Monday, September 30, 2019
The Importance Of Being Kind
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Imran Khan: India's Last Hope For Lasting Peace
So this is how they overtook #India! Cc @narendramodi @PMOIndia @AmitShah @BJP4India @ImranKhanPTI @PTIofficial— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 18, 2019
Imran Khan becoming Prime Minister of Pakistan is like if Muhammad Ali had become President Of The United States. Imran Khan has been the most well known Pakistani in India for much of his adult life. That has not changed. Not only well known, but popular, loved. Give the game of cricket some credit. The game seems to do what politicians can't.
Imran Khan means well. The US would like to see democracy in Iraq, perhaps in Iran. It should start in Pakistan. Pakistan is still a democracy being built. Instead of giving tens of billions to the Pakistan Army, the US should fund the work of democracy.
Imran wants lasting peace. I don't understand why Modi could have talked to Nawaj Sharif but will not talk to Imran.
Imran is a well-educated, well-traveled man. He is East meets West. He has children who are growing up in London. He can talk as articulately about Islam as he can about democracy and economic growth, health and education.
Islam is much misunderstood. It serves the world to give Imran Khan more stages on which to speak.
I want Imran Khan to do for Pakistan what Nitish Kumar did for Bihar after he started in 2005. Bihar was a big mess in 2005 when Nitish Kumar became Chief Minister. Pakistan is a big mess today. I think Imran can get it done. He can put Pakistan on a path to double-digit growth rates. He has what it takes. Permanent peace between India and Pakistan is key to that equation.
Imran Khan: India's Last Hope For Lasting Peace @ImranKhanPTI @PTIofficial @SMQureshiPTI @ImranIsmailPTI @AliHZaidiPTI @MuradSaeedPTI @PTICPOfficial @PTIKPOfficial @PTISPOfficial @PTI #Pakistan #KashmirStillUnderCurfew #India— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 18, 2019
Imran Khan: India's Last Hope For Lasting Peace @imSaminaAli
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 19, 2019
Imran Khan: India's Last Hope For Lasting Peace @amalthepoet
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 19, 2019
Five Husbands @khaddixmckay @kimber_mckay
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 19, 2019
Imran Khan: India's Last Hope For Lasting Peace @Samah_Safi
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 20, 2019
Imran Khan: India's Last Hope For Lasting Peace @karimabennoune
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 20, 2019
Wednesday, January 04, 2017
Health Advice For Priyanka Chopra
The globally favorite Desi girl has made a New Year resolution, and it is to do with health. I was thinking about writing a blog post to do with health for a few days now. Now I found a good excuse to put it out, so here goes.
(1) The Metabolism Slows After Age 35
People don't overeat. They eat the same that they had been eating. But suddenly they feel like they are now fighting an ever losing battle. They quite literally balloon. Like one comedian put it: "I have become an auntie now!" You can take the gender part out. Happens to men as much as to women. It is the biology of metabolism. Reduce the amount you eat after age 35, because your metabolism is not the same any more. After his heart attack Bill Clinton decided to eat smaller portions, "because your body throws out half of it anyways."
How Your Metabolism Changes in Your 20s, 30s, and 40s
around age 40, your body’s natural decline in muscle mass, called sarcopenia, sets in. To combat the loss of lean mass and keep your metabolism revved, you really have to turn to strength training. .... people who lift weights put on less belly fat as they age than cardio bunnies .... On top of pumping iron, eating enough protein (about 100 to 120 grams a day) will boost your efforts to get stronger. “A woman who was sedentary in her twenties and thirties can actually have a higher metabolic rate in her forties if she exercises and changes her diet”Boost Your Metabolism After 40
Turning 40 ..... This milestone age brings grim realities like a slowing metabolism, resulting in seemingly unexplainable weight gain. Indeed, after 40 your metabolism winds down 5% every 10 years, which means you have to consume fewer calories and work out more just to maintain your normal weight. .... cut 100 calories from your daily intake. Easy ways to trim 100 calories include removing skin from chicken breasts; using skim instead of whole milk in coffee; swapping mustard for mayo on sandwiches; and eating plain hamburgers rather than cheeseburgers. ...... After 40 your estrogen levels drop which causes insulin levels to go up and thyroid levels to go down, both of which increase hunger. You wind up eating more and burning fewer calories, which adds to the fat deep inside your belly known as omentum fat. ....... Soluble fiber is your best defense against hunger and belly fat. It fills you up fast so you eat less and stay satisfied. At 40 you should consume 25 grams of fiber daily. ...... Muscle burns 3 times more calories than fat cells, which means loss of muscle mass causes weight gain and an inability to shed pounds. ...... at 40, women lose muscle mass twice a fast as men. You lose the most muscle mass on the body’s largest surface areas like the core muscles supporting your shoulders and belly, as well as your thighs. ..... Simple squats are great for firming up thigh muscles; try doing them in the kitchen while you wait for dinner to finish cooking. ..... Oolong tea contains polyphenols that help block fat-building enzymes. This young tea is low in caffeine so you can drink it throughout the day for continued results. ..... Black pepper contains the alkaloid piperine, which helps speed up metabolism. Add black pepper to tomato juice for a double metabolism boosting effect—tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect your mitochondria. Reach for the pepper mill when you’d normally use salt; you’ll boost your metabolism and reduce your sodium intake. ....... Beans are chockfull of soluble fiber to help lower insulin levels so you store less fat and also feel fuller. Eat 2 cups of red, white or black beans to get your recommended daily fiber intake of 25 grams. ....... drinking ice water forces your body to burn calories by bringing your body temperature back to normal. Eight glasses of ice water a day works off 70 calories. Drink ice water before a meal to feel fuller quicker.(2) Anti Aging And Spirituality
Modern research has found out what spirituality has known all along. Modern scientific research shows reducing calorie intake is the only known way to reduce the aging process and live longer. The Buddha shared with his disciples what he had learned through trial and error. He said, eat whatever you want and as much as you want, just eat only between the hours of sunrise and noon. Today we call it intermittent fasting. To that I would add, make sure you drink plenty of water. Three liters per day is recommended. Most often when you feel hungry it is because you are actually feeling thirsty. Drinking water half an hour before a meal does wonders to how much you end up eating. See if you can eat a total of two meals a day, and only between sunrise and sunset. Lunch then is one liter of water. Replace coffee with green tea. 10 quick squats or push ups do what coffee does. But hey, I like coffee myself. A cup or two is good.
Hormones And Weight Gain After 40 | The Biology Of Aging
Calorie Restriction Explained
Calorie restriction or caloric restriction, usually abbreviated to CR, is a strategy proven to extend healthy, average, and maximum life span in many short lived species, including mice and rats, and at least healthy and average life span in primates. ....... up to a 40% increase in maximum life span ..... any gain in primate (and especially human) life span through CR is much more modest than that observed in mice. ..... a greatly lowered risk for most degenerative conditions of aging ..... Many people find it easy to mistake low-level thirst for low-level hunger.Reducing calorie intake by just 10% extends life expectancy and slashes the risk of disease
Live Longer: The One Anti-Aging Trick That Works
While the quest for the proverbial Fountain of Youth is endless and typically fruitless, one method known to extend the human lifespan by up to five years has quietly become accepted among leading researchers..........The formula is simple: Eat less. It could add years to your life, several experts now say. And done in moderation, it could at least help you live a more healthy life.(3) Eat Plenty Of Fruits And Vegetables
Eating less does not mean starve, it definitely does not mean not eating a balanced diet. Malnutrition is not being recommended. Malnutrition is what defeats dieting discipline. The body fights back. Hard. So, make a point to eat a balanced diet, even as you reduce calorie intake.
(4) Eat, Sleep, Exercise
Sleeping eight hours each night, going to bed at the same time every hour, staying away from all screens for at least two hours before bed time, reading scripture for 30 to 60 minutes in the evening: these are some to do things. Sleeping plenty should be easy. But that is something many people skip out on. If you eat right, and if you sleep plenty, you can get by with little exercise. Even so, an hour of exercise per day is recommended.

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Priyanka Chopra And American Racism
बॉलीवुड को अन्ग्रेजी पिक्चर बनाना चाहिए
प्रियंका चोपड़ा और बिकीनी
Priyanka Chopra's Crossover Is A Geopolitical Event
Health Advice For @priyankachopra
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) January 4, 2017
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Rethinking Education, Health And Entrepreneurship
Hillary Clinton taking the White House, the Senate and the House and Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren beating the drums in the US Senate creates a perfect environment for a progressive agenda like has not been possible since the time of FDR. This is not about making the right noise, this is not about reckless tax and spend your way to utter powerlessness, this is not about whiny liberalism when you would rather be in opposition so you can sneer at power and take delight and get nothing done. This is about creating a new American majority and being the natural party of power for a generation.
I am for tax increases and tax cuts and closing the loopholes of corporate welfare. The most immediate thing America could do for global warming is stop subsidizing dirty energy.
A 65% death tax is of utmost importance. Everyone with a net worth of $5 million and above should take one look at Donald Trump and conclude "I don't want my children to end up like that" and eagerly agree to a 65% death tax. Love one another was never meant to stop with your family.
Health has to start with wellness. Industrialization is not the only thing America has messed up and brought the planet to the brink. The American antibiotics industry and the industrial scale agriculture industry and the media have colluded to kill half the gut bacteria of Americans. That is the number one reason Americans are so fat. Eating right is half of wellness. More fruits and vegetables is so important somebody named Michelle Obama could become president just on that agenda.
America should import as many yoga gurus from India as it has imported software engineers.
If Americans simply learned to walk more and talk more, that would go a long way. When someone is lonely they are more likely to overeat. Gluttony is sin. Because you are abusing a body that God created in His own image.
Americans were fat enough in 1980 but if Americans were to slim down to the obesity levels of 1980, America saves over a trillion dollars in health care. That is how you save Social Security and Medicare, by everybody slimming down.
By the time you turn 35, you should eat half of what you were eating before. By 45, it should be 50%.
But once you fall sick, you fall sick. Adding the public option was liberal fantasy when Obamacare was enacted, now it has become a national emergency. And expand Medicaid and Medicare. Enlarge the network of free health clinics. Fund them better. You want to get the best of Canada and America. The blend is the best.
Mental health has to be elevated to the same status as physical health. That is the right way to fight the war on drugs. But America is such a fundamentally racist country the resultant stress among African Americans alone gives rise to mental health issues. America has to cure racism like it has to cure obesity. The cure now exists.
Every father and mother on earth is but a foster father and foster mother. It takes a planet to raise a child. All children were created by God. No child should have to go hungry. Pre-K education has to be universal. Only strong families and strong communities can sustain strong schools, but strong schools can help foster strong families and strong communities. Faith is the glue that brings it all together. African Americans should learn gratitude and forgiveness more than anyone else if they want to get ahead of everyone else. The best prayers are prayers of gratitude.
Digital technologies have not been used enough in education to bring the costs dramatically down. Every textbook at school and college should be available online for free in PDF format. There should be online communities of students. All lectures should also be available in video format online for free.
Prices on education should be falling like prices on computers have fallen over the decades.
And America should legalize the 16 million who are already here. You save a trillion dollars immediately if you do not round them up and deport them. Also, the American economy would quite literally collapse if you do somehow manage to deport them. America wanting to deport the 16 million is like a semi truck moving at 70 miles per hour saying, I am flying now, get rid of some of those wheels.
And bring in one to two million new people every year. You don't want to create all sorts of high paying jobs and have no one to take them. Immigration is the only reason America is the number one economy. Immigration is the only available way to shore up Social Security and Medicare. Besides all world will become one country long before 2050.
America has a mission. That is a total spread of democracy. Instead of invading countries it should give immigrants voting rights. Irish immigrants used to vote in Boston as green card holders. America is not a white country of white immigrants. America is a country of immigrants, period.
Sin is sin. If you are poor and sinful, you are sinful. If you are rich and sinful, you are sinful. Donald Trump is an unrepentant sinner, a messenger of hate, a Pied Piper to what he calls "the poorly educated." And he is in good mood because he is going to milk that crowd all he can after November. He is going to build a TV network. Trump University was a fiscal scam. Trump TV is going to be a moral scam. The dude envisions peddling hate all the way to making a billion dollars, or so he thinks.
The Democrats should not give up on that crowd. The message should be, repent, let go of the hate, come to love. Love all your fellow human beings. Racism is sin. Sexism is sin.
This crowd most stands to benefit when the Universal Basic Income is enacted.
Women and minority populations could gradually break the corporate glass ceilings, but the faster way is to simply blow it all up through entrepreneurship. It is for the progressives in power to fight monopoly situations, and to bring forth the education and health paradigms of a knowledge economy, and to expand access to credit so more people can go into entrepreneurship.
2017 should be a great start to a great progressive year.
America should consider spending 10% of its defense budget to connect every human being to the Internet. You can not bring everyone to America but you can take America to everyone.
Getting global warming right is super important. Global warming is proof humanity has not handled industrialization well. Only a humanity that can do right by climate change could truly harvest the technologies of the future. Artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, biotechnology, all these are much deeper digs into nature than old industrialization. They could be much bigger disasters than global warming, but they don't have to be. They will not be if Universal Spiritual Centeredness is achieved. Artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, biotechnology are all limited to the first four dimensions. God is the Ultimate Intelligence, the 10th dimension, the final dimension.
Barack Obama experienced racism from racist Republican Senators. Hillary Clinton should be prepared for some sexism on the global stage, to be blunted with the might of the most powerful political office on the planet. You should hear some of the things Duerte and Zhirinovsky are saying. Ordinary women around the world are watching with much hope. It is about them. 160 million women in America should wake up on behalf of the three and a half billion women out there.
Pro life is caring about every child on the planet at concrete policy levels. Microfinance is the magic bullet with which to touch two billion women. Did I say entrepreneurship? Put 10% of America's defense budget into microfinance.
Wednesday, September 07, 2016
Education, Health: The Costs Are Supposed To Go Down, Dramatically
The costs for education and health are supposed to go down, dramatically, like the prices on computers have gone down over the years.
All educational materials can be digital and free. The education framework that America uses not even Henry Ford could recognize. There is a need for a fundamental update.
Lifelong education means you should be able to plug in any time, anywhere.
Universal high school education means putting the material out there and letting all seven billion people access it.
That also applies to community college and vocational training and college itself. All the way to cutting edge research.
These are not arguments against teachers and learning communities. We need many many more teachers. But these are teachers who fully embrace digital. They are in person but they can also be online.
Advances in robotics and artificial intelligence will mean creativity and people skills are now more important than ever before.
There is a need for a fundamental rethink on how education gets served. Broadband and education are the new infrastructure. Pouring 500 billion dollars into concrete and steel because some white guys decided to buy into racist venom is going backwards in time. But 50 additional billions into education would be nice.
You could put 10 billion into a basic Universal Basic Income program. That would be cheaper than 500 billion into concrete and steel.
Infrastructure has to be built. But for infrastructure reasons. Not as a job creation program. Not jobs of yesterday. The same folks could be absorbed into jobs in solar power. That would be legitimate infrastructure.
Health has to start with wellness. Then the free basics. And that would be the way to keep the costs down in an otherwise exploding sector.
But instead of wellness you have capitalism run amok. Nutrition is in poor shape. There is much unhealthy eating. Exercise, yoga and meditation are in short supply. America should import as many Indian yoga instructors as it has software engineers.
Access to credit has to reach the lowest income brackets. Right now the barriers are largely racial and irrational.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Education And Health: The Costs Are Supposed To Go Down
If you own a smartphone today you look a millionaire to people from the ancient era of 1969-1989. Your smartphone has a ton of free stuff all of which used to cost a ton of money, if the services were even available, that is.
The entire world is to enter a knowledge economy. Lifelong education has to become true for all human beings.
When you say that some people start doing their back of the envelope math and start seeing a bill for tens of trillions, money that they claim does not exist.
They are thinking in terms of a million dollars worth of services. They are not thinking in terms of a smartphone.
Costs are supposed to go down dramatically, for both education and health. The Internet is the new classroom. All textbooks and lectures are to be digital and mostly free.
There has to be education in every language. Artificial Intelligence will make everything available in every other language. There will not be a total emphasis on literacy. Where literacy does not cover the ground, oral will do.
With a tablet and internet access you should be able to get a high school anywhere.
Teachers don't go away. People are not meant to go away. Human interactions are a big part of the education process.
There is a need for a fundamental rethink. Human capital is the very center of hypercapitalism.
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Obama And The UIGEA
In these bad economic times, it is but natural that states look into some alternate venues for funding. Relaxing gambling legislation might be one of those efforts.
Warwick Bartlett, lead partner at Global Betting and Gambling Consultants (GBGC), claimed that it was "not over-optimistic" to expect a major shift in online gambling laws following the election of president Obama.There is a need to look for revenue for health care. Some of the options are: online sports gambling and online poker.
An increased focus on the benefits of Internet gambling regulation are expected as the Senate Finance Committee considers a proposal introduced on Saturday to use Internet gambling revenue to offset the costs of health care reform.