Showing posts with label United States Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United States Congress. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bill Clinton Endorsed Maloney, Or Did He? Read Carefully

What Bill Clinton Said

The first bill I signed into law as President was the Family and Medical Leave Act in 1993. Carolyn Maloney voted for it.
What Bill Clinton Really Said

Carolyn Maloney is someone who will fall in line. She is a pretty reliable Democrat. She is a checkbox Democrat. She is no leader, if that is what you are looking for, but she is not one of those who give you a hard time voting for what the rest of the party is very willing to vote for. That is an A on reliability.

What Bill Clinton Said

(S)he recently introduced a bill that would expand this act to include LGBT employees and their partners. That is how you effect real change— by figuring out how to build upon the progress we've made as a nation.
What Bill Clinton Really Said

Carolyn Maloney has not done dazzling work on gender. There is no pre-Maloney, post-Maloney thing on gender. She has been unremarkable, pretty much. But I don't think this is a quest to demolish Maloney and put in her place Reshma Saujani. If Reshma Saujani wins, she is going to have to build on some of the good work Maloney and others like Maloney have done. These early women have laid down the foundations. Women in future will have to build upon that. Reshma Saujani's quest is more to become the successor to Maloney, rather than to displace Maloney.

What Bill Clinton Said

(Maloney) passed anti-rape legislation .... (Maloney) succeeded in getting mammograms covered by Medicare
What Bill Clinton Really Said

See, I told you. Maloney has done some work for women. Women in future are going to have to build upon Maloney's work. What Maloney has done is not the total package, it is not a complete package, it is rather piecemeal and haphazard, but it is what it is.

What Bill Clinton Said

with all the work she's done on financial issues.
What Bill Clinton Really Said

Look, both you and I know Maloney will bite the arm if you will give her a finger. She has been trying to take credit for all the financial reform work that has been done by two chambers of Congress these past few months, but this is election season, and she is facing a tough primary fight. I think she is entitled to take a little more credit than is due hers. What the heck, politicians do that all the time. Don't fault the woman for what is pretty mainstream behavior.

What Bill Clinton Said

As a father, I want what's best for my child and someday, her children. Decades from now, we will all still be reaping the benefits of Carolyn's extraordinary work.
What Bill Clinton Really Said

My daughter has never heard of Carolyn Maloney. But then she likes rap music too. It might be generational. I asked her, and she was wondering if Carolyn Maloney was one of our family friends from back in Arkansas. Carolyn does have a North Carolina accent, but that is not why Chelsea asked.

If you ask me, Carolyn Maloney is "maxed out" like the New York Daily News said, or was it the Observer? It is hard to keep track of New York newspapers, there are so many of them. I am from Arkansas. We like to keep it simple, one newspaper per town.

I was going to stay neutral. Reshma Saujani did raise a lot of money for Hillary 08. But Maloney kept bugging me. So I finally relented, and asked my staff in Harlem to prepare a little something. I said email. You know I don't send out emails. That just is not who I am. I am a robocall guy. So if Maloney is telling you I sent out an email on her behalf, she could not be telling the truth.

But what the heck. She reminds me of Clinton 92, and that is just the sweetest memory. And so I asked my staff to prepare a little something for her. With all the insurgency that is going on, she will likely not win, but September 15 is another day. You bet I will be placing a call to Reshma Saujani first chance I get. I am going to start the talk by saying thank you for all you did for Hillary. Yeah, I know. I read that power shoes story in the New York Times. These women are from a different planet. They speak a different language. It is code to guys like me.

Chelsea wants to come out for Saujani. And I am trying my best to not let that happen. How will that look? Father is for one candidate, the daughter for another? So far so good.

Just between you and me, Chelsea does NOT relate to Maloney. At all. So for anyone, even me, to say Chelsea's children might connect any dots going back to Maloney, I don't see that happening. But this is election season. The emphasis is not on accuracy, at least not for my and Carolyn's generation. We peaked out politically in the 1990s. Bush was an anomaly.

Chelsea and Hillary have both been ganging up on me. Hillary says if she were not Secretary of State, she would outright endorse Reshma Saujani. But since it is not legal for her to endorse, she did the shoe thing.

My mother, though, if she had been around, I think she would have sided with me. It is a South thing. Maloney has just the accent. But truth be told, I am not for Maloney either. Sitting and former presidents don't have the luxury to not endorse an incumbent. I mean look at my man Barack. He kept Maloney dangling on the 9/11 health bill. He is feeling like Maloney is taking too much credit for finance reform. So he left her dangling. But he did endorse her first, back in April. It is not like he had the option to not endorse her. But then now he has gone and undercut her. He has pulled the rug. I understand politics speak. By now Barack is neutral, if not tilting Saujani.

And if you watched Reshma Saujani on NY1, I am neutral too. But it takes some political sophistication to be able to read that. (Bill Clinton Just Endorsed Reshma Saujani)

Barack is pissed Maloney is taking too much credit for finance reform. Hillary is pissed Maloney is taking too much credit for the work on the health of the 9/11 first responders. My man Charlie Schumer is pissed Maloney is taking too much credit for the Second Avenue subway line. Now that is one trick I would like to learn from Maloney. How do you take credit for something that does not even exist? I am pissed Maloney has tried to take too much credit for my Family Leave Act. "We all worked together," Maloney says to me about my Family Leave Act.

So far Maloney has not taken credit for anything Bloomberg has done. How does Bloomberg do that? Barack, Hillary, Schumer and me, we would all like to know how.

What Bill Clinton Said

Carolyn is what I call a "how" politician
What Bill Clinton Really Said

All my grey hair aside, I am still a politician. Don't you call me no philanthropist! I feel like I am entitled to at least one lie in one email. And this is my lie. The truth is Carolyn Maloney has no clue how Congress works. Look at the woman's record. She says she has authored 70 bills. We all know what that means. Her staff authored those 70 bills. It is not like Maloney went to Yale Law School like me, and Hillary and Reshma Saujani. She does not know how to author bills. Of those 70 bills, three passed. If you can't connect the dots there, let me tell you in plain English. That is NOT good. That is NOT a good record.

When I say Carolyn Maloney is a HOW politician, that is an inside joke in Clintonland. Once Carolyn Maloney was overheard saying on the Hill: "People keep passing bill after bill. How?" That is when James Carville decided on that nickname for her, that Maloney is a HOW politician.

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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Maloney Lied Repeatedly In Radio Debate

Charles B. RangelImage via Wikipedia

Maloney spoke a string of lies in her radio debate.

She said she does not own BP stocks, she never has. Factually correct. Her family by now has sold all BP stocks it owned. When the Maloney family owned BP stocks, it was in her late husband's name, not hers.

By that logic, Maloney's net worth is zero dollars. She has not made any money. But the truth is her net worth is 20 million dollars. A-l-l of that came from Wall Street. I don't begrudge her wealth. I wish more of the same on as many others as possible.

But to suggest your family owning BP stocks had nothing to do with your voting the Dick Cheney votes on the oil industry in the early 2000s is hogwash. This is Charlie Rangel behavior.

Maloney's 20 million dollars are relevant in that she played a key role in undoing the regulations in 1999 that made her family a lot of money but that gave America its Great Recession a decade later.

Maloney has been accused of having hosted fundraisers with Wall Street PACs right when she was working on Wall Street reform. In the radio debate she said her congressional staff did not organize those fundraisers she attended. Factually correct. But the truth is she has separate staff for fundraising. Her fundraising staff organized those fundraisers that violate the basic ethics rules of Congress. Is that a problem or is that a problem? Did Maloney lie in saying her people did not organize those two fundraisers?

This is Charlie Rangel behavior.

"She lied," Reshma Saujani said. Saujani was pointing out the obvious. But the Maloney trolls are saying for Saujani to point out that Maloney was lying borders towards the "negative."

Looking the other way while wrong is being done, is that positive? That is not positive, that is irresponsible.

Maloney has lied repeatedly.

The biggest lie though was Maloney saying she had authored "70 bills." What she did not say was she got only three of those passed, one was to do with renaming a post office.

Wall Street Journal: Maloney, Saujani In Primary Debate: "Congresswoman Maloney has failed New Yorkers. She has failed to lead, failed to offer a single new idea in this race, failed to serve responsibly and ethically," Ms. Saujani said in her opening statement. "She says that I'm running a negative campaign. Carolyn, all I'm doing is telling the truth." .... Calling for a House ethics investigation into Ms. Maloney's conduct, Ms. Saujani accused Ms. Maloney of holding fund-raisers with lobbyists for the financial-services industry while negotiating legislation to reform Wall Street..... Ms. Saujani accused her of lying: "You said that your staff and you were not involved in those two fund-raisers. I'm holding the invitations right now and they say checks can be mailed to Maloney for Congress. It's this type of lack of ethics and integrity that people are tired of." ..... Ms. Saujani was scheduled Tuesday night to hold a fund-raiser at the home of Alan Jones, managing director of Morgan Stanley.

New York Tech MeetUp

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Sunday, September 05, 2010

New York Daily News Is Da Bomb

New York Times Also Endorsed David Yassky: Yassky Who?
New York Daily News: Saujani for Congress: It's Time To Pump New Blood Into The Tired New York Delegation: It has been 18 years since a challenger has defeated an incumbent member of Congress from New York City. So it takes more than a little moxie for an upstart not only to take on a veteran, but to run strong..... she has highlighted how badly the city's Washington delegation needs fresh ideas and energy....... with the theme that longevity alone is not good enough. She's right, and the Daily News endorses Saujani in the Sept. 14 Democratic primary....... Saujani, 34, began her career at a major New York law firm and did stints as an attorney at three investment houses before resigning to run for Congress. Up to speed on a broad range of issues, she takes impressively clear stands. Her vigor is refreshing....... she outdoes Maloney on cutting-edge topics like education reform. ....... Her work as a lawyer in the financial sector - the lifeblood of the New York economy - is also a plus. She supports reasonable regulation while ruling out destructive demonization of Wall Street. ..... She urges new tax credits to spur business innovation - and pledges to be a champion on immigration reform, which, based on her life history, she is likely to do with passion...... Maloney ..she has essentially been a lockstep member of a congressional majority that joined with President Obama in pushing through legislation that has proven fiscally irresponsible...... Ill-designed, the $800 million stimulus program bought far too little economic bang for the buck, while health care reform fell a long way from controlling costs....... it must be said that nine years have passed since 9/11, and the sick still await help....... So much for the value of Maloney's seniority....... it is distinctly disappointing that Maloney refuses to debate Saujani on television......She knocked all previous challengers off the ballot before they could even start campaigns...... the truth must be told: Maloney has complacently maxed out. The time for new vision and higher energy has arrived. Vote Saujani.
Yes, we are running strong. Yes, we got fresh ideas and energy. Yes, she is up to speed. Yes, she takes clear, bold stands. Yes, she is a breath of fresh air. Why only education reform? She outdoes Maloney on health care reform, on Wall Street reform. She is already dreaming of Health Care Reform 2.0 and Wall Street Reform 2.0. And this below is the clincher for me. Finally a paper that "gets" it.
Her work as a lawyer in the financial sector - the lifeblood of the New York economy - is also a plus. She supports reasonable regulation while ruling out destructive demonization of Wall Street.
We are Reshma 2010, and we are here to win. We are not here to make a statement.
it is distinctly disappointing that Maloney refuses to debate Saujani on television.
This is my idea of a ringing endorsement.
the truth must be told: Maloney has complacently maxed out. The time for new vision and higher energy has arrived. Vote Saujani.

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Saturday, September 04, 2010

Or Maybe Bill Clinton Is Running On Empty

Newsweek: Bill Clinton Campaigns for Obama ... or Does He?: So into the top-of-the-ticket, presidential-level campaign void has (happily) stepped Bubba, as charming as ever, as sharp as ever at stating his case to voters. Plans are still “up in the air, but expect to see him out quite a bit” ..... “Somebody’s got to get out and make the case nationally for a Democratic Congress...... As a lawyer and salesman, Clinton knows that touting Obama as The One is a nonstarter given the president’s plummeting job-approval numbers. ...... I always love listening to Bill Clinton. If you listen carefully, you can see all the gears in motion: he makes himself clear to people who bother to take him seriously. ...... So what is he saying? That this president has “done a better job than he has gotten credit for so far.” (Which is not the same thing as saying that Obama has done a good job.) And: “All elections are about the future, so what is the alternative?” (Pay no attention to Obama, look at those scary Republicans!) And: “Give us two more years—two more years until another election. If we fail, you can throw us all out.” (Hillary will then be free to pick up the pieces!)
  1. "This president has done a better job than he has gotten credit for so far.” (Which is not the same thing as saying that Obama has done a good job.)
  2. “All elections are about the future, so what is the alternative?” (Pay no attention to Obama, look at those scary Republicans!)
  3. “Give us two more years—two more years until another election. If we fail, you can throw us all out.” (Hillary will then be free to pick up the pieces!)
Hillary is nowhere in the picture for 2012. This Newsweek writer is also running on empty.

The country is in an insurgency mood, and it is hard for a two term president to pose as an insurgent. Bill Clinton is a Democratic asset going into November, but he is not in the best position to capture the mood of the country right now. Reshma is.

Bill Clinton has the option to be the master of disaster to Carolyn Maloney during these final 10 days and help out Reshma Saujani. If all elections are about the future, Reshma Saujani is that future. Bill Clinton is still sharp, but he himself will admit, he is the past. He has said he is too old to sit on the Supreme Court. He knows.

Throwing his weight behind Reshma, however indirectly (Hillary Clinton Just Endorsed Reshma Saujani, Credit For Credit Card Bill Goes To Barack Obama, Barack Obama Just Endorsed Reshma Saujani), is the single best thing Bill Clinton could do to ensure a Democratic victory in November. If nothing else Bill Clinton needs to say thank you to Reshma Saujani for all she did for Hillary 08. Reshma gave Obama 08 its first scare. Remember the Democrat from Punjab? The New Hampshire victory was the second scare in which Bill Clinton played a major behind the scenes role.

This Is Not 1994
Obama Needs To Ride The Reshma Insurgency Wave To November Victory
A President Is Like A Political Billionaire

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Obama Needs To Ride The Reshma Insurgency Wave To November Victory

With his family by his side, Barack Obama is s...Image via Wikipedia

This year the face of change is Reshma, not Obama. And Obama needs to ride the Reshma insurgency wave all the way to victory.

Barack Obama Just Endorsed Reshma Saujani
Hillary Clinton Just Endorsed Reshma Saujani

The discontent on the ground is real. The disaffection is real. The hunger for change is even more real than it was in the 2008 season. Back then change was about changing the tone in Washington. Now change is about taking the unemployment level back to 5%. Now change is about tectonic structural changes to the economy. Now change is about explaining the huge debt and deficit. Change is about saying there is no going back, there is only going forward. Change is about saying it is a woman's time now. She is ready.

Obama needs to place his congratulatory phone call to Reshma a-t her victory party (September 14 Will Birth The New Woman) and invite her to accompany him across the country on and off for the next six weeks. (Sep 15 - Oct 31: Obama-Reshma Should Crisscross The Country)

Reshma more than anyone else in this country today is best positioned to talk the talk on how the unemployment rate in this country is to be brought down from its current 10%. And that 10% is average. Some places the figure is more like 50%.

Barack Obama: The NRA's Candidate
Reshma Saujani Is The Second Stimulus Bill This Country Needs

The tea party "insurgency" is froth. (Tea Party Astroturfing) The real insurgency this year is the Reshma Saujani insurgency. Her insurgency is about fundamental Congress reform. (Perfect Time For Congress Reform, Charlie Rangel: An Unrepentant Motherfucker)

Obama brought change to the White House. Reshma will bring change to Congress. Reshma is the real deal.

This November election is a very real contest. It is not at all obvious which side will win. It is like the Barack-Hillary tussle all over again. The Reshma insurgency wave is the wave to ride. Victory is nowhere close to guaranteed, but I believe it is possible. But the arc does not bend on its own.
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NY1, NY1, NY1, NY1, NY1

Reshma Saujani, Scott Heiferman and Chris Hugh...Image by TCDisrupt via FlickrThe highlight of my Reshma 2010 community conversation in Queens yesterday evening (Roosevelt Island: Community Conversation) was the news that NY1 has decided to call Maloney's bluff and is slated to give Reshma Saujani a 30 minute slot. They invited Maloney. She declined. So they have decided to give Maloney's share of time to Reshma. Now that's what I call courage. Courage on the part of NY1. This was so necessary.

For me it has not been about the first Indian American woman running for Congress thing. I have been too individualistic to bother joining the Indian American community in this country so far. So far I have followed interest groups. For me it has been about Reshma's political talent.

And now we are about to see the turning point. (We Intend To Swamp Maloney: The East Side Is Going Electric)

I give the credit for this wonderful move to Brian Lehrer. He did something really innovative. And that is how the dam burst. (Brian Lehrer's Message To TV Journalists In Town)

How am I going to watch this though? I don't own a TV. I hope they put out the whole segment on YouTube.

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Friday, August 27, 2010


South façade of the White House, the executive...Image via WikipediaExtrapolations

At the first community conversation on the Lower East Side I thought Reshma was in a presidential mood. She talked of her campaign that she has been running full speed for over 10 months now. I have told staffers - not jokingly - that she has been running for Congress like she were running for president. And she did talk of a four year term, when a Congressperson has a two year term. That totally went up my alley. I struggle to get excited about the legislative branch. Legislative is like, meh. I need a little more action to my routine than that. Once I was reading a book about the Bush presidency while Bush was in office, and I was gripped, and I remember thinking, I don't seem to care who is president as long as someone is, and I get to read up on the details.

Extrapolations To Reshma 2016

But at the second community conversation on the Upper East Side, she was more of in a legislative mood. She hinted at going from the House to the Senate and off to retirement to go build "schools for young girls in Afghanistan." She mentioned Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer in the same sentence. I think that is a hint at a state with two female Senators. If I were Schumer I'd get worried or I'd convince her to look in the direction of the White House instead, if she needs any convincing that is.

Community Conversation: Upper East Side
Reshma's Lower East Side Community Conversation

Thank God Reshma has not hinted at the judiciary. That is even less action than the legislative. Judiciary is not action, it is deliberation. I like to leave that to the judges. I am glad they are there, but I am glad I am not one of them. Respect.

Two Routes

One is to win in 2010, become Obama's running mate in 2012, and run for the top job in 2016. Another is to lose in 2010, run again and win in 2012, and then run for the top job in 2016. The first route is a surer path to a 2016 win, the second route is a surer path perhaps to a two term presidency.

My preference is for the first path. I am looking at a 2010 victory. I think we stand at 50-50 right now. We got enough time to tilt this thing. I think about a week before the election, the East Side is going electric, and then we should be able to totally swamp Maloney.

The thing is this. 2016 is to be the year of the first woman president. And it is for Reshma to make sure she is that woman. I think she is the best positioned. I mean, when was the last time a New Yorker went to the White House? FDR was the last one. And Albany has been in a flunk since. The best way to "reform" Albany is to send a New Yorker to the White House. What Albany has is a self esteem problem.

Power Shoe
Dress Code
Reshma Is Bigger Than Hillary
How My Grandfather Became Mayor The First Time
An Empire State Of Mind: The Final Countdown

In The News

New York Magazine: Maloney: Saujani Is Using ‘Karl Rove’ Tactics:Saujani says that her fellow Upper East Side Democrat has "questionable ethics" when it comes to fund-raising, and that "Maloney ranks at the bottom of our New York delegation, and I’m saying that on the record. And I think Carolyn Maloney represents the problem. We have in Congress, I think, a lot of mediocre representatives.”

The Villager: Campaign Wedge Issue?: The reporter, it seems, was simply blown away by Saujani’s cool-looking black patent leather Kate Spades, with 3-inch wedge heels — which resulted in her writing 24 column inches all about them..... Community Media’s editorial board met with Saujani for an endorsement interview on Tuesday, and, of course, we naturally had to check if she was wearing the Kate Spade wedges. She wasn’t, and in fact, says she’s NEVER going to wear them again after the Times article. She said she was really disappointed by the Times story — especially after having spoken to the reporter at length on policy issues. “She spent four hours with me — and she wrote about my shoes!” Saujani said incredulously.... The 14th District includes Stuyvesant Town, runs down the middle of the East Village and includes a swath of the Lower East Side. Saujani lives in the East Village, where she is a huge fan of Native Bean cafe on Avenue A.

The Buzz Log: Power Shoes Turn Heads On The Web:Forget about the power suit. For a bunch of young politicos, it's all about the power shoe. When Reshma Saujani, a candidate running in the New York Democratic primary, admitted to wearing a Kate Spade wedge to pound the pavement, the news inspired a stampede of searches. The three-inch, round-toe, black-patent wedge called the "Halle," has become the "it" shoe for a circle of female political types, according to a story in the New York Times. Word of the must-have item caused a run on the shoes on Yahoo!: One-day lookups for "kate spade halle" spiked 625%. Shoe lovers voted with their feet with searches on "Kate spade wedges," "kate spade wedge shoes," and "kate spade halle wedge."

Roosevelt Islander: Newcomer Reshma Saujani Challenges Incumbent Carolyn Maloney For Roosevelt Island Congressional Seat - Meet Ms Saujani At Town Hall Sunday August 29:Roosevelt Island's longtime representative in Congress, Carolyn Maloney of the 14th Congressional District, is facing a strong challenge from relative newcomer Reshma Saujami, a lawyer.... Ms. Saujani will be visiting Roosevelt Island this Sunday.

Brief Wit: Carolyn, No.: It’s taken some two months of bickering (and felt like six) but Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney has finally agreed to debate challenger Reshma Saujani a week before the September 14th primary for New York’s 14th District. Thanks to Celeste Katz at the Daily News for being beyond patient in continuing to cover this topic. This is terrific news, the East Side of Manhattan and Queens will have its first debate in eons. File into the auditorium, dim the lights, dab on some makeup, and let the cameras roll. I hope Gabe Pressman comes out of the woodwork for this one! Wait–what’s that you say? The debate’s not going to be on TV? Why not? Can I even go see it in person, Lincoln/Douglas style? No!? Then, where is it? And how will we know who is wearing the infamous Kate Spade wedge? It’s on the radio? What’s that, some doohickey that emits live podcasts? Sounds experimental..... Huh? It’s on in the middle of the afternoon on a Tuesday? But who can listen to it then? .... Oh, I think I cracked the code on that one, along with anyone else who spent a second considering it: she’s afraid she has a face made for radio.....Reshma, who has probably crossed the East River campaigning more times than the Roosevelt Island Tram...... Maybe Team Maloney is trying to pay homage to the 50th anniversary of the Nixon/Kennedy debates or something? ...... Being good in-person is important to being good in Congress. .... having to debate at all opens up the possbility of a Maloney gaffe ..... It’s hard to say where this race is right now with a lack of recent polling. Reshma probably has the momentum, but how far up the hill will it push her? I’ve seen more Reshma placards pasted around restaurants and bodegas in my neighborhood than I expected...... A smuggled-in cell phone camera wouldn’t hurt either.

Fair: NYT Piece On Candidate's Shoes Is Irrelevant, Trivial And Sexist--According To Its Author:This might be the first time that a reporter has attempted to justify covering a non-newsworthy topic on the grounds that it is not particularly newsworthy.

Capital Tonight: Here And Now
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Village Idiot Wayne Barrett

This guy should leave Reshma Saujani alone and instead blame me for the nuclear winter, as it is known in the tech industry. I was an early member of a dot com in the late 1990s that flamed out.

Village Voice: Wayne Barrett: Reshma Saujani's Road to Congress? Right Down Wall Street. Let Me Be Your Guide.

These idiots don't seem to realize that now we live in the post Wall Street reform era, and now we need to mend the frayed relationship between Wall Street and Main Street to bring the unemployment rate down.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Carolyn Maloney Is The Problem

Al SharptonImage via WikipediaMaloney Should Skip Radio Debate And Create Jobs For An Hour Instead
Carolyn Maloney: Feeling Ugly?
Carolyn Maloney's Newest Lie
Carolyn Maloney's Work On The Second Avenue Subway Line
Maloney Refuses Debate Yet Again
Carolyn Maloney: The Alan Keyes Of District 14
Carolyn Maloney: Chicken
Al Hagan, Carolyn Maloney: Did They Apologize Yet?
Nadler Should Vacate The Maloney Sinking Ship
Hard Fact For Al Hagan: Maloney Failed To Pass 9/11 Health Bill
Organized Labor Bosses Backing Maloney Are Acting Blind And Stupid
Who Is The Congressperson For Ground Zero? Not Maloney
Look Who Is Talking: Carolyn Maloney's Dipshit Lies
Charlie Rangel, Carolyn Maloney And Their Ethics Violations
Carolyn Maloney: Missing In Inaction
Rangel And Maloney Need To Vacate The Premises And For The Same Reasons
Organized Labor Has No Business Endorsing Maloney
Maloney: Stifling Debate, Stifling Innovation, Stifling Job Creation
Carolyn Maloney: The Al Sharpton Of Gender Relations
Ed Koch And Carolyn Maloney: Bush Democrats
The Anti Maloney Brigade
Obama Has No Business Kissing Maloney
Maloney Is Too Ordinary To Be Representing District 14
Carolyn Maloney's Six Sins
Joke Of The Day: Carolyn Maloney
Maloney Wrote A Book Saying Her Best Is Not Good Enough
Maloney's Idiotic Debate Non Stand Can Be Countered Through Use Of Social Media
Debating Is "Stunt" In A Maloney Democracy
Reshma Saujani, Carolyn Maloney
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Better Know a District - New York's 14th - Carolyn Maloney
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Carolyn Maloney: Feeling Ugly?

Carolyn Maloney's Newest Lie
Finally A Debate? Is A Non Debate A Debate?
Debating Is Not About Media Attention To Reshma Saujani
Maloney Refuses Debate Yet Again
Carolyn Maloney: Chicken

And this entire time I have been giving Carolyn Maloney too much credit, I have been suggesting Carolyn Maloney is too scared of Reshma's smarts to show up for weekly debates. Well, Carolyn Maloney has just showed to be the most sexist of women. Apparently what she is scared of is Reshma's looks, or so Maloney would have you believe.

Maloney lied in suggesting she negotiated the details with Reshma and they together decided on debating each other on September 7 on a radio program I have never heard of in the middle of a work day when noone is expected to tune in. And I think the time allotted is 10 minutes, commercials included.

Carolyn Maloney is the most sexist of women. We just found out. Although this should not be news. I know enough about prejudice and internalized prejudice, I know enough about racism and internalized racism, I know plenty about sexism and internalized sexism.

To say the September 14 primary is about which candidate is the most beautiful is absolutely the most sexist suggestion to make. Carolyn Maloney is suggesting that if the debate is held on TV when people are actually watching, people might find out Reshma Saujani is actually a good looking woman, and they might vote for her. How sexist is that thought!

Are you telling me people have been voting for Carolyn Maloney for the past nine elections because they think she is beautiful? I find that hard to believe.

Debating is about ideas and policies. Debating is not a beauty contest. All media forms have to be invited. It should be a TV debate, but radio stations should also be invited. The debate should also end up on YouTube. There should be a feedback mechanism. People should have the option to chime in. As many people as possible should have the option to participate.

We are fooling ourselves if we are thinking this debate is only about District 14. There is national interest in this debate.

Sep 15 - Oct 31: Obama-Reshma Should Crisscross The Country
September 14 Will Birth The New Woman

This is not about Carolyn Maloney being an ugly duckling, this is about Carolyn Maloney being an incompetent lawmaker whose time is up. (Al Hagan, Carolyn Maloney: Did They Apologize Yet?)

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Carolyn Maloney's Newest Lie

Fisher 500 AM/FM hi-fi receiver from 1959. Cou...Image via WikipediaCarolyn Maloney met Reshma Saujani long weeks ago at an event. Reshma Saujani proposed they debate, Maloney said sure. The following day Maloney put out a statement saying she never agreed to such a debate. Maloney lied.

Only a few days back a promising, young, female TV reporter asked Maloney point blank if she will debate Reshma Saujani. Maloney danced around the question. The reporter asked again, point blank. Maloney said her staff was in conversation with Reshma's staff about the details of such a thing. Maloney lied. Her staff has n-e-v-e-r been in conversation with Reshma's staff. Maloney lied.

A day later she put out a press release saying a debate has been fixed for September 7. There never was a negotiation, how can a debate have been fixed? Maloney is making it sound like she and Reshma talked about it, and together they decided they are going to hold a debate on radio - alarm bells ringing (Reshma is too digitally savvy to agree to a FDR era technology) - during the work day on September 7. I have not bothered to ask Reshma to ask if it is true. Because it is so obvious to me that Maloney is lying, again. Reshma would not agree to such outmoded technology. She is a YouTube/Facebook/Twitter kind of person. She will agree to nothing less than a TV debate that a bunch of TV channels are eager to host.

Maloney. Lied. Again.

No wonder we have suffered from the Great Rececession and the Big Oil Spill. Maloney is a big reason why.
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Carolyn Maloney's Work On The Second Avenue Subway Line

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney: "Ten years ago, when we first started talking about the possibility of building a Second Avenue Subway, people scoffed. I have been championing the project in Congress...."
Maloney has been taking credit for a non existent Second Avenue subway line on the campaign trail. Maloney lacks integrity at a fundamental level.

  1. In 1920 Maloney first came up with the idea. 
  2. The Great Depression disrupted her work. Shame on the Great Depression.
  3. World War II disrupted her work. Shame on World War II.
  4. She got back to work after World War II was finally over. 
  5. Every time Maloney tried to get down to work, the estimated cost went up, and so Maloney was perturbed. But she kept looking for fresh starts every few years for decades. 
  6. 1972. Maloney was part of a groundbreaking, one of many it seems. 
  7. In the 1990s Maloney got down to it again. Her enthusiasm was still at a high level after decades of false starts. 
  8. Many steps, small and big, were taken all through the 1990s and the 2000s. Maloney would like to take credit for them all. 
And now you know how the Second Avenue subway line came to be. Go take a ride. Enjoy. And sign the online petition that wants the Second Avenue subway line renamed in Carolyn Maloney's name.

2nd Ave. Subway History
Wikipedia: Second Avenue Subway
NYMag: The Long, Tortured History of the Second Avenue Subway
New York Times: Further Delays Possible for Second Avenue Subway
Reshma Saujani Goes on the Attack Against Carolyn Maloney in Upper East Side Congressional Race
May 21, 2010 ..... Maloney ripped off her ideas on immigration and entrepreneurial innovation. ...... Maloney introduced the bill, which calls for granting two-year visas to immigrants who begin start-ups with qualified investors, on the House floor on April 29, eight days after a Saujani Op-Ed piece proposing a similar idea
Carolyn Maloney Recycles Hillary Clinton "Endorsement" On Campaign Website
The Upper East Side congresswoman's website shows an apparent endorsement from the former senator..... Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney has proposed a spate of immigration and economic development bills that challenger Reshma Saujani said borrow from her own ideas. ........ AsSecretary of StateHillary Clinton can't endorse political candidates. But that hasn't stopped Carolyn Maloney from recycling an old quote and using an image of Clinton to make it look like the former senator is backing the Upper East Side congresswoman's reelection bid.
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