sahara and (2) the monsoon has changed course and it is no longer passing over the Indian subcontinent. I don't see such things happening right away, but long term if Climate Change keeps happening, all bets are off.

California में जो सुखा चल रहा है ----- वो तो पहला पहला है शायद। At least at the scale that it is happening. प्रकृति हाथी है ----- टक्कर लेना अच्छी बात नहीं।

Temperate zone में ज्यादा असर पड़ेगा शायद short term. Tropics में तो वैसे भी पहले से गर्मी है। वैसे भी Climate Change के सबसे बड़े बड़े culprits temperate zones में ही हैं।

Clean Energy पर प्रगति करना बहुत जरुरी हो गया है।

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Global Warming With A Twist

This image shows the Arctic as observed by the...
This image shows the Arctic as observed by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite on September 16, 2007. The image shows a record sea ice minimum in the Arctic. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The phrase global warming draws this image where everything is the same except the temperature keeps going up and up, gradually but relentlessly. And that was never to be. The weather is a complex phenomenon. That is why predicting the weather is such a hard science.

So the earth warms up due to green house gases. That melts ice. One place that happens is the Arctic. Used to be land and ice were connected all through the year. Now in summer there is enough melt that you can navigate around the Arctic. Well, that has implications. Now the super cold winds in the North have more room to play. And they come way South.

And so you get more turbulent summers (like Sandy hitting NYC) and colder winters. Global warming actually means more cold. Go figure.

Friday, August 26, 2011

This Is About Global Warming

Mean surface temperature change for the period...Image via Wikipedia
Popular Mechanics: What Happens When a Super Storm Strikes New York?: Canton, Mo., a town of 2500 on the upper Mississippi River, has been at the center of an increasingly high-stakes environmental wager for years now. In the summer of 1993, a high-pressure system stalled over the southeastern U.S., forcing the jet stream, laden with moist air from the Gulf of Mexico, to the north, where it collided with cold air from Canada. As a result, rainstorms drenched the upper Midwest. Many towns received two to six times the normal amount of rainfall for June and July. ...... The Mississippi River crested at 13.8 feet above official flood levels in Canton, overtopping several local levees. That year, more than 1000 levees ruptured or overflowed along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Seventy towns, including Canton, flooded. The water stayed high for six months. ...... According to government statistics, the flood that Canton experienced in 1993 was a freak, one-in-500-year event—not something that would happen again soon. That estimate came from analyzing the 140-year historical record—calculating the frequency of floods of various magnitudes and extrapolating the curve out to events at a scale never seen before. If only it were that simple. Canton suffered another 500-year flood in 2008, a 70-year flood in 2001, and 10-year floods in 1996, 1998 and again in early 2011. Plenty of towns across the region have suffered similar events. ....... "We're witnessing higher and higher floods over time," says Robert Criss, a hydrogeologist at Washington University in St. Louis. "We are seeing higher and far more frequent floods than government estimators say we should."
A few years back there were unexplained fires across Greece. And law enforcement grabbed known arsonists and threw them into prison. Those were not acts of arson. That was global warming. People who study and predict weather look for patterns in historical records. That is misleading. Global warming is a recent phenomenon. New weather patterns are emerging. More frequent severe weather conditions are being experienced.

Global warming is happening, and it is happening now, and there are to be catastrophic consequences. How do you shout that from the rooftops? How do you drain a hole in the Tea Party brain and pour that wisdom down it? Mother Nature is doing it for us. Severe weather conditions are but a start.

Hurricane Irene Eats Up My Santogold Saturday
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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Yes, Obama

The geographic distribution of surface warming...Image via Wikipedia
(1) Obama did not run for president to fix the biggest economic crisis in 70 years. But he responded well to it. And now we have an economic recovery.
(2) He could easily have used the crisis as an excuse to postpone work on health care. He did not. He is the reason we are talking health care right now. Health care is the domestic version of Mideast peace. Mind you, presidents have been trying to do this for the past half century, this dude just might deliver. This is a highly emotionally charged issue. Chances are that one thing you want is not what everyone else wants and, in a democracy, everyone counts.
(3) His first call as president was to Abbas. This dude is serious about Mideast peace. And he might even deliver. That is like handling the toughest domestic issue, and the toughest global issue. I would give him an A for trying and an A+ for achievement, once we have the fruits.
(4) He won the Nobel Peace Prize for work already done. He has done the political equivalent of curing global warming. The dude has fundamentally changed the global political climate. Yo Americanos, your standing is up in the world, thanks to Obama.
(5) He is on schedule to tackle immigration reform, another emotionally charged issue.

This guy symbolizes a new kind of politics. Governing is different from campaigning, in many ways harder. Can you support the guy in office? You supported him when he ran.

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