Sunday, August 29, 2010

Iran Democracy Organizations

Tehran, Iran: City Theatre. Pahlavi era archit...Image via WikipediaCalifornia Society for Democracy in Iran
Iran: Political Organizations

Iran National Front (USA)
Iran National Front (Washington)
Iran National Front (Europe)
Iran Liberal (Sweden)
Nehzat-e Moghavemat Iran

What My Email Says,,,,

Hello. I can do for Iran what I did for Nepal. I need you to fund my work. For now if you can raise $2000, that is $400 per organization, that will allow me to work full time for a few weeks, and I can raise more money on my own based on that work.

My PayPal ID is

Sorry I missed out the first round. Your street show was impressive, but your revolution was politically immature. If I can work full time towards it, I think we can have regime change by the end of 2011. The goal has to be an interim government that holds elections to a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution from scratch.

Insallah! (God willing) On to Azadi! (Freedom)

The First Time I Heard The Obama Name

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Iran Feelers To The CIA And The California Society For Democracy In Iran

I sent out a feeler to the CIA through its website several weeks ago. I have not heard from them. I guess that is a cold track. Today I have sent out an email to the California Society For Democracy In Iran. I am not positive they will respond.

California Society For Democracy In Iran

When they awarded Albert Einstein the Nobel Prize, it was not for the Theory Of Relativity. It was for something much more benign called the photoelectric effect.

I have a really hard time getting people to take my butterfly effect talk seriously, even when the same also impacted a presidential election in this very country. It only works when the conditions are optimum, which is rare, but it works. And the optimum conditions can be created over time.

The First Time I Heard The Obama Name

At first I was hesitant regards to the CIA. But then I figured, what the heck. It is not like the regime in Iran is ever going to think I am on their side in the first place. Besides, what I was shooting for was open intelligence, information that is publicly available to anyone. Right now I am thinking it is a no go. I don't get to raise money, I don't get to put in the work for Iran. And that is how I end up with the tech sector. (Larry Ellison)

I have beat Bill Clinton two times so far, and I was hoping to beat him a third time. But I guess perhaps not. My calling perhaps is in the tech sector. I really like this Reshma video where she is making fun of Indians who change their names to Bobby and Nikki. But even this talk does not go far enough for me.

I am the Bobby Kennedy Hillary talked about. I am the reason why Hillary did not become Vice President although she really, really wanted to. Charlie Rangel was not sitting next to Hillary at the Democratic Convention in 2004, but he was in 2008. That did not look good, not good at all.

Iran, Iran, Iran

Iran ethnicity distribution map of 2004Image via Wikipedia

I have been meaning to put in a little more work into Iran than I have so far. Reshma 2010 has been a "distraction!" Much of what I have wanted to say, I have already said. I knocked on some doors, made some calls. I have blogged. I have gone to some events. (Reshma On CNBC)

Working on a democracy movement is a different mindset. It is more intense. The ground realities are different.

My tech blogging is blogging. But my political blogging is more digital activism. It is like transporting yourself to the various theaters of action, like in the Matrix movies.

My tech blog was really picking up traffic, and then I seemed to have switched my major focus over here to this political blog. I should go back some and ride that traffic wave. I had also started to get very many text link ads. I get enough of those and I will have become a pro blogger.

Maybe I am a startup guy after all. I had started to say politics was my baseball, not my career. It still is not. But it has taken a bunch of my time in the recent weeks. Or maybe I am a blogger dude. That would be a good thing to be while I wait for my green card. And then I would have the startup option. Things will have "thawed" more by then.

I am going to the community conversation events tomorrow and the day after, I think, perhaps, maybe. (Gandhi, Reshma And Tornadoes) After that the Google Alerts on the Reshma Saujani name will drive my tempo. I hope I get some of my own work done. Less politics, more work.

I really should look some into Iran. District 14 is not in dire straits. Iran is.

I am the butterfly effect guy. That is a very different tempo from the nitty gritty of an American political campaign.

The First Time I Heard The Obama Name
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Nikki, Bobby, Reshma

Sepia Mutiny: Interview w/ Reshma Saujani At Netroots Nation

Maloney's Fantassy: That Reshma Had Not Run

Queens Chronicle: On The Record With U.S. Rep. Maloney: Maloney said she first decided to run for Congress when her work in the New York City Council made her aware of the connection between federal money and city improvements..... “You can’t really do that much as a city. You are very dependent on the federal role for big-ticket items such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, housing ..... Bill Green was a powerful member of Congress, and I remember I had no money and I only had one piece of campaign literature, and my theme was: who needs a congressman who votes against the economic interests of our city? And I did one of my famous graphs that goes: Bill Green goes to Congress, aid to the city goes shhhhhhhh,” Maloney gestured with a plummeting hand. ...... Originally from North Carolina, Maloney speaks with just the hint of an accent..... Maloney even authored a book entitled: “Rumors of Our Progress Have Been Greatly Exaggerated: Why Women’s Lives Aren’t Getting Any Easier — ..... Of her co-sponsored 9-11 healthcare bill, which would provide healthcare to all first responders, she said, “It’s the least we can do as a grateful nation.” ...... When asked who has inspired her most, Maloney said, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a Democrat who grew up in Manhattan and represented New York in the Senate was her favorite politician. “He was just a brilliant legislator, a brilliant scholar ... I could tell you Pat Moynihan stories all day.” ...... Though this is the first time in many years that Maloney has faced Democratic opposition, she said she was “rather pleased that I have an opponent, because if I didn’t have an opponent I wouldn’t be here meeting you.” She believes in the Democratic system, and if challenger Reshma Saujani hadn’t entered the race, Maloney said the Democratic Party would likely have sent her to campaign for other candidates. Besides, campaigning has “forced me to look at my record and I have sort of enjoyed it.” ...... the nation’s largest housing projects and one of the richest communities in the country ...... of all the things Maloney said, by far the most memorable was an old adage she repeated when asked about her opponent, 34-year-old Saujani.Without a hint of anger or bitterness, Maloney said, “As my father used to say, before she tells you what she’ll do, ask her what she’s done.” ..... in a year with strong anti-incumbent sentiment, Maloney is giving her campaign all she’s got, hoping voters don’t decide to give someone else a chance to try as hard as she has. ........................................................................ (Reader Comment: Carolyn Maloney ran against Green in the first election after the borders of the district were redrawn to include RI and Queens. These areas were (and are) heavily Democratic. Green failed to adjust his campaign strategy; for example, he never personally set foot on RI during the race until Election Day. .... Green actually got more votes than Maloney on the Upper East Side, but lost the race to Maloney because she carried both RI and Western Queens--the areas Green had NEVER represented. It wasn't that much of an upset, given the change in demographics that the redistricting brought about. ..... On Election Day, Green was advised that the turnout on RI was strong and that it looked as if he was going to lose to Maloney because of that. He came to the Island for the first time and BEGGED people going to vote to cast their ballots for him. He repeatedly violated the law about staying X feet from the polling place while campaigning. ..... Maloney won. She did so because the inclusion of RI and parts of Queens gave the district FAR more Democratic voters than it had had previouslly.
What has Reshma Saujani done? She scared Barack Obama six months before Hillary Clinton scared Barack Obam with her victory in New Hampshire. That is what Reshma Saujani has done.
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We Intend To Swamp Maloney: The East Side Is Going Electric

I think we are doing 50-50 right now. I can feel it. I can smell it. It is in the air.

Some time around the radio debate on September 7, and possibly even earlier if the TV journalists in this town can prove they are entrepreneurial, the East Side is going electric. (Brian Lehrer's Message To TV Journalists In Town) The new women on the East Side are going to come out full force for The New Woman. And that is how we are going to swamp Maloney.

The techies and the brownies - my name for Indians - are going to pad the victory margin, but they are not going to be the reason Reshma wins on September 14.

The New Woman's victory is going to come from the new women on the East Side.

Mark my word, the East Side is going electric.

September 14 Will Birth The New Woman

Bloomberg Video: Saujani Sees Private Sector Jobs Crucial To Recovery

A President Is Like A Political Billionaire

Extrapolations To Reshma 2016
Larry Ellison

There are about 50 or so billionaires just in this city, although I know the name of only one of them. (Independent For Bloomberg) But there have been less than 50 individuals who have gone on to become President Of The United States. Becoming president is a big deal. Such a political office has never existed before. The office is at once utmost powerful, and benign. Jimmy Carter looks so harmless hammering nails into Habitat houses.

Becoming president is a bigger deal than becoming a billionaire. And I talk in money terms because people on average understand money better than they understand power. I know power like Bill Gates knows software. But I have to use the money metaphor. I am being nice.

To become president is like becoming a top billionaire. But to become a president like Lincoln is to possibly even become a trillionaire. The world of business has never seen a trillionaire. The world of politics has seen a few trillionaires. Gandhi and Lincoln might be the only two so far.

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